Thursday: Sun conjoins Galactic Center!

Dear Friend and Reader,

The Galactic Center, in the simplest terms, is a very tightly wound together ball that holds our entire galaxy together. It is the beginning of the spiral we call home. It has a mass alot heavier than our own Sun. Many people believe it is really a black hole in mid-feast with thousands of stars and planets clustered around its maw. Attention to the Galactic Center has enjoyed a bit of revival since the last time anyone paid attention to it during the Mayan civilization: the 2012 phenomenon is based upon it. Eric has written an entire article about the Galactic Center, which you can access by clicking here.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

I would propose that while the Sun is conjoined with this massive force, time, as Eric would say, takes on strange proportions. We may blame it on the holiday season, we of the Planet Waves team might think it’s the labor we’ve been pouring into Next World Stories, the 2009 annual that is now available for pre-order, but this sense of time-crunch might very well have to do with the Galactic Center on top of it all. This thing is like the Sun of our Sun. Even if we don’t believe it’s there, it still has an effect on us. I know that I stopped believing in Santa Claus pretty early on, but he still left me presents on Christmas.

In many ways, the Galactic Core can be looked at like the Jungian Universal Subconscious: it is an area from which every idea that has been thought and has yet to be thought of resides. A kind of underworld of experiences and realities, the Unconscious is something that can be tapped by every human, though some work is involved. It is a way to infuse the life with spirituality and creativity. It is the source of the synchronicities that give us goosebumps when we experience them.

Within the realm of its degrees, the Galactic Center magnifies the effects of circumstances that occur during its influence as well as the charisma of those with their planets born aspecting it. For example, the father of the urban sprawl, Robert Moses, was born with his Sun conjunct the GC. I’m sure it’s him we’re thanking every time we go to CVS and have to walk across a mile of faceless asphalt.

From Eric’s article: “Sedgwick proposes that those individuals with the Galactic Core prominent in their chart — conjunct an inner planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Ceres) or an angle (ascendant, descendant, MC/IC) — reveal a potential link ‘with whatever is behind all this.'”

“All this, as in the appearance of reality; we all know there is a deeper world, and the prominence of the GC creates or allows access to the feeling of its existence on a personal level.”

So basically, today may be a day where you are brought to the realization that there is more than what your day-to-day entails. Perhaps you will feel that there is a certain depth to your existence that you were otherwise unable to access. Maybe you will find that your magnetism or reception is increased today.

If you’d like to read a more detailed analysis of the Galactic Center, click on this to be directed to Shelley Ackerman’s 2007 article which was featured in The Spiral Door, the Planet Waves annual from two years ago.

It’s a special time of year when we can access the power of the cosmos in motion, giving perhaps, a welcome dose of super-reality to our lives.

Merry Met,


6 thoughts on “Thursday: Sun conjoins Galactic Center!”

  1. A correction to my post from yesterday. . . .should read: When I was born (almost 70 years ago) the GC was at 26 degree 0 MINUTES 54 seconds of Sagittarius . . .”

    I should never let my fingers do the walking w/o my brain accompanying them! Still, the GC does move at a snail’s pace.

  2. deep thanks bkoehler –

    that was very elucidating and beautiful! More to ponder during this holy time. Excited and looking forward to the times to come!

    Anna T

  3. AnnaT;

    When I was born (almost 70 years ago) the Galactic Center/Core (GC) was at 26 degrees and 54 minutes of Sagittarius. It is now at 26 degrees and 58 minutes of Sagittarius. Safe to say that everybody you and I know have the GC at this degree in their personal birth charts. The GC will move to the next degree of Sagittarius in 2010, which will give us a new Sabian Symbol to ponder in reference to the meaning and understanding of the GC.

    For now, the symbol is “A sculptor at his work” which is about an individual projecting his vision upon a material and giving it form. When the GC moves to 27 degrees, the symbol will become “an old bridge over a beautiful stream is still in constant use.” Dane Rudhyar interprets this symbol as: “the enduring elements in a society which reveal its ability to significantly link the genius of its individuals to the everyday needs of the collectivity.”

    No doubt this will become clearer as we enter the “2012 phenemonen” timeframe!

  4. How would one know the position of the galactic center, in one’s chart? Or is it always at around 27 degrees sagittarius?
    Anna T

  5. I totally *get* this! While sleeping yesterday afternoon I found myself in a room with a bunch of broken arrows and a couple of unstrung bows. There was one rather thick, unbroken dart left, so I set up a bow and nocked the arrow. When I let it fly, it pierced a window, a wall, another wall and went flying into the NW sector of the sky. Where Sagg is located on my cosmic clockface. Although I couldn’t *see* the target, I knew the arrow struck the bullseye.

    My ascendant is on the GC. Quincunx to my sun, which makes for interesting, awkward and very creative futurity.

    The arrow is vibrating in its target, and the very air is open to it. Get in, my angels, find your diamond (howsoever black it may seem) and get out. No toll to get on that road today.


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