The Powerful Attraction – Venus Into Aries

By Len Wallick
Bound by a wild desire, i fell into a ring of fire.”
–June Carter (with Merle Kilgore)

Venus entered Aries overnight. If there is anything to synchronicity, our times and our lives are about to get even more interesting. If you don’t think that’s possible, here’s another one. The train of events will likely lead back to you.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

What you learn about yourself over the next several days and weeks will probably proceed directly from whether and how you act on your attractions and what is attracted to you. Even with the Sun’s defection to Taurus yesterday, Aries remains a very crowded and complex thirty degree slice of the circle. It is occupied by its traditional ruling planet, Mars. It is also host to the current retrograde of its esoteric ruler, Mercury. Uranus is there and it’s a big deal, a fact that Jupiter is amongst them all to remind us of. Now add Venus and that’s five of the major planets, more than half of the solar system you learned about in school.

If things seem a little lopsided or out of balance right now, that might have something to do with it. Other than adding to the sheer amount of mass in that small part of the sky, the Venus ingress to Aries might be downplayed by a cook book astrologer. Unlike Mars, Mercury and Uranus, which share various levels of rulership, the Venusian situation is quite the opposite, literally so. That’s because the sign opposing Aries, 180 degrees away, is Libra.

Libra, along with Taurus, is one of the two signs ruled by Venus. Formulaic astrology says that when a planet is in a sign opposite to the one it rules, it is in detriment (or fall). This could be taken to mean that the object is out of its element or perhaps outside of its jurisdiction. In such cases the influence would be discounted, marginalized or subordinated. There might even some who might say that Venus is being more powerfully expressed through the Sun in Taurus than it is as the odd fish in the dry and crowded kettle of Aries. Maybe sometimes, but not this time.

You see, Venus is nothing if not attractive. It is the archetypal quality of attraction that the esteemed pan-cultural astrologer, Robert Hand, selected as the single, distinguishing characteristic for this planet. As an intrinsic expression of a nature, attraction seems to originate from the inside. As an undeniable force from within, attraction works its ways without. Attraction is not desire, but it arouses same. It is not charisma although it is at least as mysterious. The phrase, “a certain something” is often invoked to describe what seems to be the specificity of its force.

This in spite of the fact that the personal nature of the sympathy is often a common, collective response from those who fall under the spell. Attraction, above all, compels the need to bond with it regardless of the consequences. With so many planets in Aries, that’s a lot of attraction to bond with. Given the nature of the sign, the implied synergy is to reveal something about the self to the self through the experience.

It all begins this weekend when Venus makes its first conjunction in the first house of fire, with Uranus. It is a promising start with transformational possibilities. We may all have an entirely different perspective on ourselves by next week.

Offered in service

17 thoughts on “The Powerful Attraction – Venus Into Aries”

  1. Patty,

    Where does that leave this poor Pisces Sun/Aries Moon?


    …and yes, fer sure don’t forget the high heels! (and the great hair; Leo AC)

    Love ya!

  2. hey patty — the “selfish” theme comes up for the placement of venus in aries, not necessarily aries in general.

  3. “Venus… Formulaic astrology says that when a planet is in a sign opposite to the one it rules, it is in detriment (or fall). This could be taken to mean that the object is out of its element or perhaps outside of its jurisdiction. In such cases the influence would be discounted, marginalized or subordinated.”

    I don’t think any of the ladies we have been dealing with since last October, starting with Juno and Vesta and moving on to Eris and Pandora and Isis and whoever else I know I have left out, is about to be “marginalized, subordinated or discounted” for a minute these days. Thanks for the heads up, Len. This isn’t about matriarchy, but, what ever it is about, their time has come. Let’s see what this lady (Venus) has to say.

  4. All the Aries people I know are generous to a fault, and it is how they have always attracted wealth! I’m not sure where selfish fits in to the scheme. Their homes are their castles and their pillows are ships where great dreams are dreamed as they sail through the night (the Pisces shadow). Aries gives them the fortitude to carry out other-worldly dreams, wearing high heels of course, and a daring gaze.

  5. Beginning with Len, you have all “made my day”. Wait! Wait! ummm….you have all attracted joy to my day!


  6. Thank you Len, been feeling jagged and expectant lately and these words are a good mediation to take me into the weekend.

    I will be on the look out for new perspective inspiration!

  7. “But it seems as though humans’ experience of Venus-in-Aries may be evolving from ‘selfish’ to ‘self-love’ — and beyond.”

    well, this little taurus with venus in aries is certainly hoping so. thanks for the encouraging perspective, mystes and len.

    susyc — interesting, and rather unsettling, insight about ayn rand & children. in a slightly paranoid/self-absorbed moment, it makes me wonder about my own see-saw when it comes to the idea of having children.

    michele — “plagiarized” or not, that quote it priceless. 🙂 thanks for the smile!

  8. Hi Len,

    I’m just hoping that Venus will make the Aries energy less aggressive and war-like, and just in time for Easter. This includes the weather!

  9. ps. i should note that i got that quote from someone else, somewhere else. is there such a thing as quote-plagiarising?

  10. “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”
    –Kung Fu Monkey

  11. In the old days people used to say that you were known by the company you kept. According to Thom Hartmann, Ayn Rand liked to keep company with a child killer. Someone once pointed out that her books had no children in them. They didn’t fit into the individualistic… selfishness, self-centeredness ideal because they require care, nurturing and protection. Socio-psychopathic is way too kind a word for this crazy opportunist.

  12. Metaphor central, here – I am feeling like a hamster on a wire wheel right now, trying to keep pace with things that are coming at me fast and furious – mostly good things, for a change – and have been working on keeping myself focused and on an even keel, wondering how I will weather this sudden storm of activity in my life and hoping it doesn’t knock me on my ass. I’m too old for this pace.

    Len, Mystes, today you have both given me a reinforcement I needed, literally, TODAY (Now if only someone would give me a full body massage, which I also need today).

    Thank you.

  13. KathyC: Thank you for your kind words.

    mystes: Thank you for the teaching in your comments. It is weird, Ayn Rand was not even remotely in my thoughts when i was writing this. Like you, no endorsement is intended but if love can be transformative then it’s valid to question whether love itself (or at least our mortal understanding) is amenable to transformation, at least in context. That’s where those mysteries come in and whether love can challenge death for primacy. And, wow, we do have a holiday this weekend that kinda fits with those mysteries, eh?

  14. Actually, it is a big weird that Altas Shrugged is being released as Venus ingresses Aries. Might lend a sheen to that movie and those ideas that they truly do not merit.

  15. Hey Len, Interesting take on Venus in Aries. I am caught in three crosscurrents right now (preparing to move house; finishing up my employment’s cycle; preparing to fly to L.A.) so can’t say too much. But it seems as though humans’ experience of Venus-in-Aries may be evolving from ‘selfish’ to ‘self-love’ — and beyond. The morality of Xtianity called for self-sacrifice to the greater authority of Their Father, and ‘self-love’ was a form of apostasy in front of that demand. But we all know the morality of meekness was (and is) essentially political. (But pleasepleaseplease do not mistake this for an endorsement of Ayn Rand/Objectivism!)

    The more astrologers who peg Venus-in-Aries as the pure experience of ignition, the faster the stigma of ‘selfish Venus’ will dissolve. The ‘beyond’ is the use of Venus in the Orphic Mysteries, a topic I don’t have time to unpack here, but worth some independent research.

    Anyway, inspiring article. Thanks for the electronic ink!

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