‘This has had a ripple effect’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

Dear Eric and Team,

There were a number of layers for me that made Planet Waves meaningful to subscribe to. The first and foremost being that for a number of years prior I confess to being a horoscope junkie, always cruising through the freebies as part of a daily ritual. At coffee times I would say to folks in the office, “Well let’s see what kind of day I am having!” Yeah, a bit cynical I guess you could say. When I found PW the quality and passion of the writing hit me right between the eyes, together with the profound accuracy of each piece of writing and how it ‘fit’ with my own experience of my life. Quite simply the experience and interpretation of my own self mirrored your experience and interpretation of the charts. This inspired me to begin to take good astrology seriously, and this has had a ripple effect of helping me to take myself seriously down the years.

I honestly cannot recall one particular article that led me to subscribe. It was more of a need to know more, to be part of PW in whatever small way I could and to show that I really appreciated and valued the passion and commitment of the team.

Certainly, when things have been difficult or challenging with life, I have reflected on the horoscopes and gained new perspective and growth for myself. At present, I am being guided to go beyond my own perceived limits. I guess I have to say that right now you have turned into a mini life coach for me!

Lastly, I want to say thank you. Thank you for having the courage to go for what you believe in, thank you for being so sharp and saying it just as you see it, and thank you for making a difference in my own life. We will likely never meet but I hold your influence in some of the most pivotal moments of my life and I appreciate you as a team individually and collectively. To be honest, I struggle to find a reason why people wouldn’t want to subscribe.

Good luck to you all at PW, and thanks again!

Wendy from Perth

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