Ticket To Ride

By Len Wallick

This morning the Moon comes around and goes around to Scorpio. Shortly after the ingress it forms a sextile (60 degrees of separation) to Ceres in Capricorn and then Pluto.

It is the aspect with Pluto that holds the most fascination. At the time of the Luna-Pluto sextile both will be in 150 degrees of separation from the Sun in Gemini, thus forming the three’s company aspect known as the yod. Or should we say five’s company? For there are two minor planets precisely involved. But first, a preview of the big stuff coming up at the end of the week.

This coming Thursday night or Friday morning (depending on where you are), three meaningful events will take place in rapid succession. First the Full Moon at 6+ degree Sagittarius. Then, literally minutes later Uranus moves out of Pisces for the first time in seven years, rebooting the zodiac with a big-time ingress to Aries. Finally, literally hours later Mercury moves past 12 degrees 38 arc minutes Taurus, the place where it stationed retrograde back on April 18th. Thus ending its second echo phase.

One is tempted to write “that doesn’t happen every day” again. This brings to our attention that the recent astrological events reflect the times in which we live. The rare, the unlikely, the improbable, indeed even that deemed impossible is happening every day and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

As Uranus would have it we are getting ahead of yourselves. Let’s bring the boys to the yod which is today’s step in the shakeup. The sextile is a good place to start. Like a grant or a scholarship, the theme is nourishing potential. All the encouragement in the world, however, cannot substitute for the work needed to realize potential. That’s the true blessing of the aspect. What’s given is appreciated. What is earned is honored.

And then that Scorpio Moon. There’s something about that combination that gets to the bottom of things like nothing else. Partly intuition. Partly enlightened empathy. Partly fearless reflection, personal experience. And let’s not forget, partly a sad and deep conviction that all motives are ulterior. The Scorpio Moon can get to the bottom of things because it starts from the bottom up. Perhaps that explains why the moon is considered in fall (opposite the sign of its exaltation, Taurus) in Scorpio. After all, to catch a thief…

Pluto can live with that, especially while chilling in Capricorn. It’s the long cycle of 248 years versus the short circuit of 28 days where the dynamic is really delivered. What the moon gets to the bottom of is very deep from long ago. Everything comes out as all at once. For its part, Pluto challenges the structure in which Luna’s revelations are perceived. Perhaps that’s fortunate. Most of us could use some help in handling the too-much-all-at-once. Thus it is in the sextile, the root of this yod that we find a deep connection with and perhaps some help in dealing with the bellwether eclipses and cardinal point events soon to come.

The Moon’s quincunx to the Sun is your classic misunderstanding among the luminaries. Past the square of the first quarter. Past the flow of the trine. Not an awkward silence, more like can’t win for losing. Like a slapstick comedy, it may be fun to watch but you would not want to be there. Were there no other influences (besides Pluto) the answer would be to give it a rest.

Sun quincunx Pluto is not even fun to watch. Even though the Sun is moving at the same clip it always does, it seems slower than molasses in January. There is also the element of getting one’s face shoved in it that provokes resentment and encourages grudges which can induce a drag on things long past the aspect. The key to avoiding that is to be aware when stuck in a loop or repetitive, reflexive, reactive behavior. Then figure out where that comes from and do the heavy lifting to break that rusty cage. No fun at all, but potentially rewarding.

Given both the Moon and Pluto together applying their indifference from either side, the Sun is the focus of a strange but palpable pressure of inept inquiry and existential paralysis.

And those minor planets we mentioned earlier? Oh yeah, that’s where the synchrony of this particular, short-lived and paradoxical yod can be revealed. You see, the thing about the Big Y in the sky is that it’s not authentic and worth our while unless the orbits of influence are very tight. Like dude, to one degree. So when you have a planet of any kind precisely splitting the difference of the sextile, that’s a rarity. Place it in opposition to a conjunction at the pressure point, well again, you don’t see that every day.

But that’s what’s happening. Two centaurs, one precisely conjunct the Sun. The other precisely opposed, smack dab in the middle between the Moon and Pluto. This the Big Y is transformed into something of a peace symbol, or from a different perspective, a chicken foot.

In astrology, centaurs represent shadow material, a strange and compelling attachment to a trauma past. To paraphrase the Tolkien character Saruman, orcs were elves once. And that’s another way to look at shadow material, the orcs in ourselves. Acknowledging their existence, remembering their origin and accepting their existence are integral to being able to resist their rule. And these two particular Centaurs are shadowy indeed.

The Centaur conjoint the Sun in the fifth degree of Gemini is Thereus. Mythologically, one formidable physical specimen. He ate bears. Alive. You read that right. He liked his meat fresh and a lot of it.

Astronomically its was discovered in the sixth degrees of Pisces, which means that it is today precisely square to that point. Very conflicted. Also in the discovery chart the ascendant was in Aries, Eris was rising and the Gemini Moon was applying to conjoin Saturn about five degrees from where Thereus is conjoining the Sun today. Did we say conflicted? Say it again. In addition to being in the uncomfortable focus of a yod, Sol has a rather dodgy dance partner for the day. Best to step lightly. Or, to recount Carl Perkins, don’t step on the blue suede’s, baby.

But we are not done. In opposition to the Thereus conjunction, swingin’ between the Moon and Pluto we find another dreadnought Centaur, Amycus. In myth the contemporaries of the Centaurs were a kind of super human tribe called the Lapiths. Physically they were a match and that’s a big part of why they did not get along. Some brilliant donut thought to invite the Centaurs to the wedding of the Lapith Pirithous and (get this) serve them wine. Predictably things broke bad. In the chaos, the first centaur to go for the silverware cabinet was Amycus. He managed to smite one Lapith but was promptly clubbed by another. Not the kind of guy you would take home to mother.

So there these two ancient bad boy muscle heads are in opposition splitting our yod down the middle. So this position of an opposition in a yod is, according to astrological common wisdom,supposed to show us a way out? Get out of town. Pull the other one so they are both the same length. Seems more like putting out fire with gasoline.

Hey, but maybe that’s the point. A little fire to ward off the chill indifference and balance the Sun in an air sign, the Moon in cold water and Pluto on colder Earth. Sure enough, what do we see but that fire coming to be. In two days Uranus is moving into the sign of the Vernal Fire – Aries, where Eris has recently moved it up a notch (has anybody noticed?) by moving into the twenty-third degree.

Yup, that’s the ticket. That’s the way out of this yod. But it’s gonna be a ride. A real E-Ticket, on the back of a wild centaur. Best hold on tight. Something tells me the rodeo clowns have left town.

Offered In Service

17 thoughts on “Ticket To Ride”

  1. I’ve been missin’ that 80s Funk! If he doesn’t like it, I’ll take it !
    Thanks, Hyp.

  2. Hey Amanda,

    Thanks for all. Scorpio that he is, he barracaded himself in his room for almost 5 days….I kept close auditory watch after the first 24 hours…….if he had not voluntarily come out when he did, I would have had to call for help to break down the door and ambulance, for sure.

    But he’s a smart kid too – and needed this final emotional purge of his father, methinks – as that’s what it appears to have been. He’s come out with a new interest in life and a brighter light about him – clearly cleansed for seeing new ways into his future. (On the other hand he’s oh so Scorpio-ish, he’ll surely scurry into his little cave again and again. But he’s taken himself through something intense, that’s for sure.)

    That was Sunday, first he had a bit of water and OJ, then small amounts of electolyte liquids at intervals. That he was very thirsty and wanted more than I would allow was a good sign, I had read.

    I still do not have him on solid-solid foods, still mostly liquids and rice, but he’s definintely re-new’d himself. Interesting time for me too. We’ve been through a lot, he and I – this one was different in many ways – the most prominint differenece perhaps being that I understood that I had to be patient – alert and aware, but patient and let him/us go through the process of the evolution in the way that he needed to do it.

    I have to laugh – as with all “mom” stuff, I’m more wiped out now that he is! LOL!
    Thanks for your message and support.

  3. ok, I believe in synchronicity. I am a Libran (Capricorn moon) who does not go a day without my Planet Waves and Len fix. I am also a writer who tries to keep up with a lifestyle blog. Yesterday’s blog title that did not get published yet is, “Ticket to Ride.” No kidding, no joshing. I am also a road cyclist who needed to get out on the bike for a loooooonnnnng ride which is how I deal with all this insanity.
    That’s all folks.

  4. eek aword!

    is he dehydrated enough to require intravenous rehydration? sounds like you’ve done enough research to know about the need for salts, potassium, sugar (electrolytes) to be mixed with the fluids.

    if you live near a health food store, check for coca vita. it’s the water from young coconuts, has some sugar and more potassium than most sports drinks, plus some nice vitamins. it’s just a little low on the salt aspect.

    and if you’re nowhere near somplace that stocks it, here’s another option from a first aid website (with extra info for everyone else):

    Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) is the preferred treatment for mild dehydration. It is less expensive, easily available and is very effective treatment for dehydration associated with diarrhea, particularly gastroenteritis.

    ORT consists of a solution of salts and sugars which is taken orally. The following recipe for Oral Rehydration Solution(ORS) is recommended by the WHO:

    1 liter clean water

    8 teaspoons sugar (or molasses)

    1 teaspoon salt (about 2300 mg)

    1/2 cup orange juice (for potassium)

    Intravenous rehydration therapy (IRT) is the preferred treatment for severe dehydration, since this condition can lead to permanent injury or even death.

  5. πŸ˜‰

    Dunno why but my life always seems ahead of the curve – that is, the yellow warning sign/s come AFTER I’ve just narrowly missed the curve and gone over a cliff. LOL!

    This time ’round though it’s been my son again and half-dead literally after more than several too many days refusing water (food we can go much longer)…… he has purged the last of his father’s echo-ing demons and on a strong (if yet still re-hydrating) course into his future.

    That said, once again the internet saved the day – and probably is ilfe — don’t try to rehydrate a severely dehydrated human (or animal) with lots of water – seems you could drown them. Ahh the interesting things we learn along the way.

    Water water everywhere – and somehow e’s pix of beautiful pregnant mom with chid on beach fits my situation just beautifully as well…..water, mom, son, creation in the works.


  6. The only true genius is a flunky…

    Gawd, just when I thought I could not Possibly get any more Plutonian…. Bring those bad boys on me ….

  7. bkoehler,
    Hilarious! Thank you for the chuckle. Now, please don’t call me a genius (i flunked out of school, you know). You are the person who has been teaching all of us at Planet Waves about yods (and hoary charts of all kinds) since before i wrote my first blog comment. In addition to Eric and Fe and Anatoly and Carol and Amanda, i owe a big debt of thanks to you as a wonderfully resourceful teacher and consultant.

  8. dude,

    Have I told you lately that I love you? Burp. . excuse me, too much (to) bear and I need another Alka Seltzer.

    As long as you are at the helm of this rocket ship and clue us in to when we need to heave, (‘scuse me) or whatever, I think we will make it to the new shores.

    Besides being a genius, you are way too funny my man. So are all your commenters today . . .shebear, love that slip of the finger story. Burp. Geez, maybe a little wine would help get this bear digested.

    So like the Moon, I’m trying to surface and finish dealing with the last new moon at 23 Taurus. This summary of today’s planets has brought me up and hearing that Mercury will soon be past the place he/she was on April 18th, well. . . .I can’t thank you enough for that news. Climbing up to shore and out of the tar pit I’ve been in. Get myself cleaned up and ready to welcome Uranus to the Aries point. Wonderful news. Feeling so much better. Wow, getting hungry again. . . .any of that bear left? Whew.

  9. Yes, eyes wide. (As if there is any other way… )

    Scorp Moon conjunct Ceres. Besides the bran muffin, am drinking lots of water today – other Planet-Swimmers might go ahead and add a flicker of salt (bowing to the Deep Blue Sea).

    I have a dance with my shadow scheduled for 2 p.m. today; I’m taking water, Rescue Remedy and my root mantra. And money, which is what my shadow always wants. I’d love to put a mirror on the mediation table, to stay clear about what I am saying and how.

    Truth. The final –well, the only frontier.

    Thanks Len. Having words for this energy doesn’t make it any less intense, but it *is* nicely distributed around the mystosphere instead of balled up in my belly.



  10. I often sign off on some of my emails with an “xox”, but this past week, as I rush hither and thither, I’m inadvertently hitting the “s” key instead of the “x” over and over again!

    “sos” does seems about right though, with the heavenly dramas beckoning!


  11. jseward & Hazel1:
    This is not the time to duck and cover. This is the time to hang on and experience the ride with eyes wide open. Yes, you do want to see and hear it because you will want to be witness to and part of it . Those who follow will want to hear about it from you. If you mention me to them, please be kind.

  12. Y’know, since I became disenchanted with the animal shelter I work for back in April and started to look for other work, I decided to take most of May off, I had 3 weeks and I took them all at once and I’ve been really glad I did. I’m also glad I don’t have to be back at work until next Thursday, June 3. Don’t tell me, next Thursday begins another one of these, I’m sure it probably does, but I don’t wanna hear it! I think this time off has helped me in the now, and hopefully it will help me rest up for the then!

  13. Holy S—, Len – is it time to gather up Dorothy, Toto and Aunty Em and go into the cellar? I imagine we’ll all be flying around soon, waiting to see where we’ll land…

    Hope to see you circling outside my window, buddy! Was there an astrologer in Oz?

    Have a yoderful day, my friend, and a million thanks as always,


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