Pay The Man (an immodest proposal)

By Len Wallick

In the United States, today is a ritual of dismal reckoning. Income tax day. The annual deadline to report our income to the federal government and submit to its economic scrutiny. American legal tender features the faces of dead presidents. It may as well be Caesar. The source of the money logically feels entitled to its return and will go to brutal lengths to enforce that prerogative.

More than voting, more than the census, today represents participation as a United States citizen in the truest, grittiest sense. Adjusting to the idea we never really owned a dime and never will. Honoring the rite of passage under duress. Crossing the threshold into a renewed cycle. Most will file the return and move on. Some will file requests for extension, choosing unfinished business over closure. Finally there are those who, for one reason or another, decline to participate. The main thing is, it all adds up. Your dollar, my dollar, her dollar, his. Pretty small, each by themselves. Together we add up to more than any one of us can grasp. It all comes down to one of us at a time and what we do.

Funny how the astrology this week has worked in parallel. The Sun and Moon ended an annual as well as a monthly cycle and started anew in Aries. Mars reclaims degrees owed in Leo. The yods with their ironic combination of complementary and adverse, energizing focus and forcing adjustment. The outer planets and the cardinal points reminding us that we individually, one way or another, are a part of collective events. Jupiter and Uranus approaching the Aries Point to cross for good. Saturn crossing a threshold only to return. Chiron about to do the same as Saturn. Neptune and Pluto approach their respective cusps only to retreat. It all adds up. But where does it lead to? How do we summarize what’s coming up?

One aspect today best extends the astrological ideas that have collected over the last many months right down to today. This aspect gives us yet another reason to recognize that we are in a profound moment of transition. That aspect is Moon conjunct Mercury. Don’t sniff, there’s a lot under your nose. Follow along and see.

One day past its conjunction with the Sun and 1992 QB1 we find Luna deep into Taurus where it does not rule but finds a form of citizenship – exaltation. Fittingly a coin is picked up and returned on the flip side in four weeks. Consider. Today, just AFTER exacting as new, the Moon conjoins Mercury just BEFORE its retrograde station. Upon next return to Taurus we will have Moon conjunct Mercury again except an order will be reversed. It will be just after Mercury station direct and just before the Taurus new Moon. Just as surely as the man pays you, the day will come when you pay the man.

Another thing to think about. Hearken back to the postulation that the repeating series of oppositions and squares involving Saturn, Uranus and Pluto on the cardinal points function to throw the traditional orbs of influence out the window, creating a continuum. By the same token would not today’s Moon-Mercury conjunction be considered to be a continuous phenomenon? Starting in Taurus, ending in Taurus. A circle opens. A line is drawn. The line retraces. The circle closes. Our thoughts go back and forth while our feelings go round and round.

A truly fractal phenomenon is implied. Individually, we may feel small and insignificant. Our every small action rarely stops with us, however. Someone you smile at this morning may pass that on to several others, who pass it on in return. A cascade of good will is created. Conversely someone you offend will probably precipitate a whole bunch of upset far beyond your ken.. Take something like that and extend it out for a month and we could be looking at the creation of history. Not by institutions or governments. Not dictators or presidents. Not by corporations or billionaires. Not by earthquakes or typhoons. Not by any of those things we seem separated from and not responsible for.

Nope, we are talking about you and me. What we do in the course of an ordinary day. What we perceive and how we respond. What attracts our focus and sets our priorities. Whether we do or do not. Pick a day, any day, it probably does not matter. But there seems to be something special about today. Keep that in mind, get ahold of yourself and for one day behave as if your every action, your every word, your every impression will create history. Maybe it will. What if it did?

For a couple years now we have heard over and over about the procession of outer planets to the cardinal points. Pluto to the first degrees of Capricorn. Saturn to the edge of Libra, and back and there again. Jupiter and Uranus to the sidereal vernal point itself. We have heard about how the synchronous political events implied would be reflected in personal experience. The political getting personal. The outside pushing in. Now there is the opportunity for the inside to push out. We need not be helpless. We can be powerful. We need not be victims. We can be participants. Our decisions on what we will be to and what we will do for each other will add up. They will push out and they will be felt all the way to Pluto metaphorically and all the way to where the man lives, literally. Yeah, pay the man alright, but do it with a form of currency that does not carry his face. Do it with love and compassion for one another. See how he likes that.

Offered In Service

15 thoughts on “Pay The Man (an immodest proposal)”

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  2. I knoooow!~ Isn’t that incredible. . .and Juno is squaring Chiron. . . it’s a powerful message of transformation don’t you think? Subtle but powerful. Your point about the nourishing effects of the Venus/Eris conjunction in productivity is repeated in the Pluto/Ceres conjunction, like duh, do I have to tell you twice?

    With Juno in Taurus the emphasis on fixity(stubborness?)and of course on value (s) seems a part of the message. The ladies are challenging our reluctance to flex it looks like to me.

    Demetra George in Asteroid Goddesses remarks on two principles of feminine power. the 1st, “growth and fertilization”, is obvious enough, and the 2nd is “transformation”, as in “changing one thing into another” and gives the example of “through cooking grain, grass becomes bread”. Gary Caton in Mt. Astrologer (Aug/Sept ’09) calls it “Transformation via the Sacred Feminine” in is article about the asteroid goddesses.

    I think humanity, at least in the western countries, is being nudged into developing their intuition, their 6th sense, their gut feelings. Look where the “cloud” is and what countries are affected by it. Astrologers and other masters of the mysteries are being called, even more than before, to aid mankind in the massive consciousness raising signified (signaled) by 2012 Scary? No. Exciting? YES!

  3. Barbara,
    Thank you for your masterful and instructive synthesis of the Venus-Eris-Pallas-Vesta relationships in synchrony with the volcano in Iceland.

    While i was shaving this morning i was musing on Ceres’ near conjunction with Pluto as having a close synchronicity with the volvanic eruption. Please, what’s your take on that?

  4. I followed the yellow-brick road and the Venus/Eris conjunction clue and it has led to an observation that makes me believe that the “blow-back from Iceland’s volcano eruption is a message about dealing with changes. Your words in “Bad Reputation to Inspiration” about Eris conjunct Venus that sparked this observation were:

    “A germination of harmonious sisterhood that would serve to heal and INFORM the cause of brotherhood that has fallen into such disarray.”

    I checked Richard Nolle’s April 2010 Forecast ( where he says “Iceland’s Eyjafjallayokull volcano began its eruption on March 21. . .”, which was around the time of the Venus conjunction to Eris, and your article on same.

    So this “aha” moment led me look and see what Venus might be up to in present time. (These are little things, granted, but they can lead to important information which is what astrology is so good at) Anyway, Venus in her Taurus position is opposite Pallas in Scorpio and square Vesta in Leo; values. . shared values. . . creative force. . . might there be a word to the wise in this configuration?

    In your article about Eris conjunct Venus you said “What Eris represents can also be a productive FORCE guiding the evolutions of our individual personalities.” (Austin called it the “creativity catalized by competition and HARDSHIP) You go on to say then, “The conjunction with Venus can serve to SIGNAL the nourishment of that productive approach.”

    Which brought me to the realization that this nature-created explosion leading to a thick black cloud of yuck, in a relatively out-of-the-way location on the planet, causing chaotic situations to densely populated parts of the planet, could happen at any time in other places on the planet, maybe not so out-of-the-way. Maybe bigger, or maybe more than just one at a time.

    In and for the cause of brotherhood, I suggest that the asteroid goddesses, join Venus who is carrying the message from Eris to INFORM the dwellers on Planet Earth that difficult times are on the way and they can and will DISRUPT (sorry but can’t throw out the baby with the bath water just yet) your life in ways you can’t envision right now. This is a SIGNAL to widen your perception of what is happening in your world and why. Plan (Pallas) and dedicate (Vesta) some time to constructive alternatives should this happen to you.

    So it’s just a small thing really, just a little heads up for those who appreciate the time to adjust, prepare and become aware. I’m grateful to you Len for this divinely inspired gift you share with us weekly, and hope this fruit (“nourishment”) of its reading can be of benefit to others.

  5. Barbara,
    (1) Since the recent yods have primarily invollved personal planets and luminaries it would not occur to me to connect them with events such as the volcano in Iceland. However, since you are my acknowledged Master of the Yod, i would defer to you in such matters.
    (2) The yod involving tha asteroid Chaos was the one i chose not to write about.
    (3) Like Eric, i favor evolving a more humanistic and constructive intrepretation for Eris than that expressed by Stephanie Austin. Please refer to what i wrote for the Venus-Eris conjunction (“Bad Reputation to Inspiration”).

  6. Len,

    Thank you for this very thoughtful piece. I’ve been wondering about this volcanic ash stemming from Iceland that is wrecking havoc on the airline schedules all over Europe and now U.S. Do you think all these yods we have experienced lately could have a bearing on this? Talk about forcing adjustment!

    I did go back to the Jan 15 Solar eclipse for some clues and found that Jupiter (long distance travel) was at 29 Aquarius 22 at that time, and this is where Chiron is now (29 Aquarius 44). Also the Eclipsed Sun-Moon-Venus were at 25+ Capricorn which squares yesterday’s New Moon at 24+ Aries. Then there’s that Eris lady that we have been trying to think positive things about. I guess Chiron and Eris could be trying to tell us something, huh?

    I read Stephanie Austin’s article in the Mt. Astrologer (Apr/May 2010) about this New Moon and she says of Eris, “Eris represents the discord created by addictions and attachments, as well as the creativity catalized by competition and hardship.” Well, there you go. I would say that the modern world is quite addicted to getting there quick, therefore addicted to airline travel.

    Still, I’m going to re-read your previous articles for the last week or so about who’s involved in these yods. Was Chaos in there somewhere?

  7. Don,
    Thank you for your kind assessment. Good to see your comments in this space once again. Given the logarithms used in the resolution of photographic detail (from large pixels to small) it is indeed no longer necessary to “believe” the math underpinnings of chaos theory. Our little machines use it every day. One does not need to be a math whiz, however, to understand the most salient fundamental. Small differences in the beginning make a big difference as the process continues. That’s what makes it so hard to hit a golf ball accurately. Just as in golf, being focused, aware and composed will help achieve a desireable outcome. It is so easy to just react out of fear or prejudice and it’s so important to avoid just that, especially right now.

  8. Len,

    An excellent article, as usual Len. The inclusion of fractal logic, or chaos theory, is brilliant. I do believe the universe works this way.

    Now think of the decisions that were NOT made.. those discarded by the various actors; and their potential impact on the world, HAD they occurred. If you believe in the theories that propose alternate realities (and science is increasingly accepting the possibility of such states), then think of the nearly limitless possibilities that not only COULD HAVE occurred, but did…in another universe, which now parallels our own.

    accepting the idea of space-time as an endless loop, and the laws of energy and mass conservation; such a “design” would allow for both free will and fate, simultaneously. In short, every possible combination of potentials WILL occur and, most importantly, has already occurred…from the start of time, to the end. The proverbial alpha and omega.

    There have been those who have asserted that we were created as a means of GOD to gain experience of itself; somewhat like a solitary individual, left in the dark, creating multiple independent views of itself. Perhaps the universe is merely God’s means of accomplishing this goal to the greatest extent; akin to the way that calculus allows us to gain “knowledge” of lines and angles by logarithmic estimation.

    To sum, think of the literally endless possibilities that would occur with the prospect of billions of distinct human (and non-human) experiences, spread across space-time; within a continuum that simultaneously encompasses experiences that both did and did not “materialize” in this particular universe…but occurred in others.

  9. Mystes,

    I really loved your notion of nocking the arrow. The other day I was going to write on how I also felt that energy, so similar to your “Drawing, trembling, steady… release.”

    What I imagined was a roller coaster car packed full of people that was clicking (or nocking!) it’s way slowly, steadily upwards. Click, click, clicking, excitement building then, the pinnacle notch finally secured and all hands raised to the sky, the car is released and hurtles forward, with all onboard screaming with exhilaration, hungry to embrace the dawning of a brand new horizon………


  10. Fine article, Len, thank you. You really are the jazzman, even in your serious mode. I am living out this Moon/Merc conjunct right now, and your urgency is not lost on me. Yet it feels like nocking an arrow, the Bullseye in the center of the Taurean New Moon.

    Drawing, trembling, steady… release.


  11. Len,

    I can not express in mere words, how truly inspirational your words and thought mean to me!!! My chalice is full before I even reach the last paragraph. I do believe the world is coming upon a breakthrough, whether we will be ready or not… up to the portal. I say, instead of looking down at your feet, buy that guy behind you his cup of coffee…..its a catchy thing!!!! “Im sippin on some sunshine”

    with gratitude,


  12. As always thank you, Len
    Here’s the thing about taxes……I focus on what I receive for paying them….like the beautiful park overlooking the Hudson River that I walk in every morning!

  13. Odd thing happened last night as I did my taxes: the gov’t says it wants to give me more back than I paid. Of course, I didn’t pay much as it was a rather shaky year monetarily, but to get back nearly twice what I paid? Hmmmm…

    I’ve always paid my taxes, good year or bad, and fully acknowledge that they are for the “public” good, not mine alone. Ooops, guess that means I’m not a tea bagger (I prefer ‘bagger’ over ‘partier’ – I chuckle at the well known double entendre!).

    Here’s to the common good, the public good, the astral good.

  14. Way to go, Len! We get all in a lather over Caesar’s tax day, but pay (pun intended) no attention to the taxes we incur on one another every day with out bad attitudes, angry voices and petty greed. It’s a debt we too often don’t know we’re creating.

    Will note: smiles have better returns.

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