Sunday: Mars enters Sagittarius

WHEN MARS ENTERS SAGITTARIUS, he becomes the life of the party. The God of friction becomes exuberant, fun-loving and ever in the mood for a good-natured spar, either physical or mental. According to Isabel Hickey, Mars is activity and motion. Without this motion, there would be no forms. Scientifically speaking, I take this to mean that the energy of Mars is the same energy as animated particles. Everything vibrates. According to some, every thing in the world is a cluster of matter vibrating at different density/frequencies. Mars in this case is the energy to vibrate.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

In Sagittarius, the question of “fight or flight” is more likely to be answered with flying away from situations which invite unease. Travel and seeking spacious environments in the physical or psychological sense becomes very important with Mars in this sign. It seems to me that this transit involves a hunger for discovery about the self.

Today, Mercury comes into a sextile with Jupiter and a trine with Uranus. Again, the distant horizons beckon us as Jupiter is aspected today. In my opinion, all three of these planets play a role in innovative knowledge and liberating wisdom. It seems as though the entrance of Mars in Sagittarius goes along nicely with these aspects. It’s almost like being a student on the first day at the University of Your Choice. There is a crackling sense of excitement and intellectual potential.

Mercury in a sextile with Typhon seems to be about mental cycles. In the Greek tradition, Typhon is depicted as a serpent with a human torso. In his attempt to overthrow the Gods, Zeus crushed him beneath a mountain. Linguistically, the word typhoon comes from Typhon, making the delineation about circles or spirals or repetitions. I would say that these spirals and habits occur on the interior because of Typhon being crushed beneath a mountain. There is a feeling that Typhon has dominion over destructive thought habits, though destruction is a temporary, active state.

Mercury’s relationship with Typhon today suggests a repetitive sort of inhibition that poses a challenge against the active thirst for knowledge and extended horizons supplied by the other aspects occurring today. In other words, today is a good day to hang loose and make space for yourself, keep your ears open and your opinion ready to be spoken, even if you feel like being shy.

The Moon is waning, so energy takes on a more contemplative value.



1 thought on “Sunday: Mars enters Sagittarius”

  1. Are you sure about the origin of the word ‘typhoon?’ I’d always thought it was pretty straighforward Japanese: еЏ°йўЁ. I could be wrong, I guess, but well, it just sounds and looks so much like a Japanese word.

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