By Len Wallick. Link to Len’s article on the Pisces New Moon.
With the exception of the Moon (now in Aries) and perhaps Mercury (about to be in Aries), a grand cross in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, made mostly of minor planets) is still holding strong — but the atmosphere has changed, and the energy is clearly shifting in the direction of the new season.
Yesterday was the Pisces New Moon, another influential turning point of winter. This has helped shift the momentum forward as Mars gradually — very gradually — picks up speed after its long retrograde this winter.
Today the Pisces Sun overtakes Uranus to exact their annual conjunction. This is yet another experience of ‘expect the unexpected’ astrology, and the last big turning point of winter — highlighting the unpredictable nature of Uranus, which opens the way for creativity, passion and for us to change our minds. We usually have a really difficult time doing this.
Today there is a Moon-Venus conjunction in Aries, which is definitely different in tone than a big alignment in Pisces. This is self-conscious, even self-aware, with some of the surprise energy that Venus (like Uranus) can deliver. Today is a day to surprise yourself and do what you didn’t have the courage or self-esteem for yesterday. The alignment in Aries is warming up the sky for the Sun’s arrival there Saturday.
Making a close opposition to Sun/Uranus, a dwarf planet called Makemake in Virgo asks how it got this way. Do we really want to be this mentally stuck? Or is that just how humans are?
Speaking of getting unstuck. With Pluto moving forward into Capricorn while Saturn continues its retrograde towards one last touch of Virgo, it would seem that their square aspect is in separation; that the story is over. That would be short-sided thinking. Saturn is retrograde and will square Pluto one more time, on Aug. 21.
In the case of aspects involving the outer planets, the usual orbs of influence go out the window. They are much longer than any old astrology book ever said. In truth, something like a square between Saturn and Pluto will have effects within 15 degrees of orb. This is a time-lapse photograph of what is essentially a single event exacting multiple times but never out of function. Like the heart in Celine Dion’s song, this square goes on, and on and on.
Like the cardinal signs upon which it is focused, it ebbs and flows in counterpoint with the mid-points of the fixed signs.
The same is true of the Saturn-Uranus opposition. Election Day 2008, February 2009, and September 2009 are not isolated from one another anymore than the movements of a symphony or the acts of an opera. They are part of a greater whole that will swell in dynamic again between the [Northern Hemisphere] vernal equinox and summer solstice.
So the story weaves together, bracketed by eclipses (early winter, early summer), gradually revealed by interim transits, echoed by intervening aspects, detailed in by the minor planets. In the meantime we can learn, practice and agree to the protocols that will sustain us together for the long term. Don’t be mistaken, the operative word is together. Just as when the last time Pluto was in Capricorn nearly 250 years ago, we are obliged to create a new paradigm with no recent example to emulate.
All the while, Neptune inscrutably bides its time.
Back to today. The last time Sun conjoined Uranus, Saturn was in Virgo, just coming off their second opposition. The energy was high. The choice was to apply it creatively (which required a grounded awareness carried into active engagement) or to follow the path of least resistance into erratic and disorganized behavior. Once again, this opposition has never ceased. Makemake is today the placeholder asking us to reflect and learn.
Luna, meanwhile has made its transit into Aries where it will conjoin Venus and this is where the energy has shifted from yesterday. Like the gingerbread man, the energy of the Moon in Aries is indomitable but ephemeral. Venus is Aries is on a mission, blazing a trail. Together they are a powerful expression of the yin concept, receptive and impressionable. In the same degree (triple conjunction) with the yang energy of the asteroid Siwa (or Shiva) in a cardinal sign, we are presented with a choice of direction. Will this day’s work in the longer term be towards creating the new paradigm or destroying the old one? It is for each of us to decide and accept responsibility.
Thus we enter into a new phase, the Pisces New Moon is behind us. With it we release a cycle of seasons unwound and dissolved, formless and chaotic. From it we build anew, present to the fire that will fuel the effort but not consumed by it. We’re mindful of the larger wheels turning but not intimidated by them. We’re secure in the certainty that we each have an important part, but humbled and informed by the knowledge that no one of us can get there alone.
Offered In Service
Word, Love You!
These times are kick-ass,.. (We’re orienting, choosing, enacting!)
It’s closer, man! I can feel it!
All in ourselves!
Take care, beautiful.
Love ya,
Just touching base with you all. Having been my grounding force for some years now, I find myself floating free and these past two days have been as fear/tear driven as the past 6 weeks have been fluidly beautiful….and so this reaching out is just to touch and know that you are there. Thanks!
Please accept my sincere apology for such grevious errors. Your existence is not only acknowledged but treasured.
Thanks Len, I am learning heaps from your reports and your bloggers appear to be very well informed which humbles me with their knowedge and may be some time before I can respond in confidence.
Please do not keep on making the same mistakes, Eric is just as bad, there are two aspects to this planet which are never mentioned, this is the other half of the season aspect and we feel we dont exist in this blog eg; The Pisces new moon is an influential turning point of winter, try Summer for us!!!!! and Mars gradually picking up speed from its long retrograde this winter , try summer for us as it heads into our winter.
An acknoldgement of our exixtance would be apreciated.
Don downunder.
i don’t know what’s better, reading your posts in the morning and getting a heads up or reading them at the end of the day and nodding 🙂
“This is self-conscious, even self-aware, with some of the surprise energy that Venus (like Uranus) can deliver. Today is a day to surprise yourself and do what you didn’t have the courage or self-esteem for yesterday.”
Indeed. I was in the zone at work today starting a new project and wondering why it took me so long to get this fire lit under my *. but the past few months have been like walking through a swamp with the mars retro. it’s not that i’d been lazy, i was just missing that spark. i found it today.
btw, eric, i ordered myself a thoth tarot deck after reading one of your articles about it. can i say LOVE? i’ve tried a couple of other decks before and they just left me cold. back to the i-ching…i don’t get this tarot stuff. but the thoth cards, wow, the images speak 🙂
To all the Bloggers on this site…
Today I changed my nickname to my real first name so that It doesn’t seem like I am trying to be anonymous or are afraid of expressing my views. I also did this out of respect and integrity towards Eric’s work.
On this site I have always found priceless information and insights on astrology that has helped me a lot and If I went looking for this kind of knowledge in a book store, I would have either not found or If I did I would have spent lots of money to buy those books and even then It would still not be enough.
So I thought Eric deserves to know who I am and now he does.
“Its a fair cop guv”…”guilty as charged…”
Please do watch some of this stuff ….it is as enchanting to us as adults as anything we may ever have seen as children…!!
In the meantime, your rebuke…and my initial reaction…..reminds me of two Mormons who walked into my office one day some years ago!!
“So what about MXR missiles ?” says I…Mr. smart arse aggravator…I’ll fix them…huh!!!
“Gee” says one of them looking perplexed…a bit like Buzz Aldrin realising he’d landed at Madison Square Gardens!!
“We thought that was a local problem!”
Musicman – Thank you, well done astrology man. Please remember, however, that Cassini is fueled by plutonium – it carries a toxic load.
And now for something completely different….appropos The Basil Fawlty Planetarium… and creating the next paradigm!!
Prof Brian Cox has been looking at the Cassini Space Project; Saturn, and Saturn as a mini solar system whose development mirrors that of our Solar system 4.5 billion years ago. Saturn is, after all, heading right on up the M87 as we speak!! It is only 400 years ago that Galileo first announced that “that planet has got ears”
Then there is the orbital resonance of Jupiter and Saturn that threw Neptune out into its present orbit. This then created the bombardment of a barren rock called Earth by comets, that produced an influx of water; and thence life!!
There is the history of Saturns moons whose own orbital resonance has shaped the formation of the rings. Pandora and Prometheus figure quite strongly in the development of spirals in the F ring. Enceladus features in the explosions of ice from its Southern pole, rather like volcanic earth, in the formation of the E ring. Yet Enceladus, a planet of ice, has a hot core created by the friction of its contractions caused by an eccentric orbit.
While we concern ourselves with the understanding of todays crop of new discoveries, I cannot help but feel that this journey of Cassini will have a profound
impact on our future understanding and interpretation.
Saturn and Jupiter, and by implication the Centaurs whose orbits traverse their own, become more mysteriously relevant by the minute!! I would never, until now, have described Saturn as a benefic. It is as if the lessons learned produce a blueprint for successful future creation!!
With Chiron acting as if all of our holistic needs are laid out in its menu in a concise way, the fertility of Ceres conjunct Galactic core seems to be provoking us into some new ways of looking at traditional values!!
Thank you for taking the time to show us how to handle an opposition (negotiating both ends seperately). Great lesson.
I changed my nick name from ashawf to Asha. Asha is my first name.
Thanks Len.
In your yesterday’s article on Pisces New moon, on taking astrology as opportunity or destiny.. I would like to share something..
Last September the day Saturn was Opposite Uranus, was my 11 year old daughter’s first day of school for grade 6.
That was a very disappointing and heart breaking day for her. All her friends were put in a class with her favorite teacher and she was put in separate class with all the new students. She felt she was being singled out and somehow not accepted by the teacher she liked so much. Normally she gets over things pretty fast, this time she was not coming out of this.
I as a mother got worried that this dissappointment will somehow stay in her psyche and manifest latter on in different ways. So I took up the fight with principal and even the board on the grounds that she was really making good progress with the teacher she really liked and was kind of coming out of her shell. This incident is a huge setback for her and is not good for her. Everybody agreed with me, the school teachers, the board, except the principal who was very adamant and was more concered about no. of students per class than my daughter’s well being.
I had to finally tell the principla off that “She was a running a school and not a corporation and that it is not all about numbers, when it comes to children, you cannot go by rule of majority, even if one child is unhappy it is a BIG Deal”.
While I was doing all this in the background, in the front, I kept talking to my daughter to make sure that she is not too attached to her preferences about teacher, school or friends and this incident only means that we don’t always get what we want and that should not dampen your spirit.
After a few days she said “Mommy let it go.. I am really happy in my new class”
So this was a destiny dealt with full awareness like an opportunity.