Thursday: Moon enters Gemini, Sun Square Neptune

TODAY THE SUN will square Neptune and Jupiter will sextile Uranus in Pisces. Neptune is the god of the sea and is the co-ruler of Pisces along with Venus. Pisces and Neptune play a role in the aspects today, which makes the energy feel very receptive and very much in search of attraction.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Jupiter, an all inclusive energy, is in a harmonious position to Uranus. I have only been studying astrology for a year now, but it seems to me that this aspect has to do with liberating friendships and ideas.

Uranus is the awakener, and Jupiter has a deep thirst for higher knowledge. Simply put, it seems as though today may bring you to conversing with interesting people over interesting philosophical topics. You might gain some higher knowledge today that could change your outlook in the long run. With the Sun in a square to Neptune, there might be a feeling of your personality being compromised by the energy of others. Perhaps there will be a feeling of jealousy on some side of a relationship, especially if it seems as though the motives of another person are shady, or hidden.

With the moon entering Gemini today at 3:11 pm EDT, relationships in your immediate environment are emphasized, as is the ability to function on more than one plain of thought. I would call it something like “psychic multi-tasking”.

A downside to the Sun’s relationship to Neptune today is a heightened sense of inhibition due to the ego’s ripeness for change.

Fear may arise from the idea that who you are can literally be dissolved into another idea or person. If you find this to be the case, perhaps it is worth examining what parts of yourself you would like to keep, and what parts could be released in order for something else to form.

Life is an ever changing, ever shifting vibration in which all things contribute. Even if you decide to stay quiet today, you will have exercised your choice. Let it be for the better, whichever you decide!

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