Here is an astrological glyph legend.

This is the simplified chart for the Pisces Full Moon. It’s easy to see how the Sun and Moon aspect so many planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. You can tell because either the numbers are in close proximity (in the 2-3-4 range) or in the case of Chiron, Uranus and Neptune, the numbers are very high (27 to 29 range) which still picks up the planets with relatively low numbers. The result is an aspect structure that is in place at the time of the Full Moon, and with which the Full Moon energetically vibrates.
Here is an astrological glyph legend.

This is the detailed chart for the Pisces Full Moon.
Here is an astrological glyph legend.
..these days, I can feel. Cool about the chart..
This shit is hitting me hard with reality, and the crap that most folks pass for the b.s. ..
I’m barely hangin’ on by a thread…
I’ll get it . Straight up. I’m a bad ass mother fucker,…
.. I’ll tell you now, We can be Cool with each other, or we can Fuck each other over,..
I’m in the position that says let’s play. Let’s be cool. But,.. that’s up to you..?
Love, Peace, Kindness,.. Jere
Well, here goes:
Talking Points Memo:
Harkin Will Hold Hearings On Court Ruling Ending Funding For Stem Cell Research
Christina Bellantoni | August 24, 2010, 3:49PM
As Democrats in Congress scramble to figure out their options in the wake of a judge’s decision to halt federally funded embryonic stem cell research pending trial, TPM has learned that Sen. Tom Harkin’s Labor-HHS Appropriations subcommittee will hold hearings next month when the Senate comes back into session.
Harkin spokeswoman Bergen Kenny said the hearings will be held Sept. 16. Congress returns from recess earlier that week. They are still in the very early planning stages, so no title or witness list is yet available. The hearings will be raised in this subcommittee because it handles funding for the Department of Health and Human Services. The Dickey-Wicker amendment central to Circuit Court Judge Royce Lambreth’s ruling yesterday is attached to the HHS budget.
“Senator Harkin is very concerned about the disruption to this very important research,” Kenny told TPM.
Congressional aides from both chambers said leadership is talking through possible remedies. White House Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton today told reporters that the administration is “exploring all possible avenues to make sure that we can continue to do this critical lifesaving research.” Those avenues include legislation, Burton said.
Burton also confirmed what has emerged from TPM’s reporting that this ruling seems to put research back to a more restrictive level than it was under former President George W. Bush. “We’re still reviewing the decision from this judge, but what we’ve seen so far, from what we can tell, this would also stop the research that President Bush had allowed to go forward early in his presidency,” Burton said in a briefing from the president’s vacation spot in Martha’s Vineyard.
These days are amazing. Truly amazing. Like prayers coming true. Not in any tangible material form yet, but all that underlying stuff.
Today I can FEEL, like my fingertips are picking up energy that has been frustrating-ly distant before.
I’m like a Christmas Tree all light up.
Or the sky.
Happy Vacation, Eric. Enjoy.
Right before a Full Moon isn’t too useful either — those things can get reversed as well.
I am anxious to see what this will bring, since the appeals court ruled against the Obama Administration’s new rules allowing embryonic stem cell research.
Hopefully, the ruling made during the Merc Rx will get reversed.