The Virgo Fool Moon, with a Lot of Pisces

Dear Friend and Reader:

Tonight the Virgo Full Moon is exact at 10:37 pm EDT. At the Full Moon, the Moon is opposite the Sun, always in opposing signs; in this case, that occurs from Virgo to Pisces. This event is particularly strong because it happens close to another opposition already standing in Virgo and Pisces, the Saturn-Uranus opposition that stretches from 2008 to 2010. So we have a double opposition: Moon/Saturn opposite Sun/Uranus. When the Sun and Moon together aspect an existing aspect of slow-moving planets, the effect can be to precipitate events that fit the energy of the aspect pattern.

Photo by Sean Hayes.

This can have a precipitating effect. In a Gemini horoscope that turned up in the Oracle a few weeks ago, there was a concept that explains how this effect works: “There is only so much of a substance, like salt, that you can dissolve in a given amount of water. Pretty soon, you reach the saturation point. But if you heat the water, you can dissolve more and more, and when you cool it down, the solution will remain super-saturated. Then, if you add one more crystal, or tap the glass, down rains all that salt, like snow appearing from nowhere.”

Moon-Saturn in Virgo is about professionalism. Economic conditions have compelled many people to be conscious and efficient about what we do rather than frivolous. One effect of this will be to compel many people who have never set conscious intentions to do precisely that, the perfect image of Moon-Saturn. On the other side of the dial, Sun-Uranus in Pisces is about using your imagination and following through on breakthroughs of thought that you have; the follow-up always takes longer than the flash of an idea, but this is how the world is built and grows when things are going well. In fact, they are going better than we think.

There is a lot here about parents and children; and about the patterns of the past coming into contact with the changes of the present. All change involves moving beyond what occurred in the past; what beliefs were honored in times before; what necessities no longer exist and need to be adapted. You cannot both have change and cling to the past; but why we would want something that no longer serves or no longer exists is another issue.

An asteroid called Pallas Athene in Gemini is square all four planets involved in the Full Moon opposition. So too is the centaur Pholus in Gemini. Again we have points with multigenerational themes: Pallas, born from the head of Kronos, is about daddy-pleasing (and connected with politics, which turns demented parental relationships into a spectator sport) and Pholus is about anything involving three generations. Watch for developments, seemingly at the hand of fate but more accurately, spurred by unconscious curiosity) that have far-reaching effects. If you tune your intuition, which should be easy with Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn, you will be able to tap into the wisdom of the deep past more than its karma, issues or complications. Most times we choose between these sets of options.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

6 thoughts on “The Virgo Fool Moon, with a Lot of Pisces”

  1. While the grade school is reporting students spewing vomit, I load up on my immune boosters, and go right to diarrhea. I don’t feel good, I don’t feel bad, but something is up. I lay down. I hear the voice that I’ve been hearing off and on for the last six months, “you are not like your mother.” Alright already, I hear that, but what the heck?

    My chest starts heaving uncontrollably, water runs from my eyes. I see my father. I hear the voice of the great and powerful oz. I reach for the man behind the curtain, I can feel him, what he is, but I can’t latch onto what he is that I am. I know that I need it, but I just can’t get to it. I have cut myself off from that part of myself. I say to him, I love you, I know you loved us. You were a great provider. But you worked those rotating shifts, and you were angry and irritable and I spent my childhood in fear of you. It was good to get to know ‘you’ the last several years, but there is still the curtain within me. I need that part, I need it. And I focussed on ‘him’ and could taste it, but I could not have it. Then I saw his eyes and I walked right through him, and there were his two sisters, my aunts, in true rosie the riveter style. And now I get it. The missing peace is with my paternal aunts, a form I can embrace. I am like them.

    I put up my broken umbrella this morning, and walked the road to my neighbor’s house to pet the puppies and hop a ride into town. Walking felt different, I feel different. I feel confused. I have to sit with this a while. I know I can’t dance this one, I’m going to have to walk it.

    So this full moon song goes out to Dad.

  2. President Obama had a scarf (khata) from the Dalai Lama in his pocket during his swearing in ceremony. . .auspicious sign?

  3. Just sitting here thinking … there’s a lot of Pallas Athene around today. And voila, there she is. Thanks, missed that in my look at the Full Moon. I seem to be dealing with a lot of officious daddy’s girls this week.

  4. Eric

    Today is the 50th anniversary of the Dalai Lama’s escape from Tibet.
    Any thoughts on this? Will His Holiness ever return to his homeland?


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