The Shape of Things Past

By Len Wallick

One day closer to the New Moon and we can feel it. It’s almost like a new year, or an anniversary, or an edge. Your ephemeris says the Libra Sun has moved its obligatory not-quite-a-degree since yesterday. Yet somehow it is still winding up to its air guitar-stroke with the ‘how we/they think of us/them’ feel of the centaur Thereus in Gemini. On the way there Pholus, of small cause / big effect fame, pops up in Sagittarius like the lamp post we didn’t see and my, that was close. It is as if the greater luminary is driving under a yellow flag, cautiously holding a place, preparing to advance

The Moon meanwhile is feeling no such compunctions. Speed-reading the span of Mercury’s Virgo retrograde in a little over a day, gathering thorns there while it may. Speaking of Mercury, it’s no slouch, accelerating to join Saturn on Libra’s big couch.

How we think and what we feel are in concordance on this deal, let’s get over the edge and start Libra for real. But our expressed self, conscious and creative is not so sure. There might be more than we bargained for beyond that door.

Every conjunction of the Sun and Moon extinguishes the light of the previous lunar cycle while igniting a new one. The spark for that ignition is the energy of the sign in which the luminaries find concordance. Focusing that energy as a magnifying glass focuses light. With Sol and Luna coming together precisely on the the ascendant of the 9-11 chart the imperatives of Libra are being brought to the front door of that event. Striving for balance, justice and seeing the other side.

No wonder the Sun seems to be dragging its feet. How would you feel approaching a threshold anticipating a stranger with your face on the other side?

And what of the world, that collection of me’s that’s really one we. What precipitated from the events of September 11, 2001 has not been confined to the United States. Perhaps more than anything before or since, the whole world was watching. The empathy, fear and confusion moved the planet like a stand-sit wave around a stadium. It created a vortex in which most of us were caught up. Out of the loins of that vortex, the 21st century was born.

And what chart better represents the world than the chart of the world, the Thema Mundi. Apparently developed as a teaching device over two thousand years ago, it has some things in common with 9-11. What really took place to bring it about is shrouded in mystery. It is appears to be where a new age and its distinguishing characteristics had its origin. But most of all it is in the axis of quadrature that the most chilling correspondence is to be found.

Every astrological chart for an exact time and place has a outer wheel of solar houses and an inner wheel of houses that begin with what degree of what sign was on the eastern horizon. That’s the ascendant, also known as AC. The cusp of the first house. Opposing the ascendant is the descendant, or DC — that axis runs East-West. There is also a North-South axis from the Imum Coeli (IC) to Medium Coeli (MC).

And here’s the kicker, take that two thousand-plus-year-old chart, rotate the ascendant clockwise 90 degrees and you have the 9-11 chart. And conversely, the ascendant on the 9-11 chart is the Imum Coeli on the Thema Mundi.

Here is where things get a little counterintuitive for most of us so please bear with a paragraph to overcome a misconception before it forms. Most of us think of the geographic direction North as corresponding with the word ‘up’. It is not uncommon to refer to the North Pole at the top of the world. But in a hoary chart it’s just the opposite. The Imum Coeli corresponds to North and it is at the bottom in every sense of the word.

The IC is like the North in its winter season — in the dark. It is like the bottom in that it is the lowest point, the nadir, if you will. It is the cusp of the fourth house and represents not so much home, shelter, privacy and security as the need for those things. When the Rolling Stones sang “Gimmie Shelter” (and you should listen to it) that was as good a tribute to the IC and the fourth house as you will ever want to hear.

So the world chart’s need for shelter, privacy, security, stability and nurturing rose to dawn over the horizon just as flight 11 struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center on New York City on 9-11. And now the Sun and Moon are conjoining in precisely that sign, at precisely that degree for the first time since the world was turned on its side by 90 degrees.

And in astrology, 90 degrees represents what, boys and girls? That’s right a square. A knot of internal tension that can only be untied by conscious action. With the world’s need for shelter meeting up with Libra’s need for balance where Sol’s soul conception and Lunar reception come together, you just know that this is not going to be ordinary. What it might be is the rabbit we will attempt to pull out on Thursday.

Offered In Service

20 thoughts on “The Shape of Things Past”

  1. Yeti, I love that notion of soft and strong. You made me search for one of my favourite quotes. It’s from St. Francis de Sales.

    “Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength”.
    I have a feeling you will like it as someone who appreciates the essence of the tai chi method.

    In addition, Be: Your notion of my home being a spiritual meeting place due to of my moon in Sagg. is precisely why I love this apt.
    You totally read my soul’s desire and ambition!

  2. Shebear: Yeah, Tai Chi is the old way of spelling Chinese words with Roman characters. I use Taiji because it’s a lot closer to how it’s actually pronounced. The old spelling style is called wade-giles and the newer one, the one currently used by China is called pinyin. In full the art is called tai ji chuan which means something like grand ultimate fist. It refers to the emptiness, softness and relaxation at the core of the strength of the art. In my view I think it’s just the sort of thing the vast majority of Americans need to counterbalance the hyper anxiety stress noise of this version of civilization. Scientific research has shown that tai ji provides all the same health benefits of something like jogging, but you don’t destroy your knees in the process, or even work up much of a sweat. It’s important to find a good teacher tho, as many teachers in the states don’t know the foundations of the art and might as well be teaching dance classes, and bad ones at that. The essential quality is someone who is both soft and strong.

  3. I agree with you Len, PW is a wonderful meeting place! I’ve received a lot of love and guidance here over the years that I have been dropping in, and today is really making my heart sing (and my “shiner” fade!)

    Be, you have been a very kind and good teacher to me today and now I have quite a few lessons to pore over; thank you. Having digested some of the aspects you honed in on, I’m thinking that “wascalley twansiting Pwuto squwared Mars” and did a number on me!

    I shall take Yeti’s advice and learn some Tai Chi and attempt to find a healthier way to sheperd that Martian energy around me so it does less damage 😉

    Good night to you all!

  4. shebear, yeti, be and all:
    Reading your posts today opened my heart and inspired me. So grateful to be associated with such a wonderful group of people.

  5. I’m so glad this is turning out positively for you, as Hazel is too I’m sure. I see that the New Moon day after tomorrow will be on your midheaven and will feature a Jupiter trine to your natal Jupiter. Not too shabby! However, the transiting Neptune and Chiron are still within orb of squaring your Jupiter, with Neptune stationing direct next month (7th) exactly square it. Try to keep your feet on the ground (sorry, couldn’t help it!) at that time as anything that seems too good to be true will likely only be an illusion.

    On the positive side, if your Moon is at 25 Saggitarius 56 your home can provide a spiritual haven for like-minded friends. Your Chiron return is over and Neptune will not make it back as far as far as your natal Chiron in Aquarius; I’d say the worst is over.

  6. I dream of the day that the truth of 9/11/2001 will come to light. My first grandson was born 7 days after, call me a coward, but I was glad he wasn’t born on the day. Light, light, light is what we need after so much since then, light to enlighten the worlds, and bring us all into becoming what comes next grounded in love, and only love.

  7. YAY w.yeti, I’m so very happy for you and your move into a much nicer sounding place. No more woofing and yelling; all you have to do is let that fung shui entrance do it’s thing and it will invite in to your new abode, all that you deserve. I wish you the very best of everything in this new venture.

    I have often been intrigued with taiji — that’s tai chi, am I right? I have tried it once and I loved it. Moving meditation. I just may get out there and find another class with your blessing! Thank you Yeti.

    Hazel1: You are right about the mice re. health and the building. I have been working bit by bit on him over the summer and this event has been the last straw; I have his attention though and that is a lot to be thankful for. I hear he is to parge the whole of the outside of the house and if that is so, great. Thank you very much for your advice and encouragement as well.

  8. Hello again Be.

    Oh I would put it money on it that you are the one who is clear here and me…….not so much!

    From your inquires I see that I have:
    Jupiter in Scorpio at 25o 58′ 7″;
    Moon in Sagg. 25o 56′ 21″ ;
    M/C is in Libra 16o 45′ 43″
    Oh and Chiron is in Aquarius, 24o 1′ 11″

    I don’t have activity in those other arenas you threw out — everything seems to be quished into activity from Leo/ Virgo – Sagg. for me but I should get a progressed chart for more detail without a doubt.

    That’s intriguing to learn of Mars conjunct M87, ‘cos quite honestly i could not believe that the chair was not where i thought it to be (that was so not me) and once that realisation registered, I would have to say that i felt already being pulled…..that point of no return. Vaccumed downward….? Wow. Also loved my Venus positioning softening my Mars wallop. Yays!!

    Now re. the landlord; he is actually a good sort and this place is very good for me. He is actually getting a professional onto it and addressing it asap. But; thank you for being concerned because I have had horrid adventures in my past. This one is not that, thankfully.

    Thank you again Be for being so generous. You are really giving me a great lesson here……… feels like we’re at the kitchen table poring a cyber chart. Can’t put into words how neat that really feels. You have a warm, caring soul my fellow Waver!

  9. Though one we the collection of me’s might be, I sure as shit ain’t Christine O’Donnell!

    So you think the truth about 9/11 might begin to reveal itself?

    btw, just in case anyone’s positive vibes helped- thanks. I moved (mostly) this weekend and am enjoying the lack of canine and human verbal violence immensely.

    One of my acupuncturist friends offered me a place in her basement which happens to be in my favorite Portland neighborhood. I lost my backpack on Friday though and only discovered that I lost it yesterday. It had my wallet, but no $$ and my iPod touch. I guess it’s leaving that wandering identity behind to deepen my root and generate income that also serves humanity’s healing. Should be a lot easier here in a house where the entryway and kitchen have really good feng shui. I’m still working on my new room. I think it should help that my desk is now sit-on-chair height instead of sit-on-floor-cross-legged height for the first time since my last desk was destroyed by fire just after an eclipse in my 4th house in August of 2008. That should help a bit.

    Also, I guess a reflection of Venus/Mars a friend of mine told me he quit kung fu school and wants to study tai ji with me. So my first student found me. I’m really glad he made the switch cause he has some wounds that external martial arts would only make worse over time. There’s nothing like being promoted to teacher status to encourage the further deepening of my practice.

    Hey Shebear- good move relaxing in the face of harm…but taiji could help you direct that Mars and avoid those kinds of falls all together 😉

  10. Shebear: The landlord needs to get rid of the mice, not only because they spread disease, but because they damage the property and make it harder to rent out, also the landlord (don’t know if it’s a he or she) needs to give you a break on the rent somehow, at least ask for it, I used to work in property management and these issues are important to both the landlord and tenant (if the landlord has any kind of functioning brain). I’m so sorry you had a fall and I’m very glad you came out of it with few injuries. If there’s any place to rent that looks decent, I’d seriously look at moving to it, but if not, then maybe move the kettle to where it doesn’t need an extension cord, I know it’s weird, but I think it’s safer in the long run. And talk to that landlord, they own the actual property, they should have some interest in the vermin running through it. It doesn’t exactly help property values. Good luck!

  11. shebear,

    I’m sorry I wasn’t clear before. Do you have any planets in your chart in the fixed signs (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio or Taurus) at the 12th, 13th, or 26th degrees?

    Do you have any planets at or near the 28th degree of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius or Gemini?

    Do you have a planet at or near the 11th degree of Libra, Cancer, Aries or Capricorn?

    If you do, they would be forming a major square or opposition or conjunction to the planets I named in the earlier post. This could have been triggered by the mentioned aspects with the results being your fall.

    However, if correct, your Mars at 3 Libra 0 is square transiting Pluto (mice are hidden and associated with Plutonian unpleasantries) and your Venus at 2 Virgo 47 is trine transiting Pluto, which softened your fall and reduced your damage.

    Also your Mars is conjunct M87, the galaxy with the famous black hole that as Philip Sedgwick says is “a cosmic vacuum cleaner”. Something that powerful could have pulled that chair out from under your foot!

    If you’ve only been there a few months, you might be getting a message to pack your bags and get the hell out of there. Once I rented a place that turned out to be crawling with roaches (which only came out at night) and I was gone in less than a week and never looked back. My advice is to find another place, no matter how much of a pain it is to move because the extension cord to your kettle is dangerous too. At least tell the landlord to get the problem fixed in 5 days or less or you will leave and furthermore, you will sue him if he withholds your deposit. The court will favor you. I’m very sure one day you will be glad you found a better place to live. Good luck!

  12. “But our expressed self, conscious and creative is not so sure. There might be more than we bargained for beyond that……..floor.”


  13. Be, Thank you so much for offering me comfort. I’m sorry to have caused you some queasiness though and I do hope to *never* do a repeat performance.
    I am a lucky girl for sure.

    I’m lucky also to have your astrological know how to help me make some sense of it. Now that I think of it, Mars may have caused me grief several times in my life. I have Mars in my natal chart at 3o 0′ 6″ Libra and Venus in Virgo 2o 47′ 20″r (but really I hesitate to offer these aspects, as I’m not 100% of my birth time and am working on clearing it up.) Uranus is in Leo 18o 35′ 8″ and Neptune is in Scorpio 4o 59′ 19″

    “You’ll take chances to express your individuality or need for independence, but risky moves can bring mishaps or mayhem.” How true is that Dell magazine horoscope for Monday! The story around the wire is that it’s an extension cord used as a plug for my kettle and I was repositioning it because I have had mice taking over my kitchen since moving in four months ago and was desperately trying to reconvene the setup to work more for me and keep them away. They had been using the wire to travel up to the counter top. Sorry if that notion makes you queasy again! I also think that underlying the dynamic is a growing frustration with my landlord for not taking this situation more seriously.

    I hope this latest info. helps you to help me! You are very sweet to shine your knowledge on my situation Be. Thank you again.

  14. a word is a word in your blurb
    but a rhyme is sublime with a verb
    if you drift off in space
    PW is the place
    to return when your blurbverb is curb’d

  15. shebear, you poor baby!

    Your story left me a bit queazy, and I’m glad you are only suffering minor problems. I would offer a piece of the puzzle, the transiting part as I’m not familiar with your natal planets. It has all the appearances of a “Mars thing”; impulsive, impacting (the floor), and the conjunction of Mars and Venus happened Sunday afternoon. Then Mars moved ahead of Venus in her pause before stationing and headed for the sesquiquadrate (135 degrees and part of the square family) with Uranus that would be exact early Monday morning. Dell Horoscope magazine describes that aspect as:

    “You’ll take chances to express your individuality or need for independence, but risky moves can bring mishaps or mayhem.”

    Now I don’t have a clue what the wire around the window sill was about, but reckon it was of a creative nature (Venus conjunct Mars) and Mars made you do it at the moment you did. Another sesquiquadrate took place a little later between the Sun and Neptune. Dell says about that one:

    “You might lose yourself in a group situation, unsure of where you fit in or what role to play. Spiritual instincts will serve you well.”

    The group reference would be because of the signs Libra and Aquarius, but the aspect would still fit the conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Neptune) nature of your fall. Look to see if your charts (natal and progressed) have any planets that aspect the Venus, Mars degree (12 Scorpio), the Mars, Uranus degrees (13 Scorpio, 28 Pisces) or the Sun, Neptune degrees (11 Libra, 26 Aquarius). Not all of us took a fall on Sunday, so I suspect you will find a connection to those aspects in your own chart.

    And don’t ever do that again!

  16. My to do list of today must have focus, yes it may

    As the day rolls on my focus can’t slouch
    If it did there’d be no comfort on the couch

    It’s time to outwardly feel what’s been pressing from the inside to make this deal but if it isn’t about my personal truth then it just isn’t real.

    I’d go for one more but it’s time to do some of that work beyond the door.

    My poem has irregular beat yet is sent with gladness for today’s writing feat.

  17. Bear (!) with me as I indulge here and add the second half of my weekend, which didn’t feel appropriate to my last post. On Sunday I had a fall. I was putting wire up around my window sill and I was up on the counter-top. As I went to put my foot onto the chair to get down, I was in the motion of descending but realised (ugh) the chair was not where I thought it was and my foot was meeting air. I was at the point of no return and I could not stop my descent; so I fell into the fall, so to speak — gave over to it. I actually blanked out the moment I realised what was about to happen. When I came to, I did not remember what had happened until some hours had passed, as I had suffered some mild concussion. Thankfully the good news is that after a hospital checkup, I am OK — recouping in bed with some cuts and bruises but no broken bones, yay.

    Here’s the thing. I lay in bed yesterday, wondering about the astrology of Sunday and realised that Mercury had moved out of my natal sign VIrgo into Libra. What i really wondered about was, what happened to me at the precise moment I knew that I was going to fall and had to give over to it. For me I think that with surrendering to that notion, I must have become like a rag doll and if I hadn’t, I would be nursing several broken bones. I’m also thinking that because Mercury moved into Libra and for me, I lost my footing but by surrendering maybe I found my way? By loosing control and softening up, I came out the other side in reasonably good shape. Oh I know most likely there’s more to explain this scenario hidden in my natal chart, but nonetheless, I am intrigued.

  18. The topic of the square came up again for me at the weekend when I attended a workshop called Sacred Geometry by an artist called David Rankine. I learned a new word or notion. It is tensgrity (tensional integrity) and was coined by Buckminister Fuller to describe a structure or a system which uses the least amount of energy/material for its greatest strength. When two systems interact in a tensegrous manner the potentiality fields of both individual systems or interpenetrate the other as far as their centre points. Both systems retain their integrity and share an area equal to 1/3 of their volume. By only touching their centre points they exist in a tensegrous relationship – neither is dominant, both are equal.

    This notion gave me a deeper appreciation of the energy of a square and expanded the notion of dichotomy that you offered my way a few weeks back Len. On Saturday afternoon we actually made two circles of people and pushed them together until we made a tensegrous relationship and I really felt the energy of “the square” surround me. It was invigorating and freeing.

    The area formed by the two entities is a point where there is synergy, or as he put it: “a balanced state wherein energy seems to amplify rather than remain in a static closed cycle.” He says he has asked himself many times “”why do certain structures and forms act as the building blocks of the Universe?. Why a pentagon and not a asymmetrical polygon of five sides? Why a star of David or a snow flake and not a blob?” The answer lies in a basic underlying principle of the universe – that of TENSEGRITY* and within an understanding of tensegrity is also an understanding of harmony, balance and flow of energy as thought, information, communication love etc.”

    So onto the new moon in Libra and our opportunity to square dance our way into creating a new building block. One we can use as part of our foundation for what lies ahead, but the shape of which is of things past as we pool all our learned resources into something brand new. I’m excited!

    Echoing a bit of both Kyla and Len: “May all “rabbits” pulled from this New Moon’s hat be consciously embodying love.”
    Yes, yes and yes.

    Thank you Len for another awesome lesson.

  19. “So the world chart’s need for shelter, privacy, security, stability and nurturing rose to dawn over the horizon just as flight 11 struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center on New York City on 9-11.”

    Oh wow, Len. This is so dead on resonant with how I sense this event and its effects on the entire world….. thank you once again for the focused lens.

    May all “rabbits” pulled from this New Moon’s hat be consciously embodying love.

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