The State of Personal Identity — Mars, Jupiter and Eris

By Len Wallick

Over the next three days Mars, Jupiter and Eris will take turns conjoining with each other. In other words, this is one continuous aspect and needs to be considered as such. Like the Aries stellium of which it is a part, this triple conjunction is of unusual duration. It’s functional this week and into next, as if to make sure that we pay attention. The implied issue is where and how your personal identity makes contact with others and the rest of the world. There is enough complexity so that we should step back and break it down in order to understand it better.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

There are three things to remember about a conjunction. First, it is nearly always the start of a new cycle for the objects involved. It also represents a merging of planetary energies, usually within the ambiance of one sign. Finally, and ironically the most overlooked, there is the probability of an accompanying blind spot that comes of being too close, too attached or too invested.

A conjunction of three planets is something that does not repeat very often. So it is not just the start of a cycle, but a very long one. This one closely follows rare sign changes by Chiron, Uranus and Neptune which all took place within a matter of weeks. That makes it part of a pattern. Astrology leads us to anticipate the pattern will have a counterpart in the events of our lives. That parallel will probably have something to do with a lot of exceptional things taking place in a short period of time. The question is whether you are participating or being acted upon.

Every unprecedented event is a threat when conformity and organization are the prioritized. This is especially so when values are imposed by a power structure incapable of adapting to change. For those whose inclination is to act, explore or create, however, uncertainty is stimulating rather than something to fear. The current astrology indicates an advantage for the latter set of values. It implies we are facing challenges that our conditioning has not prepared us for. We are encouraged to be proactive and take our personal and collective evolution into our own hands. This begins with a sense of personal identity.

Aries is about personal identity. Having an unusual number of objects congregate there for an unusual period of time tells us that what Aries is about is also an issue for all of us right now. Of all the major planets that are part of that stellium, none of them addresses that issue better than a minor one: Eris.

Eris is still new in our awareness. It was discovered in January of 2005. It is very far away, about twice as far as Pluto. It takes a very long time to go around the Sun, nearly 560 years. But it was the process and consequences of classification and naming, the determination of personal identity in other words, that distinguished Eris more than anything else. Before the academic dust had settled, the very nature of our entire solar system and all of its components were subjected to review and revision.

To have Jupiter conjoin with Eris for the first time since its discovery will be to magnify and amplify what that discovery brought up. To have Mars conjunct Eris the very next day is to merge personal identity and desire into a single concept. To have Mars conjoin Jupiter the day after that is to transform that concept into a cause.

The cause is your name and its meaning, your person and its value. How often does a piece of plastic that can be inactivated or transferred gain you some sort of entry? How often does your name or your physical, living person have that same power? That is just one example of what has already happened. Many are so closely identified with that plastic as to make it their personal identity. That is the blind spot in this triple conjunction and, of course, it raises the question of what happens when that device doesn’t work anymore.

The next three days will witness three planets taking turns in conjunction. Think of them as a chance to discover yourself anew, to get passionate about identifying yourself and to share that with others. Sure, it’s going to feel a little funny. We have not been prepared to do those sorts of things. We will need to actually do some creating, of our selves, by ourselves. The alternative is, simply, to disappear.

Offered In Service

11 thoughts on “The State of Personal Identity — Mars, Jupiter and Eris”

  1. The good news is that sight is beginning to be less “hind” and more in the moment. As though something has caught up to something. It is creative. And it is good.

    Thank you once again, Len for sharing your poetic vision/s.

    And still – I cannot vision precisely what “needs to be born” right now – but it is birthing nonetheless. Like a baby, I have felt it’s struggle through the birth canal; I do think now begins the reveal, moment by moment, hair, head, shoulders….bit by bit but none too slowly – something new, something ecstatic, something profound – is soon revealed in wholeness.

  2. “For those whose inclination is to act, explore or create, however, uncertainty is stimulating rather than something to fear. ” This is definitely something I am opening myself to quite consciously and courageously, learning to be present to change, albeit a daunting challenge at times.

    Thank you for your encouragement here Len to become aware of our blind spots, in light of these upcoming conjunctions. Interesting how today’s oracle *also* enhanced the same theme, drawing our attention to the notion of blind spots which we can uncover by learning “to hack into the code of a psychological pattern.” Interesting also that this morning I met with a brand new therapist, one who uses Jungian dream analysis, as I am determined to further plumb my psychological hurdles and hopefully unlock hidden potential.

    I’m also nodding in agreement with some of the input this evening.

    Gwind: ” It feels important to loosen up, stop apologizing for what I feel or think, and watch what is at the core. If I cannot celebrate who I am, how in the world can anyone else?” Yes, yes, yes.

    Marym: …”that’s why I come here, my inner “poet” is beckoned and just as tenderly as you call me out from this deep and ancient hiding place.” Absolutely, and yay again Len.

    BurningR: I just *love* that poem. It’s a keeper. Thank you! and Eris does indeed call us to our authentic selves, to up end the facades we cower behind, to stir life up and do it by dancing, laughing and loving. I actually think of Ferris Beuller on his Day Off when I think of the essence of Eris; cheeky, irreverent and determined to break out and be free!

    Diana: Thank you for your link. Amazing! Through it I also got an introduction to physicist Max Planck and it turns out he died in a part of Germany – Göttingen – where I have a very dear Canadian girlfriend living right now. Loved that connection!

    Lots of food for thought here. Much appreciated everyone 😉

  3. Thanks again Len! 🙂

    Burning River – Your words here and elsewhere and ‘take’ on Eris are sooooooo helping me – like you wouldn’t believe (just erased “beLIVE” typo then!) – thank you x

  4. Will and Kate’s marriage will personify this triple conjunction, and for England too I’m sure. Thank you so much Len for this visual . . “Every unprecedented event is a threat when conformity and organization are the prioritized. This is especailly so when values are imposed by a power structure incapable of adapting to change.”

    I wish I’d been aware of this when I did their wedding chart months ago. People asked what the chart revealed, and were mostly concerned about the void of course Moon. Wish I had time to dig it out right now and ponder. Later I will and will also see how it fits into the chart for Britain. Thanks so much for once again seeing what the rest of us usually miss in the astrological picture. This one is a golden nugget for sure!

  5. Thanks for the poetry, Len and mm. And Gwind, don’t ever stop unfurling those beautiful petals.

    My thought for the day on Eris (and Len’s descriptors and sparked by mm’s prose poem):

    • We Should Talk About This Problem ~ Hafiz ~
    Translated By Sterling Moina MacGregor Mathers •

    There is a Beautiful Creature
    Living in a hole you have dug.
    So at night I set fruit and grains
    And little pots of wine and milk
    Beside your soft earthen mounds,
    And I often sing.
    But still, my dear,You do not come out.
    I have fallen in love with someone
    Who hides inside you.
    We should talk about this problem—
    Otherwise,I will never leave you alone.

    Eris calls to the poet within us as she unfolds (with the aid of Mars and Jupiter) her authentic self in the face of patriarchy and madness. She is the mother of Emily Anderson and has learned to live well and thrive without the need for all-out war and destrucction, which she is capable of mothering also, but now chooses otherwise. Now she chooses laughter, dancing and mutuality in love. And she will get it.

  6. ” To have Mars conjunct Eris the very next day is to merge personal identity and desire into a single concept. To have Mars conjoin Jupiter the day after that is to transform that concept into a cause.. .The cause is your name and its meaning, your person and its value”

    (This is what I was trying to refer to)

  7. to the poet who calls to my poet within …

    it’s an easy trick to get me to shut down and hide, speak sharply and be tyrannical. that’s why I come here, my inner “poet” is beckoned and just as tenderly as you call me out from this deep and ancient hiding place I live another day to share this lovely space.


  8. Len, I can always count on you for a gentle steering, a reminder, as I flow down the river. My personal chart has had me microscopically introspective to the point where I think I get lost in my own maze. The past couple of days, however, that energy freed up a bit. It feels important to loosen up, stop apologizing for what I feel or think, and watch what is at the core. If I cannot celebrate who I am, how in the world can anyone else?

    Edgy, complex, loving, sturdy, fluid; I can be anything at any given moment, but what is important is that I be authentic. Your words put the feelings into motion. Thanks, Len!

    I had a thought the other day that if in that moment I could have anything, I wanted the culture to share a segment of time without make up, hair dye, and clothes. Would we all stared in amazement, disbelief, and then would the real beauty unfold?

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