Editor’s Note: We will have her astrology profile posted later this afternoon. Please check back. The article below is an overview on Sarah Palin by Rachel Asher. -efc
Dear Friend and Reader:
In the wake of Obama’s speech last night at Mile High Stadium and the Democratic National Convention, John McCain has announced his running mate: Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska.
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Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, aka McCain’s running mate, aka second-place winner of 1984 Miss Wasilla beauty contest.
She is 44 years old, born on February 11, 1964 in Idaho, and a lifetime member of the NRA according to CNN. She approved TransCanada Corp’s, the nation’s largest pipeline company, plan to build a $27 billion pipeline through the United States’ “largest remaining piece of U.S. wilderness, Alaska’s North Slope,” according to a National Geographic article. But of course she did: her husband has a job drilling in North Slope as a result.
Palin is a first-term governor, elected in December 2006, and probably chosen to make McCain seem less old, less boring white male and more appealing to Hillary Clinton supporters. Her staunch conservatism, proven by her “go-ahead” attitude towards drilling in Alaska’s wildlife preservation areas and rumors of corruption surrounding the abrupt firing of Alaska’s Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, should jive well with her Bush-loving running mate.
Her sister was married to state trooper Mike Wooten and went through a bitter divorce, and Palin allegedly used her position to try to have him fired. When Walt Monegan refused to do the deed, he was sacked. The issue is currently under legislative investigation.
Here is a quote from the Associate Press on the matter:
A legislative panel has launched a $100,000 investigation to determine if Palin dismissed Alaska’s public safety commissioner because he would not fire the trooper, Mike Wooten. Wooten went through a messy divorce from Palin’s sister.
Palin has denied the commissioner’s dismissal had anything to do with her former brother-in-law. And she denied orchestrating the dozens of telephone calls made by her husband and members of her administration to Wooten’s bosses.
Palin said she welcomes the investigation: “Hold me accountable.”
Still, the allegations she abused her office could prove embarrassing for Palin, who got elected in 2006 on an ethics reform platform.
To return to the issue of drilling in Alaska, the direct impact on drilling in this vast wilderness area is not an overwhelming headline these days. In this National Geographic image, “Graduate students Kyle Whittinghill, at left, and Marselle Alexander-Ozinskas inspect a soil sample in one of the North Slope’s many thermokarsts, or tundra fractures, caused by melting permafrost,” where Sarah Palin has just agreed to drill. “Thermokarsts on the slope have become more frequent in recent years, due in part to rising temperatures and a loss of insulating ground vegetation.”
So agreeing to this $26 million job is not going to do Palin any favors in an environmental debate. And, as a note to McCain staff, Hillary Clinton supporters are not looking for just any woman: female biology does not guarantee feminist values or feminist appeal, and Palin proves this clearly. She is staunchly anti-choice, according to CNN reports, and to prove her point, knowingly gave birth to a baby with Down syndrome a few months ago.
The story is still developing, but that’s the long and short of it for now: a young, conservative woman with corruption charges after only two years in a public office. Oh, and apparently, though not importantly, she enjoys a nice, juicy moose burger from time to time.
Though perhaps that lack of enthusiasm is not so remarkable when you consider how Republicans trashed McCain in 2000….
Rachel, I think Palin’s nomination has far more to do with the conservative “base” than it is about wooing Hillary supporters. There is some serious heartburn among very conservative people about McCain’s nomination (I’m holding my finger up to the wind as a 31-year resident of Upstate South Carolina, one of the most conservative areas of the country). What I am seeing here in my area among conservatives is a remarkable LACK of enthusiasm for McCain’s candidacy.
Okay — along with astrology — here’s Ms. Palin’s natal numerology — she is a a 24=6. Hmm. That seems awfully “more of the same” eg. extremely rigid, four-cornered and boxed in. But let’s review. 2 = corresponds to the second house — it is partnerships and the skill of cooperating with others (either this is something someone who has this number does well, is learning to do, or it is an obstacle and a sore spot, you dig?)
4 = corresponds to the fourth house (cancer) and also to what is called, “solid foundation” as in the four posts of a buildling structure (sturdy)
and last but not least — these two numbers are the “journey” or the “Pathway” that leads Ms. Palin to her life’s fulfillment. And what is that? Oh, it’s 6. Uh oh. Well — on the bright side — 6 corresponds to Virgo (If we are going to be bright, then we mean the bright side of Virgo) and/or it reflects all of the Virgos – gone – bad. You know them. They are picky, critical and hung up on the most minute trivia they can latch on to. Sixes. You know them. Some of us ARE them. Some of us love them. But you know — six. It’s that work-a-day, work a holic, daily grind number. And Yeah — the “virgin.”
Personally, I’ll take a whore with a great sense of humor and an interesting life.
In summary: Although we have an aquarius here, she is vibing very virgo. which is kind of a double uh- oh. She will be the nag, the nanny, the nit picker. Yaye. How fun for all of us.