
By Len Wallick

How did that Capricorn New Moon and partial solar eclipse work out for you? About four hours after the near-exact luminary hook-up we get another auspicious conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in very late Pisces. As promised, that will be the main subject of today’s blog.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

First, please remember that astrology is terra-centric — how we see things from our moving reference point on this planet. Not because astrologers believe that Earth is the center of the solar system or the universe rather because that’s where we are. Those who want a horoscope relevant to folks on Mars can take a seat in the waiting room.

Next, a conjunction is when two objects are at the same degree of longitude. That is another way of saying that they are at the same spot on the zodiac circle, a two dimensional diagram on a piece of paper. That’s fairly common. There is something like that nearly every day, usually involving the Moon, because its apparent motion is so fast. If you are fortunate enough to see that sort of common conjoining in the actual three-dimensional sky you would probably note that the two planets in question are close but not superimposed. Indeed, it is less seldom that a mash-up is one of both longitude and latitude, otherwise known as an occultation. An eclipse is a good example of that.

So, what does a conjunction mean? As always, it depends on the objects involved, how many, what sign/house they are in, the ruler of that sign/house, and any angular relationship from other objects elsewhere on the zodiac circle. In general, however, there is considered to be a merging of characteristics in the symbolic sense. There is also the gravitational expression when two objects are lined up with each other to one side of the Earth. This is especially noticeable when Sun and Moon combine to affect the tides of the ocean and of our cells. This is less empirically evident but just as true when two very large and far away planets line up from our perspective.

Like most astrological events however, conjunctions have another side. Ever been too close to some person, place or situation to be objective about it? Ever been blinded to the obvious when two events are intertwined with each other in time and space? That’s the other side of conjunctions. That’s how the corresponding synchronicity of an eclipse can take months to become evident. It’s not so much a matter of cause and effect. It’s the perspective that comes with putting a little time between you and the experience. The sort of “of course” phenomenon we discussed with yesterday’s blog.

As regards to Jupiter and Uranus specifically, this is the third of three conjunctions in less than six months. It continues a recent theme for the outer planets: rare events taking place, often more than once, one after another in a short period of time. Then after that, not again for a long time. This pairing started almost exactly a year ago. Jupiter was still a part of the Aquarius stellium with Neptune and Chiron. Uranus was nearly 30 degrees away in Pisces and it was as if Jupiter got a notion to run it down. In two weeks it traveled three degrees and in a few more days it was in the sign of the fish twins.

From there, it was a merry chase from the middle of one season to nearly the end of the next, Jupiter clipping along at almost two degrees a week while Uranus continued slouching toward Aries. Although the hare did not dawdle, the tortoise’s huge head start would tell the tale and Uranus got to the cardinal cusp first, just before the United States holiday — Memorial Day — at the end of May. It was not until the end of the first week of June that Jupiter and Uranus would conjoin for the first time in a decade and a half. For the first time in Aries since the the 1920’s, for the last time in Aries for a thousand years.

Then came a curious phenomena being repeated since 2008 by every major planet outside the main belt. Shortly after egressing a sign of long tenure, both Jupiter and Uranus stationed retrograde to return for a farewell tour. That was in July. A month later, the slowpoke once again crossed the Aries point first. The rabbit caught up just before the end of yet another season and affixed the first conjunction in Pisces. Jupiter finally gained the tempo by stationing direct this last November, on the same day Venus started moving forward in Libra. Uranus followed suit in December.

Today, after three conjunctions in less than six months, Jupiter and Uranus will not hook up again until 2024. That will be in Taurus. You will have to wait until 2093 for their next reunion in Pisces — save me a seat but get me the popcorn. In astrology rare events are meaningful. A bunch of them clustering together in a sort period of time is downright auspicious, especially if followed by a long dry spell.

So that’s the recent history behind today and that’s where a bit of the meaning could be derived. As regards to the nature of the objects and their location, it is important to first remember that Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces. The planet of expansion is powerfully expressed in the sign of dissolution. It is the wind over the water, dispersing the boats far and wide. Uranus brings the abrupt, the sudden and the unexpected to this ultimate pairing. All told, we have a rare event, repeated thrice to gain our attention or secure emphasis. That phenomena tells us something. It is a bookend on one end of our millennium. It is far reaching. It is also beyond expectations. It is opportunity with the boundaries of its potential burst open by surprise and the seldom seen.

Taking place on the same day as a solar eclipse in mid-Capricorn, the Pisces conjunction implies that this rising, spreading tide of opportunity meets and supports some sort of effort to exert influence over the physical world. The challenge is one of perspective. Instead of seeing today’s essentially concurrent conjunctions as opposing their considerable energies, the question is whether we can shift and see them as complimenting each other. That’s not easy. Anyone who has survived racing the rising tide to avail themselves of a short cut around a steep headland knows danger often accompanies opportunity. But the peril can be avoided through the exercise of discretion and timing as long as we do not outsmart ourselves.

Fortunately, there is little indication of need to race. Nor does the water seem to rise with undue speed. Sure, there are bound to be a few breakers that will climb the beach as if to remind. Of course, the protocol may involve a bit of wading. But complementing the extended period of revelation and evaluation that eclipses entail is the fact that the planets of which we speak are of slow apparent motion even as they are of precipitous character. This is almost certainly the end of one extended time frame and the beginning of another but the end will not be absolute tomorrow, nor will the beginning burn its bridges promptly. We are in a period of recourse. It is a time of transition when we have been given the opportunity to see at least some of the ends and the time to choose those that suit us best. Go not in fear, but rather in expectation. Above all, trust your feelings, at least until this month draws to a close. You have spent a long time with your heart, give it a chance to speak, take the time to listen.

Offered In Service

9 thoughts on “Recourse”

  1. Glad to hear your friend came by Carrie and that you’re getting your rhythm back. With the new moon in Cap. and the Jup/Uranus pairing, now might be the perfect time to set forth your new timetable for your Mum’s visits. Either making other plans for the big events or setting a shorter timeframe for the vistis. Whatever works for you. That what’s important here.

  2. shebear,

    Those are good ideas. I wish I could get her to stay elsewhere but she wouldn’t want to and she would make me feel bad about shutting her out like that. She is so intrusive on me; she has been my whole life.

    Keeping her visits shorter may work; a week is about all we can stand. I know limiting her like that will still hurt her feelings; she just has no idea how much she hurts me. Even when I tried to tell her some years back, it was, in her words, “your perception” (my fault in other words) not her actions. It is always something I have misperceived or misunderstood (gaslighting anyone?) so I have no way to ever resolve the issue.

    I already thought of just telling her next year (she will want to come for Thanksgiving) that we will not be here then or that we have plans.

    Thanks for listening. A good friend came over to visit with her kids and we all had a nice hour or so to just be ourselves. She did that for me exactly like I have always done it for other people and I am so greatful for my friend for that!

  3. cmassy,
    Thank you for your question. Don’t forget Neptune. As regards to your question, what i wrote about conjunctions in general would apply to conjunctions transiting your natal chart. The merging on one cutting edge, the blind spot on the other. Also, the last degree of Leo is a very special place to have your ascendant and natal Uranus. Your aspirations and motivations would seem to be strong.

    As far as the anaretic, think of it as a concentrated form of the sign in general and the most recent transit in particular. There is stress in that zone but there are also sweet rewards. The effect is more abrupt and pronounced in a solar chart than a hoary chart where there is a gradient between houses.

    Does any of that work for you?

  4. len — thanks for your end paragraphs. i’ve found myself falling into the “oh no — i’m not doing this eclipse/conjunction right! i’m missing it!” mental loop. thanks for the reminder that things will unfold in time; i’m trying to take note of the more positive patters that are being set now, but they’re being elusive.

    although, a little more mindfulness of those thought patterns and an intention for ‘flow’ i set for 2011 seem to be some things i may be able to carry forward.

  5. Ouch, Carrie, I too feel your pain. It’s not easy what you have just experienced. It doesn’t come across as being mean spirited when you say want your “regular, uncontentious” life back. It is really hard to be under the same roof with a parent, especially one with whom you have had a lifetime of rejection and pain, and when it’s your home and not hers, you give up a lot.

    My advice on choosing to have her visit, is to resist feeling that you have to have her live in the house with you because giving up your lifestyle to accommodate her needs (or your children’s) is obviously putting an enormous strain on you. It’s not healthy to lose your sanctuary to accommodate such visits. If she’s open to it, why not see if she can find a home near you to housesit, or try a retreat/religious centre of sorts, or a B&B? It would provide some essential breathing space for all of you? I would also suggest keeping her visits to a shorter timetable if possible!

    Here’s hoping you are enjoying getting your space back the way you like it and need it to be.

  6. Len –

    I just went onto Astrodienst and Jupiter, Uranus and Chiron ALL appear to be around 27 degrees in PI & AQ. So, we really are approaching the “end of the end.” Huh.

    Can I ask you something: All 3 of these planets are pretty much sitting atop my Uranus and Ascendant at 29 degrees Leo. (dob: 1/26/62) What would be your read on that lineup? I understand the concept of the “anarectic” point but I’m not following through on an analysis. Any insight would be helpful. Thank you.

  7. Len – happy new year and thanks for the exquisite guide book to the outer and inner space, as ever.

    Carrie – you have my sisterly empathy for disfunctional parents (my father in my case). Please, please take a look at … it is a deeply healing process that is perfectly in tune with the vibe here on Planet Waves and towards a greater awakening for all. It was a huge turning point for both my husband and me in processing our own parental pattern issues. Our two adult children have both gone as well and our teenagers are waiting their turn when they reach 18. Enjoy the release back into the miraculous, “regular, uncontentious” life you have mindfully created, and remember to be kind to yourself in the aftermath.

  8. Len,

    Thanks. My Mom is leaving today after being here for 2 weeks; she came here on the lunar eclipse and leaves on the solar one. After she is gone, I will finally have the peace and quiet I need to “feel” things as you recommend. Her presence is like having a negative and contentious hurricane in my otherwise emotionally slower life that I have created with my husband and kids.

    Once she is gone, I will also be able to again re-enter discussions here on PW, my blog, and FB (she is currently sleeping).

    What I cannot figure out is this: I am not her favorite child (based on her actions) but she wants my attention so much it often feels like being sucked by a vampire. She set up a rivalry between us way back (when I was a child) that I refuse to participate in. This rivalry was based on her insecurities and I have had a lot of therapy to help me get on the other side of the damage from it. I love her but the pain I feel when che comes to visit is tough to deal with. I allow her visits because I have forgiven her because I know she is not aware of what she does; when I long ago confronted her with her actions, she argued and accused me of hurtfully accusing her of things she refused to admit to. The whole relationship is now based on a lie (of denial on her part) then but I do it because I don’t want to keep her from my children (who she mostly ignore while she is here but who she says she comes to visit) or cause her to suffer for my own peace of mind. She does take each child out individually once to spend time with them but otherwise hangs on ME to the point that I want to dis-engage by the second week she is here. It takes every effort on my part to remain loving and kind to her. Yet I know that one day she will pass on and then will I feel badly that I felt this way about her? She has feelings, too and was damaged as a kid as well.

    Each time she visits, I have to grit my teeth or cry (away from her so she doesn’t see) and remind myself that she probably loves me in some way, just not in the way I would perfer.

    Her leaving will feel like a release and a return to our family’s regular, uncontentious life. She leaves here at 11 AM Arizona time today and though it sounds mean spirited, I can hardly wait.

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