Pisces Sun, Dark Moon, Aquarian Day

And I thought it was about a dog who won the lottery…

Today Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. There have been several of these the past few months. Conjunctions in Aquarius are going off like popcorn these days, in particular the Moon making its way across Chiron and Neptune today, Mars exactly conjunct centaur Nessus. So not only do we have a lot of Aquarius, we have a lot of centaur action, and that feels edgy.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

It’s edgy in the sense of walking the line between pleasure and pain, between cause and effect, between a sense of injury and the power that such offers when we take it consciously. If you ask me this is the principal task of living, of enlightenment now. It’s simply about awareness. Maybe it’s always been that way, since with our free will, most humans are content to walk around in a haze, unaware of the pain we might be causing to others, unaware of what hurts us though we really are not and typically spacing out on acknowledging the choices we are making even as we make them.

Aquarius is a reference to our social choreography; the largely unconscious way we treat, speak to and think of one another, the expectations we have, and the rules we supposedly play by. And I do mean the rules of dating and supposed friendship; the patterns whereby individual will is subjugated to a group, and where individuals feel they can’t let go of their precious individuality sufficient to actually participate in the shared life of society.

There are many such rules, and most of us want to rebel but either lack the strength or the willingness to go it alone if we need to; if we find we cannot play along. As a result, we are subjected to a system of power that we in fact create and that we in fact could change, but instead we tend to be its victims. Moon to Chiron is resonance with the emotional pain of that reality; Mercury conjunct Jupiter suggests strongly that there is a way out, and a way into something much better, if we are willing to consider a new idea.

The Moon is heading for the Pisces Sun, and we will experience a New Moon Tuesday night at 8:35 pm ET. So we are in the dark of the Moon for a while. The Moon, conjunct two outer planets today, might be taking us some deep places and to call the astrology visionary would be an understatement; but it’s only helpful if your eyes are open.

Eric Francis

2 thoughts on “Pisces Sun, Dark Moon, Aquarian Day”

  1. Eric, great rap up on the Aquarius sun. I was worried I might miss all the reverb but now better understand the stragglers and am sure there will be more to come.

    A side note I am considering. There were non dreamers who were having distorted dreams at a fast and rapid pace. And some were not able to sleep and had waking nightmares. This weekend I talked to a couple of those dreamers and they relayed clear images. I don’t interpret for anyone, but we sat with the dreams, and fished around a bit.

  2. light reflecting life here, from the micro to the macro (as it always is, eh?). having similar discussion in class talking about the need to be more self-reflective in the way we assess students AND the way we practice what we preach. or how we don’t as is more often the case, personally and professionally. it’s how being consistently conscious of our assumptions, opinions and actions, also involves being aware of how most of our social systems (education, religion, government, business, etc.) have such deeply ingrained patterns (still manufacturing consent) that continue to reproduce the obliviousness of the “living.” it’s the easy little red pill that many are so habited to take it’s never questioned why, we just “do” as we’ve always done. it’s harder to swallow blue (is it bigger?), as it invokes our ability to “be” with raw clarity. being comfortable in that house of mirrors with the 360 24/7 can be unnerving, beauty-full and annoying, but all facets of the diamonds we’re shining. at least i’m learning to(o) see better in the dark.

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