The Oregon Coast, The Weight and The Eclipse

Dear Friend and Reader:

We are putting the last touches on this week’s Planet Waves Astrology News — the Lunar Eclipse Edition — verifying the corrections that came in from Jessica in LA overnight, doing the test emails to make sure the HTML holds up in your inbox so that it has that beautiful graphic look and feel.

Eric Francis in his office, the Book of Blue Studio.
Eric Francis in his office, the Book of Blue Studio.

This week of the Saturn-Uranus conjunction was pretty interesting at Planet Waves. Carol van Strum, my friend and old journalism teacher, wrote a series of articles exposing the Navy’s plan to take over the entire Northwest Pacific coast as a firing rage. We posted the articles ad diaries to Daily Kos, the massive political blogging site, and apparently the phones are ringing off the hook at various Congressional and Navy offices.

Then came this week’s lead article for Planet Waves Astrology News. With a lunar eclipse Monday, I had to handle the topic, and I started with an astrology lead. Then Wednesday night I (once again) found myself obsessed with the song The Weight by The Band. After a conversation with my tarot cards, I decided that I would lead the piece using The Weight as an analogy instead of a straight-up astrology lead. Which is what I did — so when you hear this song, consider it a reading of Monday’s lunar eclipse chart: exploring the Aquarian line between personal and collective karma.

There was just one problem: the lyrics on the Internet were full of conflicts. The biggest one was, is the song about someone named Fannie, or Annie? I started fact-checking this seemingly simple question. Now, partly because I am an honorary Woodstock person (where Dylan and The Band did some of their best work together), I have some old connections to people who work (or worked) with The Band personally. So I started making calls, figuring someone would know. I talked to one friend, who worked with them for years, who told me the story of how the lyrics really came into being.

Monday’s eclipse is a big one — exactly opposite Chiron and Neptune. Working with some of my best collaborators, I’ve done what I can to make it easy and accessible, putting Chiron in Aquarius into context. Check it out in this week’s Planet Waves Astrology News, along with Judith Gayle’s Political Waves, science and technology news and Weekly Horoscope #752 (and counting).

You can sign up here. And if you haven’t checked out Next World Stories, you can get astrology readings for 2009 easily worth three times the price.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

4 thoughts on “The Oregon Coast, The Weight and The Eclipse”

  1. Been away for a couple of days……would like to reply….!!

    The key to this…is that we are being blitzed and brainwashed into believing that we individuate…by taking up the offer of this weeks cool accoutrement to our battered lack of self-esteem!!

    So it is no good to a marketing guru to target very healthy people. A psychiatrist has no chance in a world inhabited by Aldous Huxley’s “Island” tribe…they take the moksha medicine at 15 in nirvana like conditions…and grow up extremely well adjusted…!!

    So if we are “green” in conscious…well goodbye to oil powered vehicles…thankyou and goodnight….Ford…Chrysler….Toyota…Nissan…etc..

    And I do believe that we have reached that point in our history…critical mass(no pun intended) has been reached…the shelf life of the old way…tobacco…alcohol….and placebos for the masses in general….. has been artificially extended by mass marketing…on a promise of individuation…for far too long…!!

    It has even become a feature of the culture of glamour and personality……as we live our lives vicariously through the adventures of some imaginary klutz on TV…..success is switching on the vibe rom the corner of the room…

    Well it is time….the lack of real nurture has become too deafening to ignore!!

    Now the people are speaking… miracle cure has been found…only a true and honest evolutionary path…and all of the dead wood is being shaken from the tree..!!

    You cannot market a persons’ move towards Soul consciousness…although religion has been pompously trying…for centuries….so we begin to see the true value of Aquarius…. the dawning of the age……!!

    Yeah I did wonder about Alice…..”feed your head” …Grace Slick..invoking Jefferson..!!

    Mass marketing has raped the sensuality of our peoples…..the addiction is exposed…and rehab is beginning…!!

    I leave you with John Martyn…who caught tha last train home this week…!!

    He lived and worked with The Band…at Woodstock…and pinned my brain to the back wall in 1969…..

  2. musicman, your Alice was at the bottom of my screeen. I was thinking Alice in Wonderland and was bristling as I paged down. I guess she’s not the only Alice in town. What the sixties did to my young brain!

  3. Musicman 1,

    Thank you for sharing your experience with the shell-shocked couple you met. People with that Mercury Mars conjunction seem to me (and others who don’t have one) to have powers of producing massive amounts of data, incredibly fast, and specifically to the point. I believe Eric said he had that natal aspect too. Anyway, I’m very happy for the boy and his parents. you done good.

    And although pretty young in 65-66, I worked for a tv station, scheduling commercials of all things. Compared to now, the exposure tv viewers got from advertising back then was limited and even structured, as in no 2 auto advertisers could have commercials closer than 15 minutes apart. But I have no doubt that the blitz started then and it now overwhelms the audience. So many ways to be an individual.

  4. I once went to a house in Ruabon in Wales….one Sunday morning….in my capacity as a salesman….to do a 3 hour presentation! On entering the property….I was confronted by a couple…..sitting on the sofa….looking absolutely knackered…!! shell-shocked….!! completely rum tucker f****d!!

    Adjacent to them….was a boy….aged about 8 years old…wearing a top hat…( in a Bob Dylan Style…) leaning over….headbutting the wall……making a ” shoo shoo choo ” noise..!! As I looked at this welcoming family scene…the mother said….”we are at the end of our tether….we just cannot cope” ” Oh its OK” says I without a second thought ……. having processed the data in milliseconds…” he just thinks he is a railway train hitting the buffers” the boy stopped and looked up at me with that look…. that it takes one to know one….Aspergers autistic….Mars Mercury conjunct in Aries…Exoteric and Esoteric firing like an IBM 4330 mainframe……trine Pluto in Leo…trine Moon/Ascendant in Sag…….. everything transforms in milliseconds….by the time the pain has subsided…its already fun again….no filters you see….all the sense datum gets processed…no shell….no refusing to know the truth….eyecontact can be hard…!!

    So I forgot about the presentation and down loaded 50 pages for the parents to read …digest….and take to Social Services as a means of getting the boy registered….

    And guess what….the bullying stopped….the boy became a grade one student….and his parents had time to fall in love all over again…

    So for those of you who have filters…can choose which bits of data to process……and are somewhat trapped in a self fulfilling prophesy of mediocrity……I would say that the coming eclipse is the perfect time to rip up the membrane….take it all….let your truth burn through the pages of your lives….and feel vital….and alive….

    For those of us( there are 500,000 in the UK alone).. who were born with these special gifts ( for that is what Autism really is…and Aspergers in particular)… I would say this….

    Let the Volcano of your feelings take you to the creative places… the pulse….and get your parents and teachers onside real quick….!! We can’t check the boxes of wannabee individuation…but we can uniquely point out the light on the road of truth…… ” In the kingdom of the blind etc….. ”

    PS.. I have to take issue with Alice….years ago I would not have dared…or had too much respect…or not enough experience….!

    Alice Bailey, the theosophical author/channel, put it a different way. In her discussion of Aquarius, she notes the difference between mass consciousness and group consciousness. A group, she says, can only be composed of individuals. A mass of people are the ones who have not individuated and who cannot therefore be a group. Conformity is mass consciousness.

    In group work…in music……the individuals create the group consciousness…lose their egos in the music and become the music…….

    A mass of people getting lost in group consciousness often do the exact opposite of conformity…hence the Hells Angel who committed murder at the Stones gig at Altamont Speedway….. ……or a Streaker at a football game…..individuals losing their egos to the mass conscious….and then being empowered by it to individuate theirs…and our…. worst nightmares…….!!

    Between 1965 and 1966….mass market shifted its pitch in the US of A…. from conformity for all….black cars…grey suits…and the sameness is good….to individual colours….styles….and shapes and sizes …for all. The results were staggering…!! Even the LSD came in a user friedly design…!!

    So I would argue that it is mass marketing…with a vengeance….and peoples’ escape from it…that sets these trends at universalising and individuating……!!

    Mass consciousness tends to conformity….but it also individuates the lack of strategy…or the cracks in the system….. “Hello Lucifer”

    Group consciousness tends to individualism…but produces epic works of universal quality and consistency…!!

    No boundaries at all produce an infinite array of possibilities….!!

    Toodle Pip


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