After all, it was you and me

Edward Kennedy, at center, is the youngest child of Joseph and Rose Kennedy. In this photo, a family portrait taken in London in January 1939, he is between his mom and dad. The clan, from left: Eunice, John, Rosemary Jean, Joseph, Edward, Rose, Joseph Jr., Patricia, Robert and Kathleen. Edward, who was born in 1932, died early this morning. Photo by Dorothy Wilding.
Edward Kennedy, at center, is the youngest child of Joseph and Rose Kennedy. In this photo, a family portrait taken in London in January 1939, he is between his mom and dad. The clan, from left: Eunice, John, Rosemary, Jean, Joseph, Edward, Rose, Joseph Jr., Patricia, Robert and Kathleen. Edward, who was born in 1932, died early this morning. Photo by Dorothy Wilding.

14 thoughts on “After all, it was you and me”

  1. paletiger, yes. . Patty DID say that. I think you should start a journal! No kidding, it would make a great book: The Megrahi Decision.

    opening . . .It was exactly as it looked, while at the same time it did a very convincing job of being something that it wasn’t. (flashback to Pan Am in air before exploding). . .

    Someday, years and years from now, life will be complacent, routine, perhaps even boring and people will turn to reading books (if they are still publishing) or listen to them, and wonder what it must have been like to be alive at such a time when such things took place. They will marvel at the excitement of daily life on earth; at this dawning of the age of Aquarius!

    You got a cast of characters already and even a sound track . . . .do it!

  2. Be – picked up your thread on the Megrahi decision. Yup – it was suggested very early on that it could indeed be dark and sticky below the surface. Certainly as dark and sticky as oil. Pluto has riches.

    Well, the debate (sort of) continues here in the UK. It’s got a weird quality to it, this scenario. As if it is exactly as it looks, while at the same time doing a very convincing job of being something that it is not. A deal for oil masking as an appeal for compassion? And it could be either or both. Or neither. Didn’t Patty suggest a Neptune fog. Harrrumph.

    Dark and sticky…reminds me of a brilliant Peter Gabriel track, Digging in the Dirt. Apt here. Love H.

  3. Hi Patty, the only symbols I’m aware of re: time of death astrology for Mr. Kennedy were the two we discussed earlier this month. The last degree of Cancer, where the 7/22 eclipse was, and the last degree of Capricorn, where the north node would be when it left Aquarius. They were very important at the time of death and also in his natal chart.

    At time of death Venus (and possibly Vesta. . haven’t checked) was in the last degree of Cancer. In Kennedy’s birth chart his Saturn (ruler of chart) was in the last degree of Capricorn, and the present day north node had just arrived at that degree too.

    Cancer 30: A daughter of the American Revolution . . keynote: The prestige & conservatism of a long-maintained heritage. (Rudhyar refers to it as “a glorification of the past”.) Think of the many folks who came to pay their respects.

    Capricorn 30: A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs. . . keynote: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power. (Rudhyar calls it “executive power”) A fitting place for his Saturn, don’t you think?

    At the time of death his Sun was at approx. 3 Virgo 02 and the Moon at approx 17 + Scorpio. I’m just going by the (approx) time I heard of 11:30 PM on Tuesday, Aug 25. If you get a chance, check it out and let me know.

  4. BK, thank you for all of the insights! Now I am wondering about the girl who showed up today after being missing for 18 years. The YOD aspects are fascinating to say the least.

    What was the sabian symbol story for the death I will go look at beliefnet too. I remember reading that when Pope John Paul died that a great man would leave us – that was in the symbols.


  5. Your kind words are appreciated Len. Without belaboring Senator Kennedy’s birth chart astrology regarding his death (and there is a lot of it), I had one observation to share.

    As Venus approached that 7/22 eclipse degree on the night he died, it was forming a (you guessed it) yod with the sextile of transiting Pluto and his natal Sun/Mars/Mercury. With this focal point of Venus in his natal 7th house (5th solar house), it could be representative of the love of his wife and the love of his legislative brethren (and even open enemies!) and the love of his countrymen. This really does strike me as worthy to be called a Finger of God aspect. It was reported that his wife (can’t remember who she said this to) said he was ready to go, but they (the family) weren’t ready to let him go yet.

    I’ll leave it alone now but just thought you would find it worth mentioning.

  6. Happy B-day S!

    The era’s only beginning kids! We’ve barely even begun to celebrate! And I’m very pleased to meet you… is it 14 between 13 and 15?! Yeah, I think that’s the way it goes!

    Hugs and kisses all around!


  7. Thank you, bkoehler, you never fail to teach me something new and important about astrology and also about perspective. Your contributions to this space are, i’m sure, appreciated by many.
    -Len Wallick

  8. Like Fe said, a profound closing of an era. As many things Capricorn will be challenged at this time, from it’s Pluto ingress and from the opposition of Saturn and Uranus, Ted Kennedy had Capricorn rising and transiting Pluto was still in his 12th house, the “natural” home of Pisces. Lynn Hayes ( has a good delineation of Sen. Kennedy’s chart and time of death and notes that his progressed Sun was conjunct his natal Chiron. I would only add that the total eclipse on 7/22 last month was opposed his Saturn, while today, the north node now conjoins it.

    As eras go, this was a colorful one; the kind epic films love to recreate. My guess is we will see this family’s history portrayed for many years into the future, in all the ways possible.

    So now we begin a new era, as yet unclear, but with all the promise of equally epic drama. What a time to be alive.

  9. Thanks for noting this passage and including the photo. Yes Shanna, I too now realize how the Kennedys have been an influence and a presence in my life, conscious or not, since I was a babe/child and my parents worked for the election of JFK… much like I worked for Obama I think.


  10. Agreed, Fe. This very familiar picture reminds me how long the Kennedys have influenced our lives. I feel we’ve been living with them forever. The world they were born into might as well have been the 17th century to any twenty year old today.

    And is there something odd about how these siblings seem to leave this earth in pairs?

  11. too bad you had to remove the pic of Mother Theresa for this one, we share the same birthday. today is also National Woman’s Equality day, sad that we even need one, more sad it’s hardly acknowledged. still, a good day for re*birth. 😉

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