Power Up

By Len Wallick

Well, that was interesting. Now Mars is moving on, Mercury is moving out. Pluto is stuck with the lease and Hermes is slipping out the doggie door.

Yup, that was one for the Ash-kan-ic Records all right. The depths of absurdity we have encountered would be more tolerable if there were not so many vying to buy the bridge, bankrupting themselves in the process. We could endure the extent to which justice and law are being mocked if it were not so transparently contrived. We could even suffer fools more charitably if they were not so religiously devoted as to insist that everyone comply with their protocol.

In the midst of it all there emerges a celestial event potentially as rare and unexpected as grace in a grease trap. Auspiciously presented and eminently accessible from the inception, it holds the lead as long as a broken foreleg. But it is not to despair so much as to marvel at the unlikely cushion that frequents our condition. Sure, there are the occasional, inevitable and telling encounters with the rock and harder places that boundary our Brownian browsing. The wonder is not only the spaces between but what may be surmised to bring them about.

Less than a week into the Mercury retrograde there are intimations of paradox. Rather than rubbing our face in it, the experience thus far actually holds the promise of opportunity. This is especially surprising given that the preliminary echo phase was accompanied by assault if not battery to the sensibilities of many. Now, on the second time through, the rough ground is consecrated by our having passed this way before. What a blessing to pass this way again. Returning from the form to revisit the manifestation. Crossing a cardinal point on our way to a re-traverse the bridge to the core of our being, and beyond. And another chance after that.

The intensity of recent days will be dwarfed by the immensity of those to follow. Unwinding and separating is the cardinal point conjunction in Capricorn where Mars potentiated the Pluto infusion, galvanized directly by Mercury’s flyover while the Moon presided in aspects of action from Aries. Daunting it appeared upon approach, and not without its rub was the experience. Especially with Uranus concurrently provoking the vagaries of water while Chiron dared to expose the flaws in our coping strategies. But if you are reading this, you got through it with at least one eye and enough wit to discern proportion and perspective.

What made that possible was probably love. Enough love for yourself to accept the rest and nourishment as it came. Enough love for and from others to find or offer the requisite respite and relief required to persist. Looking at the steep grade in our rear view mirrors, we can realize that the sweep of events was not distinguished by mind or ennobled by emotion, it was powered by heart. We can now look forward as well as up realizing that love is a very real thing.

We can look forward to the weekend when the center of our solar system will make its annual conjunction with the center of our galaxy. We can look forward to the next day when Venus will leave its own retrograde cycle behind, breaking new ground in Scorpio for the first time in over two months, and piercing the skies of the darkest hour with a light that has to be seen to be believed. And upon seeing it, believe you will.

We can then look forward to the day after that when yet another anaretic Full Moon (that is, in the last degree of its sign) presents us with a lunar eclipse of extraordinary wavelength that leaps continents and spans the seas with a common experience that appropriately anticipates a cardinal point event. And then, our breaths quite taken, we can look forward to a Capricorn solstice just hours later that will reduce the memory of recent days as port wine is reduced to a glaze.

Today prepares us for all of that. Mercury crosses the lunar north node again, reminding us that the future begins in thoughts which are then manifested through action. Even if these thoughts are in remembrance of things past, indeed, especially so now. The Sun’s inwardly felt aspect to Jupiter implores us to act so as to expand from within individually, in preparation for the collective nature of experiences to follow. Finally the Moon reaches back to extend an affirmation to Neptune, Uranus and Chiron to let us know that the past can be reconciled even if it cannot be changed.

Our love has been powerful enough to get us through to this day and our hearts are big enough to encounter the days to come and make the most of a special and fortunate time. This time of Mercury retrograde is a type almost forgotten, an opportunity more than a trial. Stand in the power. Claim it as your own.

Offered In Service

6 thoughts on “Power Up”

  1. Pam – glad you had a chance to see Venus, wish everybody could, it’s amazing right now but that does mean getting up before dawn on a morning when the weather if favorable.

    Jan – Happy Birthday Capricorn!

    Carrie – No, unfortunately i have not kissed the Blarney Stone. i asked to but it just wanted to be friends.

  2. Len,

    You are lyrical and positively poetic! Have you been kissing the Blarney Stone to get such articulation and beauty in your thoughts and words? I so enjoyed reading this piece and the meaning was explicit. Thank you so much for writing it.

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