Sagg New Moon, and the Eve of Pluto’s Capricorn Moment

Dear Friend and Reader,

Pluto’s ingress to Capricorn this week happens with all the usual cosmic fanfare that this planet travels with — accompanied by a spectacular Sagittarius New Moon. Pluto makes its way into Capricorn Wednesday at 10:50 pm EST and the New Moon is exact at Thursday at 11:54 am EST.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

It is a wild New Moon, conjunct Mars and Mercury. This is like a farewell party in Sagittarius, which will be followed by an equally impressive welcome party in Capricorn at the Cap New Moon one month from now.

Pluto sign changes are monumental because this planet defines the most obvious eras in history. Pluto in Sagittarius (1995 through 2008) defines the turn of the millennium era. Pluto takes anywhere from twelve to twenty years for Pluto to journey through a sign, making Pluto’s place in the zodiac more generational rather than personal — until, that is, it becomes very personal. And currently it is.

What we are seeing is the end of an era. Pluto is going to be occupying Capricorn until 2024. So what can we expect of the new era? Well, I have been raised by Eric astrologically, who cautions very strictly any type of predictions and I couldn’t agree more. What I can provide for everyone curious is a link to the article I wrote about Pluto in Sagittarius back when the economic crisis was still wet behind the ears and on everyone’s mind.

Pluto in Sagittarius arrived with some very interesting expansion as far as expansion, exaggeration, philosophy and idealism were concerned. Eric proposes in this article that Pluto in Capricorn may provide us with the “wake up moment” we need to restructure our lives. Please note that Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is associated with structure, containment and the passage of time. Pluto is the transformative power of change. Put the two together and you may find yourself craving popcorn.

Now, let’s take a look at the chart for Wednesday and see what other energies are going to be floating around the aether for us to access. First off, at the time Pluto makes its final ingress to Capricorn, the Moon is occupying the final degrees of Scorpio on her approach towards mew phase. She will be void of course in the traditional sense when Pluto officially crosses the border for the final time, at 10:50 pm EDT. When I say “traditional sense” I’m referring the fact that none of the big players occupy a degree later than what the Moon is in. But with the trusty help of Tracy’s program Serennu, the picture becomes a bit more detailed.

The only other bodies hanging out in the final degrees of the Fixed cross are Arachne and Requiem, in the last two degrees of Scorpio. I propose that the Moon’s degree is a reminder to remember everyone who has been killed in the name of an ideology during the Pluto in Sagittarius era: the holocausts in Bosnia, Rwanda, the Congo and many other places; to the Sept. 11 victims; to those who were killed when we “retaliated” against Iraq for something that it never did to us.

After the Moon ingressesВ  Sagittarius. the Sun, Mercury and Mars are all waiting; followed by Pholus. Here is the restless energy field and the will set to boil filtered through the energy of release (Pholus).

With Pluto riding the edge of Capricorn, a Cardinal sign, the Aries point is resonating, making the personal and social come together in a way that charges the news with symbolism.

Also, that Saturn-Uranus opposition is still well in effect. It looks to me as though the sky is spelling out catharsis with the stars. Are we ready to read it?

I feel so charged about what’s taking place in the sky that I might just tap into the mead.



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