Seeing through Walls: Mercury conjunct Neptune

Dear Friend and Reader:

Last night’s webcast was a lot of fun. It’s every bit as fun as broadcast radio, in part because so many of you called in. I am still waiting for the statistics back, and I’ll let you know what I learn. As anyone who does something creative knows, it’s rare enough to draw significant energy toward a project. It happens, but you wonder when or how; and drawing all this energy toward a new radio program after just two weeks is really amazing. [Note that the archived copy of the show is has a long dropout of my voice at the beginning. We are still hashing out technical issues with the host.]

Photo by Sean Hayes.

Today’s stand-out aspect is Mercury applying to Neptune. Per my morning tradition, I went down to Dominick’s this morning to get coffee and answered some questions from the cousins about just where I was this past weekend (that is not the tradition), and checked my horoscope in the New York Post (that is). For Pisces, Sally summed up this aspect well — you have a lot to say, but don’t get emotional about it; that is where you are sure to go wrong. If you keep your cool and leave your mind on, you will do great.

She is talking about an event in Aquarius which for Pisces is taking place in the solar 12th house (the sign before one’s own is the solar 12th and it has a special role), which tends to distort things, hence her suggestion to let your mind and not your emotions do the talking.

The distortions of the 12th can be fun (a wild dream, a flood of ideas, amazing sex, creating a beautiful photograph), or they can be harrowing (nightmares, insanity, losing ourselves, people we love going missing). The 12th magnifies things; and they make them impersonal, and we get some of that for all the signs with Neptune involved — but what we really have is a kind of clairvoyant day or two.

Mercury and Neptune in any aspect generally equals some kind of thing we describe as psychic. By that I mean an experience of communication that does not involve the body’s normally accepted senses. The information may or may not be accurate; we don’t know who is getting the information or what their plans for it might be — and that makes a big difference. Some individuals take this information and apply that same Mercury-Neptune aspect to manipulation, because those same aspects can let a person with greater will blur the intentions of a person with lesser will, sometimes below the level of perception.

So this is a good day or two to observe the processes of boundary making and boundary breaching that goes on among people, including how we play with boundaries (various forms of flirting).

Speaking of, Venus is slow and powerful and about to come to a stop in Aries. I just had a flash of curiosity and looked up the Sabian symbol where Venus stations retrograde, 16 Aries, and the degree is about how a teacher fails to interest a student in traditional forms of knowledge. Dane Rudhyar proposes that this is about having new information in a time of crisis. I think that is fair enough to describe right now, but the crisis is one of self-awareness, if you ask me — and Venus in Aries is a picture of that. What we have in our current version of the world is an obsession with externals and a parallel obsession with avoiding something internal. Not everyone is eating at this particular trough.

There are communities and households of the aware or we would all be in big trouble. But I think that if I had to look around and say, “what is it about the world?????” the it would be self-awareness. And Venus in Aries is going to take us there like a riptide of consciousness.

Today the Moon is in Gemini. It ingresses Cancer Wednesday at 6:07 am ET.

Eric Francis
home in Kingston

1 thought on “Seeing through Walls: Mercury conjunct Neptune”

  1. Thanks once again, Darlin’.

    I’ve read back through your post (now that I’m done with my “moment” and recorded the thoughts that came through) and cannot find what it was that triggered that “moment”. This has happened often with you – and I am grateful for the places you take me.


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