Tough ‘love’? Really?

I heard this episode of This American Life while driving Sunday night, and immediately wanted to post it. As soon as I saw that Enceno Macy had a new piece for us, it occurred to me this might be an excellent accompaniment. Enceno and those interviewed by Ira Glass have gone through completely different court and prison systems for completely different reasons, but I think anything that gives a look at what we put our fellow human beings through in the name of ‘justice’ — especially the young ones — is incredibly important. – amanda

4 thoughts on “Tough ‘love’? Really?”

  1. Welcome to our south. Being a northerner and then living in FL & GA it has been a rude awakening of how archaic and biased the system is. Every election cycle now, we vote against any seated judge. This will at least help shorten the length of their so called “power.”

    I would love to see Ira come and do a story on Sheriff Departments. A little light goes a long way.

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