By Len Wallick
“Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest.”
–Beatrix Potter
This a big day in astrology, which Eric introduced yesterday. Please let us go down the lineup card. This morning the Moon entered Gemini and is applying in opposition to the Sun at 10 degrees Sagittarius. Applying is another way of saying that the Full Moon is forming, becoming exact. This will culminate in the first of two December Full Moons either late tonight or early tomorrow, depending on where in the world you are. The first of these will be in Gemini and the second, a partial lunar eclipse, will be in Cancer on New Year’s Eve.
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Then come many details which I will list, without an explanation, more as illustration of today’s complexity: Mercury in Sagittarius is applying to conjoin the Galactic Center, having just completed its sextile sweep of the Aquarius cluster (Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune).
Venus transits from Scorpio into Sagittarius as she approaches her passage behind the Sun. Mars (still conjunct asteroid Atropos) is applying in an opposition to oppose the Aquarius alignment (but is about to go retrograde itself). Jupiter conjoins Chiron (exact next week) and both of them square Ceres. Saturn’s square with Pluto exceeds one degree of separation; it will be back, once Saturn turns retrograde early next year and applies to Pluto again.
And Uranus stations direct. Neptune seems to be everywhere, in meaningful aspect to over a dozen planets, centaurs, TNOs and asteroids. Pluto closes the loop with the Sun as they split conjoining that beautiful and ill-fated couple Cyllarus and Hylonome. Eris in Aries is being aspected precisely by both Chiron and Jupiter in Aquarius.
Did I mention Uranus stations forward?
Of all the things going on in a busy, busy sky, this must certainly be considered the linchpin. Beginning today and for nearly three weeks, every one of The Nine are moving forward. There has been a lot of water under the bridge since that happened last. What it all means is beyond the feeble grasp of your humble correspondent, but one would hazard to guess that the flavor of its synchronicity is Uranian.
Which takes us to the heart of the matter. What to do with and about Big Green. The first planet discovered by science (in 1781), it is symbolic of a headlong rush into the future that has only accelerated over a period of over two centuries. Astrologically, it upset a three-thousand year old applecart. The name, the assignation of rulership (some say, of Aquarius), the symbiosis and synergy with other planets and the luminaries all seemed so arbitrary and controversial and there has not been time to slow down and really think it over ever since.
We were off the charts, past the edge of the map, into unknown waters, making it up as we go along. That’s been the pattern ever since. Also of note is that astrology entered into a largely unacknowledged and single-sided relationship with science, increasingly dependent on those (mostly male) with telescopes and exquisitely calibrated clocks. Talk about being on the down-low.
So, as Uranus ends its retrograde hold out and joins the momentum, we can expect its evidently unsettled nature to be more openly and fully expressed, lending an air of uncertainty and the unexpected to the tectonic grind of Saturn-Pluto, the retro stations of first Mars, then Mercury before the end of the year and (let us not forget) this begins the last leg of its momentous first transit into Aries.
How fitting that the asteroids Persephone and Pandora are sharing the first degree of Pisces. Old cycles are shifting and opening a whole new box of either whoop or whoopee depending on how we choose to take the ride. For when we are in unfamiliar territory, how are we to comport ourselves? When the old rules get us in trouble? When the old reflexes put us on our backsides? Undiscovered country this is indeed.
There is an opportunity here. To learn anew. To become anew. A form of rehabilitation, if you will. We can see it as drudgery and be worn down by it. We can also choose to experience a new youth of sorts, invigorated by the risk and uncertainty. As Ol’ Green makes its way down the last few mysterious degrees of the last sign heading for the fiery light of a new season for humankind, we can find heart in the fundamental advice of Beatrix Potter. We can first and foremost stay in possession of faith that there are and will be some fortunate mysteries working. We can also get into touch with our higher selves and allow our behavior to be regulated by and aligned with how we would have others behave towards us, preferably by realizing the level of being where there is no separation.
Just as Eric extended his thanks to The Many who constitute the Planet Waves community this last Thursday, please allow this humbled observer to express gratitude for being so lucky as to be the one invited to author Planet Waves on this incredible day. May we see through it together, encouraging each other to behave ourselves along the way.
Hope you will still be hanging out in the blog world when that happens and that you will let me know how it plays out. Assuming we still have a blog world (just kidding, a little pre-2012 sarcasm I guess).
Len let me know that you did indeed have Aquarius and Leo intercepted in your chart. I hope I didn’t confuse you (or anyone for that matter) as my tongue got in front of my eye tooth when I prattled on about my own interception. My experience with natal planets in (my) intercepted signs is that they have delays or difficulties in expressing their energies, sort of like the way a retrograde planet doesn’t take a direct route to show his stuff. Anyway, I thought, at the time, that your Mars was in an intercepted sign, so didn’t think he had a direct way to be Marzy (tied up in an intercepted house OR no house with Aries on the cusp). Like I told him, how could I think that your Mars didn’t express in a very direct way? Good grief, I read your articles!
So bottom line is Uranus will set you free, but there will still be challenges with expressing that Mars due to transits from Pluto and Saturn. Big Brother possibly! Don’t let that stop you for heavens’ sake.
…Jupiter will get to 12 Aries in March 2011 and will be in opposition to Saturn at the same time. This is the half-way mark of the conjunction between them in 2000 when they were in Taurus. Do you remember anything about what was happening in May 2000? Did anything start in your life? That probably happened in your 3rd house. New neighborhood? Something about values again?”
Around that time, I was starting to look for a new place to live, since my Taurus housemate and I were on a deadline to clear out of the house we lived in for five years. The dead date was July 2001. I left that house and moved over to Berkeley in a share with another roommate. There I found a temporary set up until 2005.
“Anyway, that period should see an increase in abundance, and set the stage for when Uranus does get there. (If you start cooking more, be careful you don’t gain too much weight as that is always a possibility with Jupiter in the 1st house!) Probably an increase in work, . . teaching maybe or travel too.”
I will heed your advice about Jupiter in the 1st–and the thought of traveling is a very intriguing possibility.
Well, so you DON’T have an interception. . . .just one hell of a big 1st (and 7th) house, since the 1st degree of Pisces is rising and you have some left-over-Aries on the 2nd. So forget the comparison of my intercepted Aries, and therefore my Jupiter being scrunched into the intercepted sign. If you’ve got an Aries “house” then you WILL see a big difference when Uranus gets there(enters Aries), even if it isn’t at the Aries-cusped house. No doubt that when it gets to 12 Aries you will get your values “revolutionized”, which may or may not include abundance.
But, why wait? That won’t happen ’til June 2013, but Jupiter will get to 12 Aries in March 2011 and will be in opposition to Saturn at the same time. This is the half-way mark of the conjunction between them in 2000 when they were in Taurus. Do you remember anything about what was happening in May 2000? Did anything start in your life? That probably happened in your 3rd house. New neighborhood? Something about values again? Anyway, that period should see an increase in abundance, and set the stage for when Uranus does get there. (If you start cooking more, be careful you don’t gain too much weight as that is always a possibility with Jupiter in the 1st house!) Probably an increase in work, . . teaching maybe or travel too.
The excitement will start next June when Jupiter and Uranus enter Aries. By July they will be in square-territory with Saturn and Pluto. That’s also an eclipse season with a Full Moon conjunct Pluto. We all will get a taste of truth to power, government restrictions and more crumbling institutions. You will love it.
As far as the June 2013 period, when Uranus finally gets to your Mars, Pluto will also be at 11+ Capricorn, and have started the demand to release something not needed represented by your Mars. Mars (natal) with Uranus will no doubt put up a fight of some kind. Saturn, meanwhile will have made it to 11+ Scorpio (quincunx your Mars but sextile trans. Pluto) and started retrograding. By June, it will be back peddled to 4-6 degrees of Scorpio. Lots of incentive to dig deep, disclose and dissolve any corrupt or diseased or useless entrenched “stuff”. Chiron also will be in the 11-12 degree of Pisces and sextile Pluto and trine Saturn. In your 1st house. The eclipse season will have returned too. Nothing is ever really simple; well hardly ever.
So for Pete’s sake, try to get your anxious Mars to pace himself. It will be a bumpy ride when Uranus finally does get there and we don’t want mr. mars man all burned out by then.
Thank you so much! I am very interested in your take on my spinning “wheel”.
Thanks for the Uranus-Pisces analysis.
When Uranus was in Aquarius, I had quit my job completely with the city and became a consultant. I was making loads of money–Pluto was in Sag, same as my Venus in the 10th House, so everything was going okay until I had a tax crisis, which exploded with a lien when Uranus went into Pisces. Needless to say, I was frantic about money.
Luckily I had an inheritance and the crisis was resolved, and I have learned to live by my wits financially, finding what I’ve been truly loving doing – writing, cooking and being far more creative in my pursuits -more so that I ever dared to be while being a career civil servant.
But I really cannot wait for Uranus going into Aries, which will hopefully boost my Mars in the first, and which is also the ruler of my second house. Maybe many unexpected and revolutionary ways to make abundance? I sure can use it this day and age.
Be – Thank you for your astrological commentary, you are a wonderful and generous teacher. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy for the loss of your companion. Please know that you are cherished by at least one person you have never met.
Fe – Intercepted signs. Ok, your natal chart looks like a wheel with a rim. The rim is equally divided into 12 segments of 30 degrees each – the signs. The wheel inside the rim looks like spokes that are NOT evenly spaced – the houses. When a house is so big that it “swallows up” a sign on the rim, that’s an interception. They occur in pairs, opposing one another so there is some polarity indicated. It is very, very rare to be without intercepted houses on an event chart or natal chart.
As far as the “concurrent change of house” – what i meant is that when Uranus changes signs it will not change houses in your natal chart (IF i was envisioning your chart correctly in my mind). When i get a chance i’ll do your chart and let you know if the paper matches the imagination.
Whatever you have already experienced of Uranus in the 1st house in Pisces will continue as it moves into Aries, except not be so mysterious, emotional and indirect, and more penetrating and full of spirit. At least that’s what I’m thinking it will be for me. I’ve got 22 Pisces rising and Aries is intercepted in the 1st house. Uranus has jolted (as in shocks to the system) me hither and yon for a while now, giving me a bad set of nerves. Do you remember when Uranus hit your ascendent? Just as important, are the aspects it makes (anywhere along the way through your 1st house) to your natal planets and in transit; they would also play starring roles. But it would still be 1st house matters (your body, your assertiveness, your view of the world and its view of you) going through the growing pains. Hope that Aries Mars of yours has some nice trine to Saturn or something when Uranus gets there. It will hit my Jupiter about the same time so we will no doubt be marching for SOMEBODY’S freedom, huh?
Today when Uranus went direct, I felt dizzy and discombobulated (sp?) while shopping in Home Depot. Thank goodness I remembered that it was stationery direct today and probably I didn’t have swine flu.
Just want to add a note of gratitude to the PW’ers who were so thoughtful on Thanksgiving Day regarding my ailing cat Crystal. Unfortunately, she deteriorated so quickly that I had to have her put to sleep on Saturday. She did like the chicken baby food Eric, but, like everything else, she threw it back up. I miss her horribly, but it is part of the “setting free” action of Uranus on the ascendant.
Len, I will be taking advantage of the three weeks of all direct planets and trying to put my life back together. . . but in some new fashion of course. With Mars going retrograde, there will be a long stretch of time to re-examine my role as a “mother” and perhaps find new ways to use that creative energy. Thanks for another great read for today!
PLease explain the “intercepted signs” and the concurrent change of house.
I will send you birth coordinates offline.
First i want to give full credit for Eric once again for the amazing job he did editing, adding to and updating my piece. Any kudos directed to me (thank you) are righfully his as well. My commitment is to continue to get better so that he does not need to devote so much of his energy to the task. Also, i don’t want to be mistaken for the lead singer of the Animals.
Mystes – Since Mercury-Uranus square is now seperating we can use the best tool astrology offers: 20/20 hingsight. At best, this aspect can represent a “eureka” moment of insight, foresight, discovery, genius. At worst, a lot of unnecessary aggrevation (who’s sleeping with who, OMG did you hear about, yada yada). Of course, all the results are not in yet (somebody might possibly have discovered the universal cure for all viral infections yesterday, but it has not been published yet) but so far the aspect seems to have not expressed to the most exhalted degree.
Fe – Yours is a bigger question. To start with if your first house starts in the first degree of Pisces and goes near halfway into Aries, that’s a big house and probably indicates a pair of intercepted signs. That being assumed, the Uranus transit next spring whould not involve a concurrent change of house on your natal chart. Please, am i right so far?
That quote is spot on! I can feel the Uranus – Mercury energy in a lot of written work recently. Thanks Len.
Guys –
I want to know, since I have 12 Mars in Aries in the 1st, and my Asc is at 1 Pisces, what will the Uranus transit from Pisces to Aries be for me?
(Does that sound like a set up line for a joke?)
By the way, Len:
Thanks for the beautiful lyrical picture of this busy cosmos.
I meant to say ‘off topic’ of course.
E – of topic (or maybe not) but just got the latest horoscopes in the mail, Cancer, about realising my value in others lives no matter how great or mighty they may be…’Act immediately on this knowledge; by that I mean, apply it to the very next decision you make from the moment you actually register the discovery in your mind.’
I’d just read that and was thinking that after quite a challenging few years for self-esteem, yes, actually, you know what – I do! and was doing a little cheerleading chant around my study, ‘Go me, go me’ – when the phone rang and one of the organisers of a rather significant conference for whom I usually run an intimate little workshop was on the other end, asking me if I would do that as per usual but would I also consider being one of the keynote speakers to the conf audience? Eek. That’s a big s-t-r-e-t-c-h for me. Reaches for the immodium…
Love love H.
“Indra’s net spooled back in from the Galactic deeps, glittering with benthic fishies.”
Beautiful, mystes! And Len – thank you. The poetry on these pages is soul-warming.
Holding things steady here …
Nice work, Len! I am wondering about the relationship between Mercury and Uranus at this point. With Merc sweeping over the GC, what is its relationship to Uranus? Is it square? or is it too inexact to make an aspect?
Something about Merc on the Core and Uranus going direct spells out a rich haul. Indra’s net spooled back in from the Galactic deeps, glittering with benthic fishies.
What think you?
Yeah Len, this is right on man. Your pieces have all been on the mark to date, but this is just excellent. It resonates big time. Thankyo for your service, sir.
Tiger and his wife – both Capricorns eh?
How about Tiger Woods and the old rules. Just imagine, if we could have a conversation considering and questioning the mythical dimensions to monogamy, you would not have this kind of scandal. We must love it. That’s why polyamory is still taboo — we would not have perverse news stories like this, or anyone to take the blame for our “sins.”
‘When the old rules get us in trouble? When the old reflexes put us on our backsides? Undiscovered country this is indeed.’
Laughing here – so true Len, so true and beautifully put. H.