
By Len Wallick

Sometime tonight for most of us, Mars makes its way into Capricorn. This raises some questions. As to what it may actually mean, that will largely be left to you, dear readers, as you answer the questions raised in the context of your own lives.

The first question hearkens back to when Mars ingressed Sagittarius way back in late October. It was nearly the halfway point between the Libra equinox and the Capricorn solstice which is now just a few weeks away. Venus was retrograde in Scorpio at that time, conjoined with the Sun and was (get this) after its long trip to Libra and back, within one degree of where Venus is today.

The asteroid Eros was conjoined with Mars for the transition and they remained partners for much of the Sagittarius adventure. Gradually the red planet pulled away and today Eros is within a degree of the Galactic Center point that the Moon crossed yesterday.

At that time your faithful correspondent suggested that Mars leaving behind a sign it ruled may have precipitated a shift in the balance of influence over the whole zodiac in favor of Jupiter. When one takes into account that the biggest planet rules Sagittarius, that it was (and still is) ensconced in Pisces — the other sign Jupiter dominates — along with Uranus, and that none of the other planets were in signs of their own domicile, one can at least lend credence to the assertion that Mars made Jupiter top dog at the time.

Now, once again due to a Mars sign change, one must reconsider dominance of the sky, this time in favor of Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. That’s the first question. It’s a worthy inquiry for several reasons, not just because of one planet. The ringed one is currently direct in Libra where it is exalted, which is to say all the benefits of rulership with none of the responsibility. In addition, the two signs that Saturn does rule are auspiciously populated and getting more so. And it’s not just a matter of numbers. Aquarius, Capricorn and their current residents are closely related to the tenor of our recent times.

Aquarius is currently host to Chiron and Neptune. Both in direct motion and nearly conjunct — these two have a combined cachet that closely resembles the recent revelations originating from WikiLeaks this year. Up to now, the Neptune tenure in Aquarius has mostly served to disappoint, thereby witnessing an era of arrogant obfuscation which for the most part was successful at fooling most of the people most of the time. From stolen elections to false flag events, to financial shenanigans on a monumental scale, you name it, it has been one long, jaw dropping, head spinning walk down a foggy garden path.

Chiron has recently appeared to bring some redemption as Neptune approaches the end of its long saga in Aquarius. Cutting through the deceptions brought about by both the fog of war and Foggy Bottom, the inconvenient benefic has thrown a stark light upon the absurdity of the established order’s efforts to recover its deceptions. To use just one example, witness the State Department’s recent directive to current and future employees to disregard what is now a matter of public record. As if that will do anything but make them look even more pathetic.

Speaking of the established order, that brings us back to Capricorn, the other sign ruled by Saturn. Tonight’s admission of Mars to the goat’s fold is not the beginning, nor is it the end but it may have tipped the scales. Pluto has been there since 2008, reminding us over and over again to get in touch with our values so that we can find them in the dark. Just how that could be important is now becoming clear; we may have to.

Mercury preceded Mars into Capricorn as December got underway. In a few days it will station for a dual sign retrograde that, by popular intimation, promises to offer unique insight and one informative, e-ticket ride. For one example, consider the issues of air transportation. Along with communication, electronics and thought, transport — especially via the air — is included in Fleet Foot’s auspices.

We have seen the Transportation Security Administration actually exceed the absurdity of the State Department to the extent that almost nobody is fooled anymore. Now that the security measures for airline passengers consist of a choice between radioactive assault and physical abuse, it is clear that our safety is not and never has been motivation for making air transportation increasingly inconvenient, less comfortable and more dangerous than ever before. It almost seems like some sort of experiment.

So now we have Mars in Capricorn and the primary question is whether the hegemony of the planet of expansion (Jupiter) has been overtaken and overcome by the lord of limits, the commander of contraction, Saturn. Your loyal servant is going to stick his grizzled neck out and call it. Yup, even before the Sun enters, even before Mars hooks up with Pluto, even before the Mercury station which will make it all the more plain, the sky is now ruled by Saturn and it’s going to get stronger.

Please understand that this is not gloom and doom, nor is it a prediction. Saturn is not such a bad vibe. After all, what better way to know and define yourself than through the experience and (ideally) use of limits? So answer this question for your own sweet self, is your curmudgeon correspondent full of goat poop again? Or does the old codger have a knack for sorting the ACs from the DCs at least once and awhile?

A couple of other questions to consider. First, no matter where Mars is, desire will be found. As it makes the transition from manifestation to form, can you find your niche of participation? It’s there somehow, for nearly everyone. Something is awaiting your personal energetic contribution of Mars desire to make something take shape. Take a few moments of the compressed space-time that is characteristic of this time of year. Ask yourself, what and where is your spot to make an imprint in the wet cement?

Next, remember the centaur planet Crantor that was there on the cusp to conjoin Mercury upon its entrance to Capricorn as December dawned? The gatekeeper, the voice crying out in catharsis, is what we called it. That voice did indeed appear to resonate with you. Well, Crantor is still there. Not on the cusp anymore, the goat-mart greeter has moved inside the door where it will conjoin with Mars late tomorrow or early Thursday, depending on where you are. Try to remember where your head was at on the cusp of the month and compare it to where your desire is tomorrow and ask yourself what the parallax view of Crantor looks like. This is a rare opportunity to get a personal fix on centaur energy.

Finally, and this is really sticking the neck, both arms and one good leg out there, the applying eminence of Saturn opens up a can we were saving for next year. Most of you reading this have been informed over and over about the impending new rendition of last year’s cardinal T-square, consisting of a long-lived square between Uranus on the Aries Point and Pluto in the first degree of Capricorn. This to be exacted seven times in total, carrying us through 2012 and beyond.

Well, it appears that Saturn, the third member of last year’s T-party is not exactly going into retirement. Next October, just as Uranus and Pluto are working the inside, the ringed one is taking this up on the outside with an opposition to Eris. Imagine that, the whole new goddess has the good ol’ boy right where she wants him, and vice-versa. If one grants the same level of auspicious implication to this cardinal opposition as to the cardinal square, then it is not too early to begin taking it into account. And it’s not just Mars that has tipped us off today.

Try getting up before dawn on a clear morning sometime soon. Look to the southeast and see the amazing grace of Venus. Nope, that’s no airliner coming in for a landing, nor is it a UFO, that’s a planet. While planets do not twinkle as stars do, one could swear that Venus is giving us a wink. That’s because she once again picked her spot in Scorpio. Take a tip from Venus and pick your own spots where you can make the most difference and from which you can help the rest of us see it coming.

It would make you look as beautiful as you really are.

Offered In Service

6 thoughts on “Reconsideration”

  1. Thanks, Len. And thanks to you PW commenters, too.

    Usually to do “due diligence” for me has been to not spend time (or money) on anything. Yet my Mom (we have major baggage together) is arriving on the 21st (Lunar eclipse) and leaving on Jan 4th (Solar eclipse, she bought the tickets before I even knew about the eclipses) and it is Merc Rx and Christmas too so that means STRESS for all of us here. So in advance, I planned a little family “vacation” in which we shut off the phone, the TV, the internet, the radio and just hang together for four days. We can’t afford to “go” anywhere far ( except local drives to the park) so we will just take walks, spend time together as a family, play games, work on creative projects together and enjoy the peace. It spends time I could be using for other things but for once, I think we NEED this because it starts this week, just before Merc goes Rx. Then I read this article here and the comments and that great psychology link and I am having a chuckle at how well it all FITS.

    Oh and I am backing up all four computers, one at a time, as I write this. Last two Merc Rx’s killed two hard drives, the most important one of which I cannot retrieve the info (family pictures most of all) from until I have $1600 to spend (like that will ever happen!).

    Thanks for always showing the way Len and PW folks!

  2. I really shudda put the (Saturn with Pluto?) bit just after “preparing the wicks for the lamps” instead.

    Where oh where is my own personal PW editor……?!

  3. Nope, no whiffs of goat poop wafting my way Len! 😉
    I give a resounding yes instead, to your helping us sort our ACs from our DCs, thank you very muchly! Your genius rocks as usual.

    Oh boy, as Eric says above, “the ‘national security state’ that has towered above the world since Sept. 11” has been upended. That festering boil has been lanced and though there is definitely going to be major pain involved, there is the setting for some serious healing to also take place. The established world order is starting to look shaky, pathetic, and oh so wimpy. Yes, for sure Len, NOW is the perfect time to get in touch with our values so we find them in the dark.

    Many of the planetary aspects occurring now are in my first house as I have ascendent AND moon in Sadge! Oh yes, it’s been quite the roller coaster ride let me tell you; no, not necessarily these past few months but my whole life prior to that. When Eric opened up last year’s Cosmic Confidential for us to reread last w/e, I had another gander at the Sagittarius reading and one line sure as heck popped out for me: Life is a “whole new gig” from here on in and one I have been waiting and preparing for forever it seems. Mars is transiting my Saturn in the first degree of Capricorn, having already crossed my Moon, and for these past few days, I really went at it with vim and vigour unpacking boxes (I moved into this apt. at the end of May) throwing out stuff and generally reconfiguring AND reconsidering (thanks again Len!) my set up here, making it a much more optimum base for where I want to take my life in the next little while.

    There is one parable from the Bible that has always stood out for me and I think perhaps its relevance is huge right now. It’s the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids…..(Vestal Virgins perhaps……?!) They’re at a wedding preparing to greet the bridegroom with their lamps to shine the path. Five have done due diligence preparing the wicks of the lamps and making sure they had sufficient oil in them, all the while keeping a watchful eye out for the bridegroom who was running late (Saturn with Pluto?); but five of them did the opposite and neglected to prepare and pay attention. When the bridegroom eventually appeared *unexpectedly* (Uranus?) the first five greeted him with their lamps while the rest missed out on the party because they had gone back to town to get oil, returning to find the doors to the celebration locked to them.

    I believe that if we exercise due diligence and discipline in our lives, making preparation for any surprises ahead, then we can experience life at its fullest. Saturn providing the necessary discipline to make those preparations, tending to the structures of our lives so we can live moment to moment in truth and without fear. Jupiter has already set the stage full of vision and possibilities and now we get to participate consciously in the game and take care of each other.

  4. Oh Len,

    You say the sweetest things! And you are so spot on about who is ruling the sky now and he rules curmudgeons too I bet. Can’t tell for sure about the goat poop but you sure have your ducks in a row!

    Can I say one thing while Mars is still in Sagittarius? I mean, he is trining my own Saturn for heavens sake, it’s not like I’m being pushy. . . it’s well, I just have this desire. You know how I feel about yods, and well, I know nobody’s talking . .at least not on the news programs. . about Julian Assange today, and I just wanted everybody to know, especially you, that Julian has a yod in his chart! It’s not as tight and pristine as you would like, but the focal point is his Mars. In Aquarius – Saturn territory. The sextiled planets that are both quincunx his Mars are Mercury in Cancer and Pluto in Virgo. So you have chatty Mercury in fraidy-cat Cancer ( his Sun sign) harnessed to muck raking Pluto in detail obsessed Virgo and they are putting it to his Mars. In Aquarius. The place where all last year Neptune and Chiron and Jupiter were patrolling. But. . . . .

    Yesterday I commented at PW that Julian had this little asteroid named Eurydike who was traveling with Arachne and Osiris in Aquarius also. Eurydike depends on having things that feel like a matter of life and death, and Arachne loves to weave various threads to create a pattern and Osiris, well he’s all tore up and one part is still missing. So there they all are, Mars at 21+, Arachne at 24+, Eury at 26+ and Osiris at 27+, and Mars has Osiris’ missing part. You know?

    I mean, look at the poor guy, he is not Mr. Macho, but everybody seems to agree that he’s got brass you-know-whats. I think it is the yod that we see! Mercury and Pluto supply the material for Mars to present to “all mankind” and Arachne weaves it together, and Eury provides the drama to get everybody aroused. Even Osiris can get aroused, thanks to Mars!

    So whatcha think? Isn’t it just a perfect little motivater to get all the governments out get get your ass? I just love those yods.

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