I am distributing my Full Moon interpretations for all 12 signs and rising signs to our subscribers and Core Community members tonight at about 7 pm. You can receive this exciting (and useful) information as part of our Core Community membership, which provides access to my astrological services, or with a basic monthly subscription.
Shelly — glad you appreciated seeing Ron Mueck’s work in the issue! I’ve been saving that up for a few months, just waiting for the perfect moment to write it up for the CREATE section. I’ve really enjoyed working on that part of the issue for quite while. Sometimes and artist or project will come along that’s perfect for that week and the astrology, sometimes I hold them for a while until their moment at PW emerges.
well, it’s certainly very Pholus-Ixion.
not much to do with Chiron, except in the most crude way.
As I recall, the Greeks imagined most centaurs as the equivalent of barbarians at the gates. What’s going on in Iraq right now feels very centaur-like.
Yes the photo of yourself right at the top of the blog, I find that knowledge spiritual developed in the human beauty that is not found in that free food and understanding of human
This is I think the best picture I’ve seen ♡ ♡ )))))))))))))) ☆☆ une etoile parmis toutes les étoiles ★★
Very beautiful full moon day to all ↑←↓→ ♥♡
Super Photo Eric ♡♥
Moon/Lune ☆★
The Cancer horoscope really spoke to me. I’ve been feeling like I’m living in admitting myself to myself lately. Really since March, but it’s gotten fuller of late.
And Ron Mueck is breathtaking! I was fortunate to see this art once; thanks for reminding me he exists.
Yes – this is a masterPiece! Thank you Eric.
Thanks Eric, this is one of the most focused and incisive pieces you have shared of late, and best of all it covers a range of crucial topics within the context of the Full Moon.
Thank you, Eric, for another Friday feature both timely and timeless. Special thanks for bringing your world-class proficiency with the so-called “minor planets” to bear so as to get at the heart of both the astrology and current events.