Setting Off

By Len Wallick

Tonight, there will be a total lunar eclipse for many, if not most reading these words. That will be the subject of today’s blog.

Just hours later we will experience the Capricorn Solstice. That will be the subject of tomorrow’s blog, even though the two occurrences can rightly be considered one event for more than one reason.

From beginning to end, this eclipse will last for about three and a half hours. The totality in the middle will hold for over 70 minutes. Mid-eclipse will be about 3:13 am EDT. Weather permitting, the whole process will be visible in all of North and Central America, Greenland and Iceland. Those in South America, most of Australia, and parts of Europe, Africa and Asia will have the opportunity to see it either ending or beginning. The only folks totally left out will be those in East and South Africa, the Middle East and mid-South Asia. Better luck next time, Ms. Ardin.

Any total lunar eclipse is special in and of itself. It has been years since viewers in the United States have enjoyed a comparable experience. This particular one is also part of a long and complex series of special astrological events that have followed one another in close succession since Mercury entered Capricorn marking the threshold between November and December. As has been the case for several weeks, any confusion related to complexity can be overcome by breaking things down a bit.

I propose we proceed by picking up where we left off last week, reviewing the astrology since last Thursday. Then it might be of some benefit to review the basics of  lunar eclipses. Finally, we should be able to conclude with some particulars about this current eclipse, in preparation for our segue into the Capricorn Solstice, our subject tomorrow.

The weekend started last Friday when Mercury’s retrograde motion carried it back into Sagittarius. This shift from cardinal form to mutable manifestation may have left some feeling a bubble off plumb level. If so, the return to a sign ruled by Jupiter probably served to assuage the disorientation, relieving the real or imaginary constraints accompanying Old Fleet Foot’s first foray into Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. Regardless of how it played out, you would probably be the exception if there were not something about your life on Saturday morning that was very different from just 24 hours before.

Saturday night, the center of our solar system conjoined with the center of our galaxy. In other words, it was pretty much a straight line from where you were, through the heart of the Sun and on to the Galactic Center. To give you an idea of what kind of astrology we are going through right now, in almost any other year this would be headline news and the focus of an entire blog. This year it is consigned to the police blotter as a step towards an eclipse.

Nevertheless, this alignment was no small thing. It would do you well to make note of how and with whom you expressed your story on that evening. Even though this conjunction takes place every year, it is never without substance. Something about the connections you made, concurrent with this aspect, holds a clue about who and where you are in relation to not only some others but possibly all others.

Finally, yesterday saw Venus move out of the echo (or shadow) of its retrograde cycle which took up most of autumn. Just as with the Sun’s conjunction to the Galactic Center, it is a demarcation not to be underestimated. This planet which so brilliantly dominates the pre-dawn sky, has consistently demonstrated a comparable eminence over the ambient astrology. Still in Scorpio, traditionally ruled by Mars and ostensibly by Pluto, Venus is breaking new ground for the first time in well over two months. The coming three weeks may well bear witness to a transformation of some very personal desires. The subjects and objects of our passions are now exposed to mysterious but compelling currents that may force some issues we may have put off. The key is to be open to attraction without being distracted by repulsion.

Just as with the Capricorn Solstice following so closely on the heels of the Full Moon, it would be fair to consider the events leading up to it as part of a continuum, albeit subject to parsing out for purposes of understanding. Our objective is to see the forest and the trees, separately and in combination, retaining an awareness of the whole while being fully conscious of each part. Think of it as being a symphony conductor, present to the entire score and at the same time vividly alert to each section of the orchestra, right down to the individual musician, in real time.

Speaking of understanding, did we just say Full Moon? Yes, that is the first thing to understand about lunar eclipses. They are a special case of opposition between the luminaries. Special because Luna’s orbit around the Earth is not in the same plane as our planet’s orbit around the Sun. Those two planes intersect at two points called the lunar nodes.

Most of the time, when the Luna is opposed to the Sun in degrees of longitude (the kind used on a two-dimensional zodiac chart) it is not in the vicinity of one of the nodes. When it is, the opposition is one of latitude as well as longitude and the Earth is directly between the two in three-dimensional space. This causes our planet to cast a cone-shaped shadow, or umbra, through which the Moon passes.

Two things to note. First, because the Earth’s shadow is so wide, by the time it gets to where the Moon is, it is not necessary for Luna to be exactly in the node for the eclipse to take place. Close is good enough, in this case within three degrees. Also, the umbra is not totally dark. Even when the opposition is precise, some of the Sun’s light, notably the lower frequencies, is present in the shadow cast by our planet. That’s why we can see the Moon even in totality, albeit dimmer and of a reddish hue.

One of the things that makes this eclipse interesting is that the appearance of the lunar apparition will be subject to change during the hour or so it is in the total phase. In other words, this is not an absolute or exact phenomenon, it is a matter of relativity and degree. It is unique. So what, besides the continuity of auspicious events that precede and follow it, makes this particular lunar eclipse so special? We shall close by noting three.

First, this opposition of the luminaries takes place with the Sun in the very last arc minutes of the very last degree of Sagittarius while the Moon is identically positioned in Gemini. In other words, in the anaretic degree of mutable signs. This implies a sense of dynamic flow encouraging us to release our attachments to how things should be and how they should turn out. This is a time to be both focused and open minded. Referring back a few paragraphs to our example of the symphony conductor, we spontaneously admit that improvisation honors the score. To even approximate that role we will be called upon to be aware and creative as never before.

The second thing that distinguishes this lunar eclipse is that it takes place against the background of a Mercury retrograde. Not only that, but at the time of the luminary opposition, Mercury will be applying to conjoin with the Galactic Core very shortly thereafter. This not only emphasizes continuity in the astrology of the  past few days, it also projects the influence of this event forward to early next year, when Old Fleet Foot returns to the same point for a third time after turning direct ten days from now.

In addition, all eclipses tend to increase the potency of concurrent events. This would obviously include the sort of things associated with all Mercury retrogrades. This underlines the admonition towards flexibility and awareness implied by the location of the Sun and Moon. In other words, exercise due care and be willing to find control over possible untoward turns by taking responsibility no matter how confronted you should find yourself.

Finally, there are a veritable and literal handful (or two) of meaningful aspects and occurrences that connect minor planets and hypothetical points to this eclipse event. Your faithful correspondent will select but one, the concurrent ingress of Pallas Athene out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn. Today’s almost tangible field of energy fluctuation is largely between the poles of these two signs and their ruling planets. As a matter of fact, if one were to characterize everything going on right now, it would come down to that. There is a dynamic between expansion and constraint pervading everything from the most closely held personal experiences all the way out to the most public domain.

This particular asteroid crossing this particular cardinal point in the midst of the most powerful set of continuous potentiating events that we’ve seen in a long time implies something about the nature of the transition. Pallas is a representation of goddess energy, but it is not passive and receptive. In the midst of a tug of war between the two sides of the patrilinear tradition a new feminine expression is emerging. The very nature of yin is changing under our noses and it is now moving from eventful manifestation to unprecedented form. When all is said and done, this will be the shape of things to come.

Offered In Service

16 thoughts on “Setting Off”

  1. Totality here was wonderful, although slightly cloudy. My camera could not pick out the dim disk of the moon, so that endeavor was for nought.

    It was odd: I was awake instantly when the alarm went off, and felt well rested after only 3 hours in bed. While I was up and observing, it was very pleasant outside, and very peaceful – and I was at peace as well.

    Even after climbing back into bed I could not sleep for ages, as if great things were indeed afoot.

  2. Just got up in time to see the eclipse become totality.

    Interesting feeling the sky behind my back pink with the promise of dawn, a low gibbous moon (the moon always looks huge where we live – not a small object at all) in front of me….

    The daily commuters beginning their journey through ice and snow to work, a fire truck, lights blaring on their way to an emergency.. all going fdown the road past me …

    And then it faded as thin cloud covered it and the sky brightened.

    Worth digging myself out of bed for. Feeling calmer and more creative today.

  3. be, it being mexico politics, perhaps the escapees are the ones protecting the city? 😉

    Len, My Friday Saturday stories fit your load of Reindeer Crap to a t-square, so perhaps good crap is not so hard to find.

    Yeti, too many rain clouds unloading here in SoCal to view any sky tonight – although the last good eclipse we had, the rain stopped and clouds parted just enough for a perfect look. But I suspect that tonight I’ll be joining you in Feeling It Mode.

    Which, considering whatalllll the stars are up to, is probably allllll good.

  4. Hi Carrie, a big wave from Bisbee to Flagstaff!

    The scattered clouds are all too solid now unfortunately. I’ll just have to see what happens in the light of the moon!

    Not so cold here: 65 at the moment.

  5. “Nevertheless, this alignment was no small thing. It would do you well to make note of how and with whom you expressed your story ………….Something about the connections you made, concurrent with this aspect, holds a clue about who and where you are in relation to not only some others but possibly all others.”

    Here’s a young man expressing his story – maybe you have seen it before but even so, worth listening again:

    Even the Troops are Waking Up

  6. Hi Len,

    Friday morning I was at the bank signing the papers for the re-financing of my mortgage, a process that began the day before the elections, November 1. This process has indeed had a repulsive quality about it, besides the fact that it has taken 47 days to complete, but I’m willing to overlook that, as you say, and be open to the attraction. Venus had been retro at the start and was trine my Sun at the signing. What a relief!

    However, a more interesting event happened late Saturday morning when a big hawk landed on my balcony, looking for one or two of my little flockers for for lunch. I have been putting out extra food because the ice and snow has covered up the ground, hence getting many more birds than usual. I shrieked as loud as any hawk could to scare him away, and when he spread those wings he was almost as wide as my balcony! You know, I do know it’s the basic laws of survival, dog eat dog and all that, but for cryin’ out loud . . not on my balcony dammit! Might that be the Pallas Athene component expressing herself? She would have been trining my Saturn.

    Also on SaturdayI was told about the 141 (updated today to 151 per Fox News) escaped convicts from a Mexico jail on Friday morning across the border from Texas. This was in response to the startling hookups to this Eclipse by Mexico’s natal chart that I’d discussed on line. Again, a Pallas Athene signature in that Mexico’s chart has its Neptune at 0 Capricorn 22, and maybe she might help them find the escapees. Mexico’s Neptune is conjunct it’s Uranus at 29 Sagittarius 19 so Pallas had just passed over it on Friday probably. Pluto is in Mexico’s chart at 28 Pisces 40 rx so she would have squared it just before she joined the chart’s Uranus. Which of course, is where the Eclipse chart’s Sun will be on Tuesday. Pallas Athene would be protecting the city of course, not the jailbirds. Wouldn’t she?

  7. Brendan,

    :::waving from cold Flagstaff:::: Nice to see a fellow Arizonan here! We are forecast for clouds here (and it is presently completely overcast right now) so I probably won’t be able to see this one. That is a bummer because I wanted my son to be able to see it.

  8. Wow, Len. As always, it was eminently worthwhile taking this verbal journey in your company.

    This: “There is a dynamic between expansion and constraint pervading everything from the most closely held personal experiences all the way out to the most public domain” deftly summarizes the quality of my experience — it helps the navigation to have it stated so clearly.

    Saturday during the day I was having more fun than I had had in a while, in the company of a pal, assembling materials for my new garden. I felt like a little kid getting one goodie after another. Squee! wowie, a bale of straw! Oh goodie! yippee!!! 🙂

    Saturday evening though I was alone except for internet buddies, but still savoring the delights of the day.

    Right now moving into the eclipse/Solstice, it feels like most everything is about to take a turn in the road. Late last week in my own life and in the experience of at least a few friends, there were occasions of some very deep emotional release of long held distress….. which now feels like it was a clearing of territory in preparation for……??

    this is such an amazing time.

  9. I’ll be up around totality here in Bisbee, and will be attempting pix. There’s some clouds now, and some forecast later as well, but we have a better than average chance of clear skies here. I might even be able to take them from the comfort of my living room…

  10. Hey Len,

    I don’t know what the chart looks like for Seattle, but Portland has all 4 angular house cusps on all 4 cardinal points with Libra in the ascendant and the center of the eclipse conjunct the midheaven, Sol on the nadir. I’ve actually never seen a chart that’s got the angular houses exactly (within a few minutes) square one another. It’s like the eclipse has the Left Coast in its crosshairs. We probably won’t see anything but clouds, but it should be easy to feel if you tune in.

  11. My Friday morning saw me eating breakfast solo per usual but Saturday morning was a first for this apt. Twelve teenagers *a-sleeping* over, with six staying on for pancakes and bacon mid morning. Oh yeah, I’d say my Saturday morning was the complete antithesis of 24 hours earlier!

    I’m ok btw, I survived! They were such a sweet bunch.

  12. Len… I once overheard an ungulate biologist complain about how very difficult it was to find precious wild reindeer scat on the tundra for study…!!! Extrapolate.

  13. Amanda,
    Oy not. It probably means none of those things. What it probably means is that i’m full of reindeer crap.

  14. hmmm… barring one phone conversation with someone on his way to dinner with others, i think i mainly ‘connected’ with my christmas tree as i decorated it.

    so does that make me isolated? or just in communion with christmas spirit?

    😉 oy…

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