Tracing the Web

By Len Wallick

Shortly after midnight EDT, Pluto stationed direct ending a retrograde period that started back in the first week of April. Consider how long ago that was.

Back then, Mercury had not yet stationed retrograde in Taurus, this last Sunday night it finished its subsequent retrograde in Virgo. Saturn had just rolled back into Virgo one last time, now it’s further into Libra than it has been for nearly 30 years. Jupiter and Uranus had not crossed the Aries point yet, now both are back in Pisces after having passed that cusp a second time. Chiron had not ingressed Pisces yet, now it’s back into Aquarius until next year.

Yup, a lot has happened in the last five months or so. Way back then very few people had heard of a Deepwater Horizon or a WikiLeaks. If there is anything to synchronicity, taking stock of those events will be part of what Pluto will be a involved with for the rest of 2010. Shortly after 2011 begins it will be breaking new ground in Capricorn until next April when it will be time to backtrack again. This pattern is something like three steps forward followed by two steps back repeated over and over. Progress is slow but steady and no stone is left unturned. This alone tells you a lot about Pluto in astrology.

Yesterday we had a look at how some minor planet activity in mutable signs, coinciding with the Mercury station, implied a web-like interconnectedness going beyond temporal synchrony. If that representation is valid then the mutual forward movement for Mercury and Pluto has implications going beyond the fact that they were less than 30 hours apart. The most obvious case is that both planets are in Earth signs.

One of the things we have reviewed in recent weeks is that each of the twelve signs is distinguished by an association with one of the four elements of ancient western natural science: earth, air, fire or water. Furthermore, we have discussed how different signs sharing the same element seem to be compatible with each other. This compatibility can take the form of communication or reinforcement between planets in different signs of the same element. This is especially so if the planets in question share a similar placement in the respective signs.

Following from all that, it would hold that current events would seem to reflect Mercury and Pluto sharing, exchanging, and in sympathy with each other. Part of that would be emulating what the other does when stationing forward.

If that were the case with Pluto, one would expect a sort of “storm” phase when the issues of the sign (Capricorn, society’s institutions and structures) were suddenly reflecting the issues of the planet (Pluto, transformation and metamorphosis) in a concentrated, even exaggerated way. That seems to be exactly what is happening.

Your loyal servant humbly submits that this phenomenon is the conceptual link between recent events such as the uncontrolled fires in urban Detroit and rural Colorado, the explosion of a steel gas main in suburban California and the fact that school districts all over the United States are barely able to open the doors as a new school year begins.

The maintenance of the tangible infrastructure of public services has gone the way of research and development in the private sector — neglected in favor of short term concerns. The budgets of fire departments and school districts have not provided for the additional personnel equipment and/or facilities to meet the increased demand for their services. Peter has been robbed to pay Paul for quite a while now and this Pluto station is emulating the Mercury storm in that the truth of it is coming out all over.

Conversely if Mercury were taking on a bit of Pluto’s act, we would expect a focus on things turning around slowly regarding the issues of the sign (Virgo: healing the mental-physical interface) and the planet (Mercury: conceptualizing and communicating) with an emphasis on the shadowy and indeterminate.

Simply bearing witness to the ninth anniversary of the 9-11 events reveals just such a case. This year’s observations have been characterized by the sharp relief between the amount of time that’s elapsed and how little progress has been made to reconstruct, resolve and reconcile after the event. And as long as we are using words starting with “re”, the resistance to revealing the facts has assumed downright Plutonic proportions of confounding complexity.

As a way of addressing the complexities on the astrological level, it would now seem appropriate to consider the two planets that have recently and concurrently changed signs. Can Jupiter and Venus be integrated into the perceived web of interconnectedness in a manner that follows how we have woven Pluto in with Mercury?

We can start by determining the element that characterizes the differing signs to which Jupiter and Venus have now taken up residence. What do you know, both Scorpio and Pisces are water signs. So there is some interconnectedness to Mercury and Pluto and we can assume that Jupiter and Venus are in conversation.

But the nature of this conversation may not be so much of an exchange as a comparison. Unlike the two planets that concurrently stationed direct in Earth signs, the two that have ingressed water signs so close together in time are going in different directions. You might say that Venus is going into Scorpio through the front door while Jupiter is using the back entrance into Pisces. As they move into differing signs of the same element from opposite sides they will have a common experience. Both will conjoin with another planet for a second time, the first such aspect having been in the sign of previous domicile. Jupiter gets to go first and that’s where we will continue on Thursday.

We appear to be encountering a web of connections that can bring us an awareness of recent, current and future astrological activity. The warp that forms the scaffold of that weaving is the cardinal T-square representing connection through the quality of signs. The close timing of recent changes of direction and sign indicates a weft to complement the warp. So far, that complement seems to be in an elemental relationship.

Saturn gradually leaving the cardinal point aspects behind and Pluto now direct, again that weft of timing and element will take on a greater role as the cardinal T-square evolves into a different thing altogether. Something that will take on the character of evolution itself. But that’s later. In the meantime we participate in the weaving even as we ourselves are woven, exploring and growing to understand the web we have encountered as the seasons change.

Offered In Service

13 thoughts on “Tracing the Web”

  1. Len you are awesome and I adore you.

    Michele, thank you for sharing your story.

    To be brief: I have just had a bad day at the office 🙂 First time I have ever given anyone attitude at work. ever. Someone asked me to go get them lunch and I gave him a steely glare! it was awkward and I feel all off kilter but it was a wake up call. I have been so unhappy here for so long. And yes the recession, and yes be patient until you figure out your passion,and yes I should be so lucky to have a job where they treat you well, and yes wherever you go there you are are and yes it[‘s all about perspective, and yes yes yes. But still. I was so very close to giving notice. sooo tempted.

    So, I decided I would do a quick tarot spread and look for answers! But first, I checked the comments here and saw your post Michelle, ” Four or five months ago, I gave notice to my employer. Without a fall-back plan”.

    And I felt a ringing in my body.

    Not that I am going to give notice tomorrow. But I felt that there are solutions, there is hope, we are connected and there are themes and signs, and life is all around us.

    Thank you, my fellow cap moon! I got some thinkin to do…..

    Thank you planet waves, I keep being amazed. Some days I am touched and inspired, some (many!)days I am confused, some days I feel detached, and some days like today- I feel lucky 🙂

    Oh and good luck!


  2. michele —
    good luck with the interview!

    “If I do my part, the parts I don’t control will do their part.”
    thanks for the reminder…

  3. Hay, well then, yes – and I was thinkin’ this might be answer but “if I only had a brain” I’d be heading down the yellow brick road.


  4. aword,
    Thank you for your inquiry. Good question. Given that a natal chart is a a snapshot of a time and place with ascendant, mc, dc, ic, houses, etc, it is my understanding that trines take on a different meaning than they do in a solar chart. So what i have written (again, as i understand it) could get lost in the translation to a hoary chart. Now, does that sound like a bunch of hay, or is that what you mean to say?

  5. Hm….and another example to which you speak if I’m getting yr drift…– my school district is one named by the ACLU in a lawsuit wherein they are calling out the school districts re: families have been required to pay costs of school to the schools (that is supposed to be “free” public education). (textbooks, uniforms and extracurricular activities.)

    Like, it’s broken, the “fix” was dead wrong approach, but has been the “lie” going on for over a decade, now in the worst of the economic downturn, whistle-blowers are saying “hey you can’t do this” thus paving the way for potential REAL reform….?

    Like I say, astrology’s a “mountain” and I don’t seem to be able to regurgitate “why” but the model seems to fit the mode. Am I shooting straight? Or at another target in some faraway field?

    (One trick our schools use is to cover up textbook fees with bogus “damage” costs – even though kids were issued used textbooks. Only locks purchased from school can be used or they’re cut off –there is no music without cost of thousands (yep, thousands in fees for the privilege of participating), costumes and props etc are provided by a nepotistic web of local businesses and mandatory – and we all know that those certain parents in certain businesses are getting the kick-backs and benefits. Wait! Does this sound familiar??)

    Thks for all Len.

  6. And Len, if you can slip’n’slide like said scarecrow, then you’d outdance any stray fireball anyway.

    Then again, I recall said scarecrow realizing (aka creating) he had brains….

    Jere – like a lighter. Think “lighter at a rock concert” – you’re the one keeping the performance going.

    Moments of intensity, moments of rest. It’s alllllll good.

  7. ohohoh…ok…so, Len, a simple format for applying a piece of yr latest lesson and asking “do i gots the idea?”

    — natal uranus at 8 leo and natal moon at 8 aries have some compatability vis a vis my astrological core self.

    As would sun at 2 pisces with True Node at 2 scorpio and sun even having some extra communication power with Jupiter at 1 scorpio and neptune at 4 scorpio…..??

    Hm…if this is so, I still don’t know what to DO with the info, but I’m climbin’ the mountain. The top will be here sooner or later.

  8. A web indeed.

    Four or five months ago, I gave notice to my employer. Without a fall-back plan. (I need a learning curve. Without a learning curve, I die.) Sort of ridiculous, considering so many people out there are out of work. The notice was verbal. Eventually my employer asked for the notice in writing with a definitive date. I chose October 22. I’ve since applied for four positions. One was too far away (understandable.) One went to a person of Aboriginal descent (policy). One is up for grabs until next week when the editor comes back from holidays – but I’m on the radar. The fourth is the kicker re: the spider and web analogies you have been drawing.

    I’ve been seriously procrastinating, as I do so well, on writing that cover letter. I had all weekend to do it, but I found other things to do. The position was advertised August 27. Time was passing, passing, passing. Sunday night I went at it. My laptop went viral, spent Monday in the shop. IT guy was especially awesome and got my laptop back to me by the end of the business day. Again, all of Monday night I procrastinated. Watched a movie! (Noise. I highly recommend it.) Finally, at 10:30, I sat down and wrote it. (For the record, 10:30 Mountain Time.) I sent out the resume at 11:30 p.m. – I don’t usually do professional emails late into the night. Some people think that’s weird. But what the hell. I woke up this morning to a request for an interview tomorrow afternoon.

    Cancer, Leo rising, moon in Capricorn, Jupiter big-time prominent etc etc. Add to that all the info you and Eric have been passing along, which I suppose, must have been at the back of my mind. But not super-consciously. And that’s not even including my field of work (communications, public face etc), what this position entails re: my attributes (hidden and otherwise – like super-responsible, leader, creative, rigorous time-management… in sum all the best of me… but with a learning curve re: Capricorn attributes) and I am flabbergasted.

    Sigh. Seriously. SO that’s my personal story. Even as the world backdrop is crazy. (Did I mention watch Noise?) Lesson learned: I have a great deal of control in my life. And I also let go this weekend. If I do my part, the parts I don’t control will do their part.

    And so on to the interview… I feel like singing an ode to Pluto. Not to mention Mercury (but that’s a whole ten pages more.)

    Thanks for your lovely insights, guys. They don’t direct my life, but they certainly inform it. Inform me. And that’s too cool for words. What a gift.

  9. Jere,
    Thank you for your comments. My own brain, like the Oz scarecrow, appears to consist of straw so i avoid getting fired up. However, in spite of that it seems by your response that your brain is working just fine.

    It feels good to be gotten.

  10. ..I was thinking about sag, virgo, and pisces, their mutable quality, and the minor bodies you mentioned the other day,.. as well as our late pisces hitters. With the expressions being mutable, I feel a more dissolving aspect to the equation.

    If my brain fires up again I’ll share more.. (it’s like it starts for a couple of seconds and then cuts out..)

    😉 Jere

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