Sun square Pholus; Vesta square Nessus

Good morning from Philadelphia:

I was the one they sent to ring the Liberty Bell.

Today the Sun is square Pholus. Of the many minor planets and asteroids I mention in this space, the second two centaurs, Pholus and Nessus, are two that I suggest you put some work into getting a grasp of. Both are making aspects today. They both resemble Chiron, though they focus that super-intense centaur energy in different ways. Sun square Pholus sets off an interior process of release, or of conflict, between two dimensions of what we think of as spiritual experience.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

I won’t ascribe one or the other to Sagittarius or Pisces (the two sides of this square) but I would propose that in this equation, one represents belief and the other represents faith. It is impressive the extent to which we confuse the two. This particular square is suggesting that we admit the conflict and then go to the deeper experiencing a kind of reconciliation. Do we have faith in what we believe? Do we believe in that which we claim to be faithful about? What are the points of alignment, and of divergence?

Notably, the Gemini Moon will come through this aspect later today, as today marks the first quarter phase. Sun-Pholus, particularly mixed with a lunar phase, would also be a good time to do your quarterly substance check-in: how much are you smoking, drinking or taking in the way of pills, and why? How long have you held your current pattern? And for how many generations, that you know of? Who do you relate to, in terms of their substance situation? I.e., your mom, Jerry Garcia, the guy in the Xanax commercial, and so on. Pholus is, in part, about the ‘tradition’ of substance use/abuse in our culture. Dionysus and Bacchus are gods; I see no sense in a blanket prohibition of mind-altering substances. I do feel strongly that our part is to bring awareness: the main vibration of centaur energy. (For mythphiles, the story of Pholus is intimately connected to Dionysus.)

As for Vesta square Nessus. This square goes from Taurus to Aquarius. Both of these planets have specifically sexual overtones: Vesta for being the fire goddess associated with healing, creativity and core sexual energy; and Nessus for being related to a story that involves sexual karma. Vesta is about purity and chastity; Nessus is the story of either a rape, or the use of sex in commerce, however you choose to interpret the myth (I prefer the key phrase, potentially inappropriate sexual contact, which leaves it ambiguous).

Structurally, we have one of these critters being about certainty of purpose; and the other about ambiguity of purpose. This is another kind of eternal conflict we face within the psyche. You could describe it as the Madonna/rapist complex, that is, tension in the psyche between chastity and taking what is not ours. Looked at another way, Vesta gives what she has, in the spirit of healing. Nessus shows up with an agenda. Which of these two archetypes do we want to embrace? And if you had to figure out a way to both have an agenda and offer who you are in service, how would you go about doing that?

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

3 thoughts on “Sun square Pholus; Vesta square Nessus”

  1. jlo, what you talkin about, freak of nature. You’re probably just a freak of that other thing that is not so nature. That thing we are all trying to fit into that just don’t feel right, and can be downright painful to look at. At this point in time, if you feel like a freak, you probably got it right.

    Your resume is unusual but I’ll send it out.

  2. belief and faith, faith and belief. Sometimes I don’t know if I am processing or if I am being processed. But does it really matter. Don’t think so at this time, cuz I ain’t goin there.

    I searched for some years for something to believe in. I found, I latched, only to debunk the belief I attached myself to. So I decided last night that belief is just a construct. It serves a purpose or it wouldn’t exist. Oh that’s right it doesn’t exist. I’ll say that it exists as a state of mind.

    As soon as I stated my belief that belief does not exist, I broke into a whole new area of thought and interest. That was the good part. I like being interested. And if the construct of belief gives us a place to move from, maybe it’s a good thing. Belief seems to be about whatever is true for me at the moment.

    So all I can say about belief, is that I am trying to leave the door cracked open even if just a hair, so my present belief, hypothesis, mental construct, can morph and flex and change. Change is the only constant? Is that still the rule?

    I have faith that my belief systems will continue to morph and change.

  3. Very clever insight. If I may, I offer this insight: folks can decieve themselves very easily. We all know were here to work out the shit that has been thrust upon us from time immemorial….. That IS why were here. I have to laugh at the cats who think this reality has any purpose other than to play. Drugs, (in the generic terminology) allow us to alter, (or explore), the reality we take part in…. therefore giving us material we otherwise might ignore. Very similar to the non-classical planets. hmmmmm. Though there are points where one gets lost in the haze of substance, there is a point where one can conjure the forces of the Universe, through drug use, to understand(or percieve), the machinations of the Universe. L.S.D. can be a good trip… IF your head’s not already screwed. Speed’s allright if you don’t lust it (but that’s tricky territory, honestly quite dangerous!!!! DANGER WILL ROGERS! INERTIAL DAMPENERS OFFLINE!!!). Mushrooms, if you’ve got inclination toward soul, and willing to get rid of your b.s. ego perception, AND willing to deal with the fact that there is a mortality rate with that “food”…..

    Eric, thanks for keepin’ it real…….

    everyone else in this space….. you’re beautiful….. PLEASE continue on!!!

    With LOVE from a freak of nature……


    Hey, I know this is a fucked question…. But I’m going to ask it anyway… I’ve NO shame,.. or pride. I’ve been on the comp. system for ….well… ever… anyways, the shit’s been cut so…. I have no more access to the weeklies. My plan at this point in time is to work out a piece of art for Mr. Francis in hopes he might be willing to trade services. Until I’m able to work out the process, I’m lacking my weekly!!! Is there anyone who would be willing to kick down? I’d be willing to throw down a piece for you as well. It takes me quite a while to work out pieces but, if you throw me a general concept… It may take a few weeks, but there’s about 10 to 15 hours worth of trip shit that comes with my expressions…. mostly symmetrics and optical illusions (trip shit!). I draw everything from scratch, pencil, ink, then color (only a bit, I really dig the black and white).
    With that being thrown out to the U…. my e-mail’s

    Take care loves…

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