‘Stay centered in your heart’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

Hi Eric,

I just wanted to let you know that I truly appreciate how you and your staff present current events with an astrological interpretation that gives a well-rounded perspective on how and why they might have occurred. It allows us all to ponder the issues of the world with a different, broader view; more inclusive as opposed to exclusive and separating. In these interesting times, I believe it is important to align yourself with people who share similar world views or at least treat world views which might be different from your own with space, and a openness and willingness to perhaps change, include, expand or agree to disagree but not judge, discount or malign others for their differing views.

Frankly, we’ve had enough of that and it has gotten us nowhere, or even farther apart from each other. I can’t even watch the local news, it upsets and saddens me so. And I don’t want to be uninformed, so I try to listen to public radio and other sources that give me the information with the least negative spin. There are many things that are going on that are disturbing, and although I’d prefer to be a Pollyanna with rose-colored glasses, I know that doesn’t serve me or anyone else well.

With that said, it is also important that we don’t collapse ourselves in despair rendering us useless, or lethargic because of the hopelessness.

I don’t subscribe to many things at all, whether they are publications or on-line offerings, so subscribing to Planet Waves is truly an exception for me. Keep doing the great job you are doing and know that as long as you and your staff stay centered in (or following) your heart, I feel you’ll be putting forth the most beneficial, useful information, interpretations and commentaries.

With warm regards,
Mary from San Mateo

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