Participation With Creation

By Len Wallick

The big astrological news today is Saturn and Uranus exacting their next-to-last opposition, the last of four on the Pisces-Virgo axis. Two things to remember: first, because these two slow-moving outer planets have been in the process of opposing each other five times over two years, the aspect can properly be considered continuous; second, this is not happening in a vacuum.

In the long term this is just one of a series of outer planet aspects on or near the first degree of the cardinal signs, indicators of a long term, ongoing process of becoming one with. Also, for several years now the transits of the Sun, Moon, personal and minor planets have operated as if to bring each of us into conscious participation in that process, step by step. The personal and the political become inseparable. Today, two recent transits will continue that theme. Chiron’s recent ingress into Pisces and Venus moving into Gemini yesterday, the two of them forming an aspect of their own, a square.

Since today’s Saturn-Uranus opposition serves as a milestone of sorts, it may serve us well to look back and break it down a bit. For thousands of years, before science, technology and math extended our awareness, Saturn was the edge of our solar system and, hence, our consciousness. Saturn represents the established order — the framework within which social human life is conducted. This includes food, with its cooperative cultivation, harvest and distribution and permanent settlements and their governance. Saturn also governs the creation and use of money, archives, education, and the institutions and doctrines of civilizations. Any way of life without these things is far past the memory of most of humanity. We have become hard wired to Saturn, and never truly left it behind.

Uranus bestows a surge forward and not one that is imposed upon us. The changes compelled by Uranus may be bewildering but where Uranus is involved, we bring it upon ourselves. Uranus did not present itself to us. It was found. It was curiosity and the quest for knowledge that motivated the individuals involved. It was the promise of prestige and advancement that motivated the established order to support those individuals. What the individuals did not see is that their quest would expand without end. What the established order did not see is that advancement cannot be confined to one sphere.

So it goes with Saturn and Uranus.

An opposition — like squares, Joan Jett and Eris — has a bad reputation. Oppositions are usually seen as a contest, implying struggle and conflict between externals. In practice and in astrology however, oppositions represent as much the complementary as they do the contradictory. First of all, unlike the signs in quincunx (150 degrees of separation),  opposing signs (180 degrees of separation) have some important things in common. There is the mode or quality which in the case of Virgo and Pisces, both are mutable signs. Mutable signs follow the fixed signs, precede the cardinal signs and represent the dissolution of the old season in preparation for the new. In this way, Virgo and Pisces are in harmony. That harmony is blended into and expressed with the energy of any planet transiting those signs. Thus any opposition is informed by a common ground. Balance, not absolute resolution is the imperative of an opposition.

Looking back on the three previous Saturn-Uranus oppositions, we can see some of how the signs and planets blended energies. The first one was on the date of the last presidential election in the United States – November 4, 2008. There was a change (Uranus) that took place through the established electoral process (Saturn). Projections by the news media (Saturn) determined the election was decided quickly (Uranus) and preparations were made for a new administration (mutable water and earth).

By the time of the second opposition (February 5, 2009) the chairs had shifted a bit. The agent of change (the Obama administration) had assumed power (Saturn) and found itself on shaky ground (mutable earth) trying to fill cabinet positions, seeking balance by offering one position to a Republican Senator. Meanwhile the economy and foreign policy were subject to rapidly unfolding events (Uranus) that were difficult to comprehend (mutable water).

The most recent opposition of September 15, 2009 came after the passing of Senator Edward Kennedy, abruptly altering (Uranus) the leadership and balance of power in the Senate (Saturn). The controversy and anxiety (Uranus) over the H1N1 flu virus increased as large pharmaceutical companies (Saturn) struggled to meet the demand for a vaccine. Soon after there was a large earthquake in American Samoa (mutable earth) followed by a devastating tidal wave (mutable water). The day after there was a disastrous earthquake on the island of Sumatra.

So what about this time around? What about today? As aforementioned the synchronicity of the personal and minor planets can give us a clue. Movements in smaller cycles and of smaller planets can help us locate where we are with the longer cycles and the larger planets. We shall look at two.

Chiron in Pisces places it in the same sign as Uranus for the next three months or so. This makes it an informing part of the the ongoing opposition of Saturn and Uranus. As such, it seems to be awakening us to the fact that the times we are experiencing are not just a random collection of events that effect just some. Rather, we are being raised to the awareness that the process is holistic. Public events are related to personal experience. Their progression represents a ramping up, not just in intensity but also in the degree of commonality. Any particular phase is a part of the bigger picture — any one time any one set of occurrences reflect the state and progress of the whole process. The reading on your dipstick is the the reading for any one of us and all of us together.

With the ingress of Venus in Gemini we are presented with the double-edged potential of acting creatively on the awareness that Chiron in Pisces brings. Creative people are often challenged with instability. It is this quality which makes it possible to prepare the way for a new order even as there is a struggle to sustain the effort to do so. Starting today, the first full day of Venus in this mutable sign, all of us are participating in that challenge.

Venus in any sign is associated with how the self expresses itself in relationship. It combines the appreciation of abundance and beauty with the sharing and exchange of same. In Gemini this appreciation and sharing is opened up to new possibilities. Yesterday’s square with Chiron, separating but still functional today, sets the theme for the next three weeks of its transit: integrate the need to focus on one hand, while maintaining a diffuse viewpoint on the other. We’re to balance the imperative to move on with a grounded perspective. We’re to make a contribution to the whole without losing ourselves in it, and nourish and sustain ourselves while participating in a demanding trial that will determine our common future.

Thus our work is cut out for us, and work it will entail. To get through this we will need to help each other. We will need to direct the other outward should one withdraw in bewilderment, so that none are left behind. We will  need to support each other to remain coherent when the scope of our mission becomes confounding. We must remember the point of it all is not the scattering of individuals but the joint realization of one with. It is not there for us to attain. It is there for us to create.

Offered In Service

6 thoughts on “Participation With Creation”

  1. Len, the data for GC ingress 28th dgr Sag flws (how might chart be interpreted!?)
    dgr change Galactic Center occurs 25 March 2010
    KC, going back n forth btwn feature that shows two charts
    Galactic Center degree reaches 27:00:00 Sagittarius
    25 March 2010 at 09:38:37 UT


    The ingress chart GC dgr 27:00:00 Sagittarius
    The only planet in water this chart was the T/Moon at 29:59:59 Cancer which is trine the Christ degree (12 day transit of Venus last April in that Pisces dgr). Within 13 seconds * the Moon chgd signs to 0:00 Leo to conjunct T/Mars. How powerful can that be with mutual reception btwn Sun and Mars. Choices in the path to take, for EVERY ONE.
    * likened to – the blink of an eye

    correlated sources:
    December 19, 2009
    Sagittarius 28: An old bridge over a beautiful stream
    Gemini/Sagittarius and the corresponding Virgo/Pisces degrees have been associated with extraordinary wealth.
    While this may be true to a certain extent, it is important to understand that the kind of wealth indicated may not be necessarily monetary in nature. The kind of wealth suggested through sagittarius 28 is of life. Life flows on.. beautifully… no matter what human construct collapses under the ravages of time.
    The opposing Gemini degree symbol “A man declared bankrupt” gives a clear sense that you can lose everything, and yet life moves on.
    The idea is that there is something that flows on, deeper than the constructs of man, the constructs of thought, belief and world perspective. In this way, we can appreciate this degree-symbol as saying to go with the flow… not unlike Taurus 1 “A clear mountain stream” but perhaps more pointedly toward wisdom and life in general. The Taurus symbol seems more about trying to blend a sense of one’s own with others. here in Sagittarius 28, the flow to relax into and go with is life itself.
    Blain Bovee sabiansage.html

    Sagittarius 28:
    A splendidly built bridge, a heritage of unknown ages, still spans the beautiful and wildly primitive stream.

    27-28 deg Sagittarius
    An Old Bridge Over A Beautiful Stream Is Still In Constant Use

    Sagittarius 28
    Sabian Symbol: A splendidly built bridge, a heritage of unknown ages, still spans the beautiful and wildly primitive stream.
    Kozminsky Symbol: A simply dressed woman breaking a sword over her knee. In the heavens above, masses of dark clouds are scudding before the rising sun.

    “Message: Fresh and energetic emotions, constructive thought and activity.
    Sun Focus: Gentle and kind, you are always there for others when they need help and support. Affirmation: I promote harmony, balance and inner peace in my life”

    The fresh & energetic and the stable & constructive in this idea make a relationship to each other, there are two qualities in comparison here.

  2. Len, for coming research the culminating Full Moon consider the mutual reception btwn T/Venus and Mercury for few more weeks. with alternative options, appreciate and can use this. The prior long mutual reception btwn Sun/Mars almost too much Fire energy.
    Did you/ef ever run the chart for the ingress of the Galactic Cntr dgr to 28dgr Sagittarius, it is beautiful to read the sabian symbols for that day… AND within aprox 00:00:13 seconds flwg the the T/Moon at 29:59:59 Cancer (trine Christ dgr- significant to last April the 14 day transit of Venus Rx in 30th dgr Pisces)…. T/Moon entered 0:00:00 dgr LEO.
    Did research to get that moment, shared with a few astrologers – not pursued, planet overwhelmed at the time unfolding phenomena.

  3. Immigration as Uranus? A healing is at hand, as a solution (Saturn). It isn’t just an american problem, but a multi-national one where so many are looking for a better life without war and with freedom to choose how to live.

    Awake and well, happy, fueled with a coming fire (Uranus). Wow – look out world, the times they are a-changing. This means doing, not waiting for someone else. Do it yourself!

  4. I spent my “youth” in a turned inward destructive mode; for example, I would break down relationship (the established order) that were not working rather than build them up – because, frankly, I could not figure out how to build up that which was so severely not working – which seemed like pretty much everything beginning with family.

    (Uranus, perhaps influencing change, but no new pattern or order within which that change could exist.)

    Over the past decade the Universe found many ways to place me in a “holding pattern”, which has been tumultuous at best.

    It seems that now new eyes are ears are finally sprouting in and from me; I still feel like I “don’t understand” but I have chosen differently and not destroyed relations that while not being completely fullfilling or “perfect” have certain strengths that are worth supporting. I haven’t run’ unable to comprehend what and why. On the other hand, the pain of the “not understanding” is greater than I sometimes think I can bear.

    BUT some thing truly huge has shifted in my world of relating – a lot to do with REALLY accepting others, not the “PC” behvior-only-style version. There is yet a long road of discovery ahead.

    Perhaps Chiron has provided some new awareness – or “healing” for this Piscean.

    Time. will tell.

  5. “Chiron in Pisces… the times we are experiencing are not just a random collection of events that effect just some… Public events are related to personal experience.”

    Public = personal. What is on my mind so strongly this morning is horror at the immigration law that has been passed in Arizona, which allows the police to confront anyone who appears or is of Hispanic origin to provide PROOF that they are here legally. In Tucson they went door-to-door in the mainly Hispanic barrio, pulling people out of their homes and taking them to jail. Not exactly what NPR reported.

    I am affected as my Native Amer friend is pulled over by police to prove she is legal. As my Hispanic/Native Amer friend is confronted with the same thing as he drives to the nearby reservation to teach middle school.

    Yes. Horrific.

  6. right on the spot as usual len. my experience of the saturn-uranus, chiron-venus tangle is so aptly described by your words. i sometimes marvel at the fact that you’re not inside my head.

    this, especially, is very helpful:
    “integrate the need to focus on one hand, while maintaining a diffuse viewpoint on the other.”
    i’m considering uprooting my life for my love, not willy nilly, but there is still an aspect of risk to the career part of the equation. there’s no logical reason it’ll be worse, but that is always the worry when one makes irreversible decisions! i’ve looked at it up, down, sideways, and there is no right answer for sure. at the end of all these deliberations and considerations, i find i have to let go and just stay open to the bigger picture, ears open, but with hope not too much fear.

    “we’re to balance the imperative to move on with a grounded perspective. We’re to make a contribution to the whole without losing ourselves in it, and nourish and sustain ourselves while participating in a demanding trial that will determine our common future.”


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