Note on the Source: Lois Rodden, the 20th century astrologer who set the standard for data collection, listed Michael Jackson as ‘dirty data’ (DD rating), which means that the data is unverified or conflicting. Instead of using a noon chart I am using the one that speaks to me, which is the chart with a 12th house Pisces Moon. If others have other data, please feel free to send in the chart with your thoughts about it.
These three charts are the birth chart (called the natal or radix), progressions to the birth chart right now (the time of death), and the 911 call in Los Angeles. That call is worth listening to for clues which would affirm or not affirm the astrology.
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Agreed. Not the first or the last either. Still, they both had it . .for better or worse.
Larger than life…who made a good living annoying people…
He (Billy Mays) was described as having a “larger than life” personality.
LRuffino, your curiosity reminds me of my own. . .thanks for your investigation and the wealth of observations. Having an uneventful day myself, I checked out Huffington Post and made a discovery that at least 99% of our fellow readers won’t give a rat’s a___ about.
Does anyone recall the salesman for Oxi-Clean and Orange Glo. . .anybody a Home Shopping Network viewer? That salesman, Billy Mays, died today. He was born July 20, 1958, 40 days before Michael Jackson, and died three days after him. Just had to check out where his birth planets were and noted that ONLY ONE planet was in the same degree as MJs. That was Neptune at 2+ Scorpio. It was sextile Pluto in the New Moon chart which was opposite the Sun, Moon, Vesta. Both of these men had Neptunian careers. Neither of these men had overt or obvious health problems. Never, never underestimate the power of Pluto.
It’s little things like this that keep me awake at night sometimes.
The Libra Rising Chart makes sense. Good job!! Very interesting!!
Good point about the pioneering/Aries aspect of Michael. Can you do that? Resurrect, er I mean rectify his chart? I know that astrotheme page has all his big moments delineated too, if that helps. What do you make of that symbol for the progessed moon. . . . and just a little scrunch away from the present north node too. Eerie. Progressed Mars is about to square natal Pluto so more pressure there.
I also noticed that if you take the sextile between his natal Mercury and Jupiter and add the transiting Uranus at 26 Pisces it forms a yod. That could be in his natal 12 house or his natal 6th house!!!
Out of the several birth times floating around the Internet, I saw the 11:43 PM/11:45 PM time the most often, so I tried that. At first glance, it fits superficially: the childlike (Gemini) approach to the world and the androgynous, alien “Wacko Jacko” Aquarius on the MC, conjunct Chiron at 19 Aquarius. Also in this birth chart, Chiron’s t-square with Psyche (the Soul and childhood trauma) at 16 Scorpio opposite Mars at 22 Taurus (the Singer) puts Psyche in the 6th (health and service) and Mars in the 12th. This caught my eye because I read a Slate article that mentioned Fred Astaire’s phone call to Michael Jackson following M.J.’s Billie Jean performance on the Motown 25th anniversary special: “You’re an angry dancer.” (Slate: Jacksonian America, 6/26/09)
And believe it or not, there is an asteroid named Neverland. Eerily, in the 11:43 PM natal chart, Neverland is exactly conjunct the 14 Gemini Ascendant, closely opposite Icarus, the boy who flew too close to the Sun, at 15 Sagittarius conjunct the Descendant. The Neverland-Icarus opposition on the Asc/Des axis is very powerful in its mutable grand cross with the Moon at 17 Pisces opposite Ceres at 16 Virgo.
With regard to Michael Jackson’s tragic death, the 911 call time of 12:21 PM drew me in more than the hospital pronouncement time. In both charts, Psyche is at 19 Aquarius (Chiron’s natal position) opposite the Moon, both of them t-squaring the Venus-Mars conjunction; the asteroid Iphigenia, the child whose father sacrificed her to achieve his own success, is conjunct Saturn (18-16 Virgo); and Icarus is conjunct Uranus (26-28 Pisces). It feels as though the transiting Saturn-Iphigenia conjunction really set off the natal mutable grand cross.
Specifically in the 12:21 PM chart, the Uranus-Icarus conjunction (squeezing Juno, she who represents the exploited) is conjunct the Descendant and the Venus-Mars conjunction completes the t-square to the Moon-Psyche opposition from the 8th house.
Whatever time Michael Jackson actually departed this lifetime, the asteroid Neverland was at 4 Pisces, exactly trine the Sun at 4 Cancer (conjunct natal Iphigenia) and the Part of Fortune at 8 Scorpio (conjunct Progressed Neptune at 4). (Kind of reminds me of Cosette’s song, from Les Miserables.) Despite having to leave his children behind, I hope M.J. really is in his ideal world now, his Neverland — and at peace.
Most great rock stars have some Libra powerfully placed. So that argues for Libra. Jackson was a pioneer. He was a kind of Jackie Robinson who started something — that argues for Aries rising. What may speak to me most about the Aries rising chart is the 5th house: the incredible creative dynamo that he was, when he was on.
We would need to rectify this by testing the angles of the 9 pm and 10 am charts for events triggered by transits. We can also use progressions to some extent — the [secondary] progressed horoscope would be about the same for these two times — look at that Moon, in the last degree of Capricorn: a conspiracy of men, trying to rule the world.
The 12th house moon for Michael seems a sure bet, but another chart ( gives 10 AM as the birth time. I didn’t see any credit for authenticity, but here is why I include it for your consideration. It gives Michael a Libra rising instead of Aries, and that struck me as very plausible. Also, the Cancer MH is equally family oriented as Capricorn, if not even a little more shy. This would then put the Pisces Moon in the 5th house (hmmmm) instead of the Sun, and the NN conjunct Jupiter near the ascendent, with out-of-sign Neptune also conjunct. That Neptune placement is very convincing to me.
If this were so, it would make Venus (conjunct Uranus) the ruler of the chart and she (they) are in the 10th house of career and reputation. The ephemeris shows transiting Uranus was opposing his natal Uranus by the end of 1999 and through 2000. In October 2000, transiting Uranus went stationary direct (not long after his solar return) exactly opposite his natal Venus (conj. natal Uranus), while transiting Neptune was square his natal Neptune. This info I gave for someone (on a different thread) who wondered if his chart showed any “sign” of the white and female tendencies he morphed into.
As Libra rising can be “pretty”, and concerned with appearance, and with ruler Venus in the 10th “public” house, conjunct “anything goes” Uranus, and with the pressure of transiting Uranus on her and her companion, and with the additional transiting Neptune squaring natal (1st house) Neptune (I’m ready for my closeup Mr. D), this might have been the time the morphing took place. I don’t know. An additional point to consider is that, in this 10 AM birth chart, the north node would be crossing over the midheaven.