Nothing like the Sun

Dear Friend and Reader:

As of a few minutes ago (at this writing Wednesday morning ET), the Sun is in Pisces. For those Fish in the reading audience, this is a big relief. It always is. The other 12 signs can resemble being somewhere other than the ocean. It does help when the Sun or other planets are in water signs, but there is nothing like the Sun here.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

We still have a lot of energy in Aquarius, and Aquarius will dominate the sky for months to come, even as planets continue to move into Pisces. The sky looks a little like a locomotive (technically, that is the pattern of the planets). The Sun is leading the way on a series of points that includes (in reverse order, from the end of Aquarius to the beginning) Neptune, Chiron, Nessus, Juno, Mars, Jupiter, the North Node and Mercury. There is much more; there are actually many, many asteroids interspersed in Aquarus, but this grouping is more than enough to consider for the moment.

The sheer number of conjunctions that are going to happen over the next weeks, as three fast movers — Mercury, Mars and Jupiter — make contact with the slow movers, Nessus, Chiron and Neptune — is pretty astonishing.

To me the setup is telling us what we have to be looking out for behind the scenes. There would appear to be something visible (say, for example, a stimulus package) and something invisible (a society in crisis and transformation). Does anyone ask why this economic situation is the way that it is? Or is it just so? If it’s about massive debt, do we ask why that debt is there? If it’s about the political legacy of the past decade, do we ask how that got there?

In the current sky, the really big news is the Chiron-Neptune conjunction that is forming. Today the Moon in Sagittarius works its way through sextiles with both planets. That is a dialog, and it’s a kind of spiritual reflecting device.

In honor of Pisces, I would say we’ve got some things to talk about, here beside the rising tide.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

15 thoughts on “Nothing like the Sun”

  1. upyonder,

    My friend’s south node is in Virgo, so you were born later after it had moved into Leo, and yes, my feeling is that the south node conjunct natal Pluto would indicate that he was there to help (or maybe enforce?) the south node’s role of abandoning the entrenched Leo habits in favor of developing the new Aquarian opportunities of the north node. Either that or make it twice as hard to let go. . he is a control freak.

    Having had slow moving Neptune conjunct one’s north node could produce situations of spiritual awareness, and being in Aquarius it could manifest in ways that would better mankind as a whole For some, another example could involve possible health conditions that required taking perscription drugs and/or maybe seeing a doctor or a group of healthcare workers as saintly. Anyway, when Chiron comes to join the natal north node and the transiting Neptune, the “veil” could be rent or “seen through”, giving one a clear and realistic picture. The more Neptune has influenced the individual, the more likely it would be a painful revelation, I would imagine. These are only suggestions and I’m sure there are thousands of ways it could manifest.

    Neptune is a well-meaning fellow, but we humans tend to lose our common sense when under his influence. I think Chiron could balance or heal those who have trouble dealing with reality in this case. I am getting another picture of this combination that may or may not serve a higher calling. Since Neptune is associated with drugs of all kinds, and Chiron is associated with shamanic practices which include drug induced states of consciousness, it could pose a situation where an individual might feel called to go beyond common sense to experience a spiritual high. I think Chiron is too level headed for that though.

    As far as transiting Pluto aspecting any natal planet, I’ve observed that astrologers advise people that he is influential when he is less than 5 degrees away from exact (conjunction, square, etc.) Still, it is a gradual thing, but with Pluto and Chiron it WILL be transformative. I hope you can find somebody that will guide you through your situation because it sounds very important, and many other things (other transits, your personal life) should be considered in a specific case.

  2. bkoehler, eric –

    Yes – this sunsign cancer also senses a difference, a relief, today, now that you mention it! Suddenly everything seems softer, fuzzier, more sensuous and erotic and coming into the heart. I don’t feel so desperate and over-charged. I can relax more, and go with the flow.


  3. PS, one more idle question…pluto is also approaching natal chiron of this generation, but again, how wide is the orb … double trouble or twice as nice?

  4. bkoehler, for people born in early fifties, the leo pluto is on south node, and neptune has veiled the north node for a while now (years !) and Chiron adding to it. With these energies, I suppose a bit of a wide orb is ok? Of course it depends on the houses, but I wonder if there is a generational common theme.

  5. upyonder,

    If you were talking to me, I don’t know! Is your Pluto conjunct anything? My friend has it about 6 degrees away from her Sun. She has felt the Neptune opposite her Pluto/Sun as (1) her mother has Altzheimers and has recently moved into a nursing home. (2) She has misunderstandings with her father that cause them to not speak to each other for long periods of time. They are suspicious of each others motives, but both also love each other.

    I’m guessing that Chiron, when he joins Neptune will clarify some things that have been “invisible” as Eric says, or at least unclear, and that would apply to all of us to some degree. Having natal Pluto opposite that occurance would (I’m thinking/feeling) have an effect on one’s soul, for better or worse. I would think that the more evolved/spiritual one is, the less painful/fearful/destructive the experience would be. It would also be determined by what other natal planets might be aspected. It could make the experience(s) more tolerable, even profitable maybe, or it could make it even more challenging.

    In the long run, it will come to be a positive thing, assuming one learns and grows from soulful experiences.

  6. I teach in a public high school. This morning all new hires from last year and this were called into a meeting. We’re all being put into a RIF pool and 16 of us have to go (from three middle schools and three high schools). We won’t know until first part/mid April. I thought it was going to be a great day, but now I feel a bit uneasy (though pretty much willing to go with the flow). The not knowing is the hardest part.

  7. You can see the Bill Moyers interview with Johnson at your comfy convenience at pbs dot org. It’s not very long.

    What I would like to know, though. That Chiron / Neptune is opposite the natal Pluto in Leo for a whole generation (like for meee).

    What could that mean ??

  8. Well, a full day of Pisces Sun and it is still feeling good at this end. I was thinking about what Eric said this morning, of how we need to be talking. It will probably be a while though, before people will be ready to express their anger as a large group action.

    Maybe the next shocking here-to-fore unknown and scandelous revelation will make them ready. Now we have the (mostly) localized protests and that will grow too. Chiron will “get in our faces” and we won’t be able to ignore things like how’d we get all this debt, because he will make it hurt enough that we’ ll get mad and demand answers. We should keep an eye on all these conjunctions and see where it leads.

    In the mean time, victoria, the man said you were crazy and you are! You AND the librarian. Thanks for the great story and I think you got it….it IS about the sun. All about the Sun.

    upyonder & merrymack, I love Bill Moyers show too. He gets some really great guests and really knows how and what to ask them. Not many in my circle watch it. Thanks for discussing.

  9. Yes, upyonder, I would agree with your assessment and wish I had seen the Bill Moyers show. This is all been so many years in the making, Fannie/Freddie gone wild, SEC & Gov polishing their free market creds while the thieves made away with our treasure.

    There was a headline that appeared 11/5/08 in the Onion (I believe) that read: Black Man Gets Worst Job and I think this sums it up nicely. I am not sure how he will pull this off; none of this is his and already the masses are ready to storm.

  10. In my opinion, the current economic crisis has been more than ten years in the making. The financial industry is the problem, it is not that it ‘has’ the problem. See, for example, the interview by Bill Moyers with Simon Johnson from last week. Johnson suggests new anti trust laws, to break up the banks. Nothing short of that will do, imo. I would like to look at the current developments as a cosmic laundry, which eliminates all old dirt. But I can’t always.

  11. well, woke up to 6 inches of snow today. The tree cover was magical but with no sun the pheasants are not out to play. They like the sun. If it is very cold, they sit under the lilac bushes and soak it up, no eating. When the temp rises up, they eat and chase each other around to get the apple from the others beak.

    I am not sure about this Neptune thing. I have some hard natal aspects there which have caused alot of confusion, even though it has taken me to unusual places. Example: This morning I am drinking coffee (yeah baby, I can do a cup now), writing in my journal, reading, and breaking for household chores off and on. I’m thinking I should go to the library. But snow guy has not plowed the drive yet. Well 2 seconds later snow guy drives in and clears the way. Now did I really need to go to the library. Or did my sensing snow guy moving into my energy field spur a reaction. This is a big old head fuck.

    The local library 2 miles away does not open till noon today. I would have made the 8 mile trek to the next town north. Besides the energy savings, I would be in a larger library with impersonal librarians and I would miss our local librarian and the social center. Penny is great. So I wait.

    How the local library works is something like this. I go in. Penny sings out bad operatic sounds and I answer back in kind. Our primal scream. A man tells us we’re crazy. Somebody asks what day it is. And someone else says ground hog day. The ground hog saw his shadow and there will be six months more of winter. We all start discussing ground hogs. I mention to Penny the article in the local paper about raising funds for the library and suggest she gets a ground hog and we host our own ground hog day. We can do competitions like who can hold a bad operatic note for the longest. There is a meeting on Thursday about the fund raising project. We decide that suggesting something the board will find outrageous could be a good ice breaker because after that suggestion, no one would be afraid to bring their ideas forward. I am in the library the next week and Penny says, you know it worked. After being chastised for our great ground hog plan, someone suggested a community rummage sale. The school district superintendant is on the board and it will be hosted in the middle school gymnasium.

    I have to confess that I am reading again. And kristenb, I am actually reading a starhawk book, dreaming the dark. It was good book thrifting last week: another great 50 cent deal. So I am going to steal from starhawk today, and say I want to move my energy with my will and conscience.

    In some way, I think this has to do with sun energy, self and choice?

  12. Ah, doesn’t it feel lovely, not only riding it – but feeling an integral part of that-which-causes the Tide to Rise?

    Mmm. So lovely to be home.

  13. I tell you Eric, I’m no Pisces, but do have Pisces rising, and boy what a difference a day makes. I actually got some sleep last night, I’ve been up for over 4 hours WITHOUT A NAP yet, and my (nervous) nerves are nowhere to be found. This conglomeration in Aquarius is exciting but I’m glad the planets are beginning to spread out!

    Would you clarify something. . about the “locomotive” formation . . does the beginning of the “train” always start in reverse order and work backwards? Like kirstenb said, is Venus the “engine” in the case of today’s chart? Is Pluto the last, the “caboose”, of the train, and/or wouldn’t Saturn (and the Moon in this case) be included? How do you decide which planet is the engine?

    I understand the concept of the locomotive, but is there a rule about how much space in-between planets, or maybe how much space between the engine and caboose is allowed before another pattern forms? I’m pretty sure I remember that there are no hard/fast rules about these things, but seems like a “bucket” or “bowl” pattern could be seen in some cases.

    Thanks for any info you might share, and happy soon-to-be birthday!

  14. I absolutely love your insights, Eric, even though I’m just starting out and unable to grasp the nuances. I’ve gotta say though, I know I’ve found a friendly spot here on the internet because of the Dead lyrics “scattered like lost words” through out your writings!

    Thanks for the birthday blessings, kristen…few more weeks and I’m 44!

  15. What’s really special, I feel, is Venus is at the head of the train and Pluto is the caboose!

    If you let the Moon move as she will, swishing through, and Saturn across the way to balance. It’s like saying, Beauty is the Transformer…

    Happy Birthday Pisceans… lovely to be related via sex-tile.

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