Pisces New Moon; Mercury & Jupiter; carbon satellite all wet

Planet Waves Radio premiers tonight at 11 pm ET, 8 pm PT on Blog Talk Radio.

Dear Friend and Reader:

First in honor of tonight’s Pisces New Moon, here is the March monthly horoscope. Second, in honor of the Pisces New Moon, here is a one-day-only opportunity to sign up for Planet Waves for a price you pick. This is the perfect opportunity if you’ve never subscribed before. The link says “gift subscription” — use it for a gift to someone else, or consider it a gift to yourself and your community.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

Remember, it’s our subscribers who make this daily astrology (and much else) diary possible. If you’ve been coming here for a while and have felt tempted to sign up but have not, for some reason you don’t understand, really feel the fact that we are riding on the graces of others who want to enjoy our best work, and make it possible to share all of our work with the Internet community.

We have a bit of bad news from NASA today. Launch of the carbon-monitoring satellite this morning failed, and the thing landed in the ocean near Antarctica. I am not going to call a conspiracy yet, though I did not like the chart with a launch on a void of course Moon. However, I don’t think the human race wants to know how bad the carbon situationВ  is here on the planet. Meanwhile, these satellites are not cheap to design or build, and now it’s laying in a heap of wreckage. I don’t think we willВ  be seeing another one soon, unless my neighbors finish up the homemade one they are assembling in their garage.

Today Mercury is conjunct Jupiter. This is good for everyone. Besides being a brilliant moment — Jupiter in Aquarius, with Mercury coming along to meet it — it’s about new ideas, and holding a vision for the world. Dear readers, we talk about this a lot. But when you step off the Internet and outside your door, what do you do about it? Do you trust your own ideas? Do you think they are worth acting on?

We all have reason not to trust. Mars conjunct Nessus might, at the same time, be stirring up an old sense of injury, or the feeling that karma can get out of hand. Mars is a warrior planet and the Nessus story has elements of revenge. But really Nessus is about seeing that our actions have consequences; all our actions have results, and sooner or later we will feel or experience the effects. Note, this is a Mars-Atlantis-Nessus conjunction; the asteroid Atlantis adds the feeling that something much larger than personal trust is at stake; what we may be feeling is distrust of the whole system of technology that links us, involves us and demands our attention and investment.

As for that Moon. It is currently in early Pisces, about to aspect Pluto by sextile. Pluto is a Piscean world: down in the deep, approaching existence from its own angle, and concerned with the most elemental level of life and consciousness. Pluto brings focus to oceanic Pisces, in a way similar to Saturn. But Saturn gives discipline and structure; Pluto offers inner focus, a kind of evolutionary lens that we can feel and, with work, raise to full awareness.

So be it.

Eric Francis

8 thoughts on “Pisces New Moon; Mercury & Jupiter; carbon satellite all wet”

  1. paletiger, patty, and victoria —
    thank you for your words of support! i especially appreciate the comments about his email being a reflection of my value and importance to him. i hadn’t quite gotten to that angle on my own, but it actually makes a lot of sense (especially since he’s a cancer with cancer rising and a cancer moon — lots of intense feeling & shell-closing/hiding when things get too intense). i think reminding myself of that may help me to give the space needed with grace and love rather than pissiness, self-pity, and pain. i guess i feel like those insecurities he and his wife may be feeling are so unnecessary, that there’s room for all of us. but lord knows i’ve felt insecure before and all i can do i recognize what is my shit and what is someone else’s & deal with mine as best i can.

    and a striking synchronicity? in a city of 60,000, the ex and i had run into each other *accidentally* exactly 3 times in 3 years, until the 4th time last night. as i walked from work to my car, there he was walking down the street with another friend of his. we both automatically smiled and waved and said hi, and then his email came flooding into my head and i kept walking without stopping to hug or chat as i normally would have. *sigh* it threw me, and i’d love to know what it was like for him. but for now, i’ll let it be.
    much thanks again!

  2. Yup, I trust my own ideas. Yup there worth acting on. Am in the process of scouting vehicles.

    I don’t feel like I have a choice in this one.

  3. ye gads painter, I had forgotten about that stuff. Tell the ex to express it in a new song so you can understand it. Maybe it’ll be a hit.

  4. Awordedgewise,

    Brilliant! Scorpio North Node heart is very passionate and intense, so yes the timing is right for you to move into your true passion, and out of that which was holding you back. What was holding you back is possibly in the south node. in your self-assessment, do some of the negative taurus traits ring a bell? All signs have positive and negative traits so don’t take offense. Knowing it helps us focus on overcoming our worst enemy (us!).

  5. On Eric’s blog re: technology:

    It’s not ironic then, that I spent last evening mapping out the pieces of equipment that would make the best of what’s available re: current technology and potential funds – to produce (write/film/distribute) that which is dark and lurking in the most creative depths of this 2degree Piscean (Scorpio North Node heh-heh) heart?


  6. I agree with Paletiger – you have a lot of importance in this man’s life, and the new wife’s relationship is quite fragile, it being new. Let’s face it, the woman is almost always the real boss in the family, as well as the CEO of the fidelity bank and trust.

    I would bet a cup of coffee that the man’s other friends or family are making comparisons or commenting. This weekend we met a distant nephew’s new wife. We hadn’t seen him in 10 years and hadn’t kept up, so I asked about his children. I meant no harm, but the new wife looked at me with daggers. I’m pretty sure the nepew’s mother (my husband’s sister) has been throwing it in his face since the divorce, because the ex-wife was much loved and so are her children.

    You are the beloved ex, and the new misses can’t take that from you. As difficult as this is, give it some time.

    I have venus in aries, but I suspect it feels like the 12th house because it hasn’t reached my natal degree. Perhaps that is what is going on with you? Does this depict a secret love, or a time of ending a great love or does it evoke some wistfulness? It seems so.

    The other thing is, you look incredibly gorgeous right now. The ex probably noticed you, and the new wife noticed him noticing – or the band members noticed and made comments.

    Ahhhh romance. Have a glass of champagne with sliced strawberries tonight, and a little chocolate too! In a few short weeks you might just meet a dazzling stranger, become attached, and no longer pose a threat!

  7. painter – do I feel for you, yes I do. I’m not sure that astrological activity is behind this. This must be very, very hard for you – no wonder after all these years.

    Something peculiar happens when ex’s who have been great friends meet someone new – even if our ‘girlfriend/boyfriend business with them is all done and the friendship remains. And in my experience it has been doubly so when they get married. Sometimes it’s to do with the ex – they have moved on and despite what they promised on the basis of feelings they felt in the moment (that they believed they would last) they find they can’t keep to them. This probably has a lot to do with their limiting views on relationships etc. However, for the most part, I have found it to be the new partner who leans on the ex with quite a bit of either obvious or hinted at threat as to what happens if the last partner (who is clearly someone signficant in the ex’s life) is allowed to remain on the scene – heaven forbid that they are even encouraged. Fear and insecurity in the new partner can powerful – and can be an early sign that all is not well in that new relationship.

    Of course, there are umpteen reasons why your friend is behaving the way he is. You may be being rejected here – but I believe it is because of your VALUE and your IMPORTANCE. Regardless of how it feels right now.

    Strength, support and understanding to you tonight. PT.

  8. hhmmm… the sentences about the mars/nessus conjunction hit home. i just got a very “polite” email from my exboyfriend letting me know that while he appreciated my support of his music (i attended his band’s cd release party friday, and am friends with the other band members), it was really very awkward for him and his new wife; surely there are no hard feelings and he hopes i’m happy in all that i do.

    he and i have been friends for almost 20 years, so this really hit me hard — especially since i’d made a point to tell each of them (separately) that i’m really very very happy for them (and i am). he and i broke up three years ago, they’ve been married since august 2008, and i was there with other friends, so i figured things *might* be a little odd but thought it would likely be fine. so i’m definitely feeling an old wound, in the form of a new, unexpected level of rejection/distancing. it comes as a shock mainly because he was always insistent that we stay friends. right now i’m trying to avoid replying to him, partly because i know i will sound defensive and antagonistic if i do, and partly because i just read a bit of astrology sent by a friend suggesting that any awareness about relationships brought by venus retrograde is best left unaddressed until after it stations direct.

    has anyone else felt like venus actually went retro at least two weeks ago or more? is it just because i’m a taurus w/ venus in aries? i kinda think i just want to go home and cry…
    man, i hope everyone else is having a better day! if i can find a night-owl friend with internet access, i’ll try to listen to the radio broadcast toninght…

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