Saturday: Atlantis enters Capricorn!

Dear Friend and Reader,

I’m waiting for a big snowstorm to come along that one or two people have been crowing about these last few days. The sky is a faceless expanse of white and the air is bitter. I woke up this morning with a hangover and a list of errands: namely a big bag of catfood for the fur-beans. In case we get snowed in I can be sure they won’t ambush us in a starved frenzy. Today is a good day to give you a formal discourse on Atlantis. There have been a few small mentions of it here and there, but now that we are in the midst of creating Next World Planets, it’s good to get the minor-planet juices flowing.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Kirsti Melto mentions Eric’s delineation of Atlantis as: “distortions of science, and the effects of small things on big systems. Atlantis is a culture that in our mythology fell from grace as a result of the abuse of its technology.”

He goes on to add in his article “The Atlantis Factor”: “There seem to be two sides to the Atlantis issue. One is spiritual, regarding our relationship to God or the cosmos. The other is technological, regarding our relationship to Big Science and ordinary technology. The two issues are, at times, closely bonded; for us they both address the question of existence or threatened existence or more often, the threat of nonexistence. Either God will create the Rapture, or one of our Big Science machines will run out of control. If we worship technology and turn it into God, we’ll surely have problems. Or we may intentionally use technology as a means of either discovering God (the Large Hadron Collider) or thinking we are God (the nuclear bomb, which Americans and only Americans have used on civilians).

“When you take these themes and wrap them in the issue of whether any of this is going to be our downfall, that is the essence of Atlantis. It has an asteroid, number 1198, so the way you would write that is (1198) Atlantis. My keywords for this point are the use and abuse of technology, but this can be on any scale you like, and the results of that use are included. (1198) Atlantis also hints at our anxiety around the fall of our own civilization.”

So there you have it. Atlantis, the asteroid which has come to symbolize science, technology and our use and abuse of it is entering Capricorn today. What could this mean? I couldn’t find any delineations of this asteroid by sign and house. If I had to wing it, I would say it suggests a situation where practical use of technology would be welcome. However, Capricorn has a dark side that I find it my responsibility to tell you here: it is considered by some to be about martial endeavors, the consolidation of many pieces of power under one name. Picture a marching army following the orders of one man.

This is not to say that there is only one way it can go. In fact, the value of astrology lies in its ability to provide a map of options otherwise unknown to those who look. Perhaps the big army under one man is a tree-planting army; wouldn’t that be nice? It could go either way. Atlantis is conjoined Pluto on its journey today as well, giving the imagery of this asteroid a feeling of deep transformation.

I feel that Atlantis moving into Capricorn is a call to examine the way our progress has gone. This goes for us as a civilization, as well as on a personal level. What kinds of tools are we using, what kinds of weapons are we wielding?

A good Saturday question, yes?

Merry Met,

Genevieve Sophia

2 thoughts on “Saturday: Atlantis enters Capricorn!”

  1. What an interesting subject, Genevieve. I can’t help but think that there’s something about war-mongering there, what with Mars/Sun/Pluto, and the effects on US for the way we operate in the world. I’m no astrologer but I’d think there is a clue at what is opposite Capricorn (must research!) as in Cancer … how we’re paralyzed by fear as a result of being such old controlling white men. I know this Capricorn guitarist who’s made a living by seducing random women; he’s now controlled by this fear of angry babes. Hey, live by the sword, die by the sword, eh?

  2. Hi Genevieve,

    Off topic, but if anyone would like to take a look at a fabulous picture of the Solstice Sunrise from the Megalithic tomb at Newgrange in Ireland, try this:-

    You can click on the image to get full screen.

    Newgrange is 5,000 years old, much older than Stonehenge, but also with accurate alignments to the Sun. The picture shows how the Sun’s rays light up the floor at the foot of a carved stone.

    There is also a link at the bottom of the page for a LIVE webcast of the Solstice Sunrise tomorrow from the same place, scheduled to go live at 08.30am Universal Time (GMT).

    This NASA site is also good for anyone with an interest in astronomy/astrology. If you click on the “Discover the Cosmos” link at the top of the page, you can access their archive of stunning pictures. I like to look in regularly to see the beauty and majesty out there in the stars. It sure puts my life into perspective!


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