Once In A Lifetime

By Len Wallick

“You may ask yourself: well…how did i get here?”
–Talking Heads

Last week was quite a workout. As the Sun approached the end of Taurus, it was in a square (90 degrees of separation) to Neptune in the 29th degree of Aquarius. As Venus approached the end of Gemini, it was first in a square first to retrograde Saturn in Virgo then to Uranus in the 30th degree of Pisces. The transit of both the major luminary and the minor benefic to different signs just before the weekend changed the scenery and substituted the antagonists but kept the plot.

For no sooner was Sol in Gemini that it formed a square to Chiron in Pisces last Friday. Venus in turn was surfing in the sign of Cancer but two days before feeling the undertow of an opposition to Ceres on Saturday followed by an opposition to Pluto late yesterday. Finally to top it all off, Jupiter (in Pisces) opposed Saturn (in Virgo) in clash of the titans late Saturday or early Sunday, depending on where you are.

By the time you read this the Venus-Pluto and Jupiter-Saturn oppositions will be separating but still functional to a degree.

And thus we find ourselves washed up on the beach of Monday morning, If we have had any sort of respite over the past few days, it has been in change. A change of the “what” in the “Now what?” but precious little opportunity for “Not now”. A different direction from which the wind is blowing but no relief from its relentless velocity. This slope is about to get steeper yet, at the end of the week.

The next few days give us the opportunity to gain perspective over the last few. It is from that perspective that we will gain our traction and the energy to apply it. If there is anything to synchronicity, the aspects and planets involved can give a clue what is going on within and without. Let’s start with the inside.

A square aspect suggests internal tension which requires first awareness and then action to resolve. Square a personal planet to an outer one, and a temporal aspect is introduced.

The Sun and Venus synchronize with the cycles of personal and interpersonal expression.
We normally think of those processes as taking place within a human lifetime. Introduce Uranus with an orbital period of over 84 years and Neptune with a period of 165 and the tension bridges more than one lifetime. What’s internal is (surprise!) more than just “little ol’ me”. It’s what our parents and their parents and those before went through, living inside of us, expressed through us, finally up against the wall symbolized by outer planets in the last degrees of their sign.

No wonder we don’t know what hit us. Mostly we don’t know what us is. We are not only the “me” with experiences in “this body”. We are each the expression of the DNA that not only runs “this body” but carries the experiences of bodies before. The term “us” not only carries over space to other individuals in this time. It carries across time to individuals who are materially (not just symbolically) in this space that we call “my body”.

And that’s what a square from a personal to an outer planet means. The resolution of the internal tension carried and passed on for generations. Now, finally, ours to gain closure. Now, finally, ours to try something new. Now, finally ours to break a pattern that did not work and find one that does. Rest assured, we are being watched and supported, and rooted for. They watch us from within. And you thought you were alone. No way, Jose. They are with us now.

The Sun’s square to Chiron was addressed by Eric Francis in last Friday’s subscriber edition. He saw it as an opportunity to “…note the sense of injury that we may feel to our creative/expressive side and use this as a means to provoke self-awareness and healing” especially in regard to what a parent experienced. Given Chiron’s orbital period of 51 years in addition to the synchronous context of the Sun coming off a square to Neptune and one might add the sense of this being a once in a lifetime opportunity to to express what the prior caretakers of our DNA would not. To create what they could not.

And then there is what is going out in the world around us. In addition to awakening to our power to wreak havoc to creation, there is at the same time a sign of hope. Hope in creation anew. It is there that we find synchrony in the oppositions that carry over to today. Between Venus and Pluto. Between Jupiter and Saturn.

Jupiter, as the greater benefic connects with abundance and needs met. Saturn, as the greater malefic, rhymes with limits to and conformance with as the price for entry. Uranus is part of the equation, functionally conjoined with Jupiter, it adds its inexplicable capacity to go from here to way over there suddenly, without traversing in-between.

Venus, among other things, relates to interpersonal expression. Pluto, among other things is the imperative to transform. Oppositions reflect an external bind, polarity, tension on either side with us in the middle. Resolution is gained by negotiating each side separately.

In several places, on widely separated continents and hemispheres, the symbolism of these planets and aspects are playing out. In Iran and Thailand. In Greece and Puerto Rico. The protagonists are predominantly young people. There are a disproportionate number of women. In other words, the disenfranchised. They are being denied a share of the abundance. Their needs are not being met. The limits to entry are squelching their self- expression. The conformance required is not returned with tangible benefit.

In other words, they are being ripped off, and they know it. Their response is two-fold. To put pressure on the established order on one side, negotiating for change. On the other side, to create a new order of relationship between themselves, transforming the standards they were given and (perhaps most importantly) providing them with a means to sustain their resistance even as the established order is having a bit of trouble sustaining itself.

It’s a bit of a miracle, really. These predominantly young rebels are of different cultures and languages. It’s not as if they have a manual to go by. Yet they are simultaneously coming to the same conclusions, taking the same actions, following the same methods. All at the same time. Uranus is coming to the fore.

So, how does that relate to you, in the now, reading this blog? Well, are you paying attention? Are you receiving what you have been implicitly promised for your efforts? A job worthy of your expensive education, for example? Are your efforts to fit in being reciprocated in proportion with an adequate place to be in? Is that expensive business suit resulting in higher wages? Are we getting a return on our investments? Is our property worth less than the debt incurred to purchase it? Are we getting ripped off?

There is an old saying. If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. Today the Libra Moon forms a sextile to Mars in Leo. Let us take it as a clue. The sextile is a seed, an opportunity to grow. Let the seeking of balance that is Libra and the deep feelings that are the Moon find nourishment in the assertiveness that is Mars and the self-expression that is Leo. Get angry all right, but let that anger have a direction. Let it be the energy that will fuel a beginning. A beginning towards restoring balance. Carry that forward tomorrow.

Offered In Service

12 thoughts on “Once In A Lifetime”

  1. Len

    My week last week was awesome but then came Friday evening 🙁 followed by Saturday and a deep sadness on Sunday. I’m a Scorpio and I have a very good friend that is also a Scorpio. We came to a solid conclusion that what we both felt way so much bigger than the two of us. Interestingly enough, I spent the most part of that weekend addressing what I believe is emotional baggage that comes from deep within my DNA. I can account from where it stems as I know enough about my parents and grand parents to know the wounds that were never resolved. Somehow, last weekend, it’s as if I recognized the power it once held over me had weakened (or gone).
    You have confirmed in words my insight.


  2. Thanks, Len. You covered quite a bit here.

    Personally, I found last week a breeze compared to the week before. And it put some finishing healing touches in place too. I have Saturn at 29 Pisces in my chart and Chrion nearby at 26 Pisces, so lots of action going on for me I know. And feel. And have experienced. All good stuff in the grand scheme.

    Is there a significant difference between having a planet retrograde or stationary retrograde in one’s chart? Just curious.

    Patricia MoonRose

  3. hey sarah —
    i appreciate the camaraderie. i guess recognizing the pattern is the first step, right? of course, it’s the choice that recognition brings that can trip me up. good luck to you in your swinging; maybe feeling the middle ground instead of seeing it is an option?

    liminali —
    thanks for the ideas! maybe the water you mention is the key to the future safety device/transportation: it’s capable of both maintaining structure and flowing/allowing flow; it provides a softer landing than earth and still gives something to push against.

    hmmm… i think my saturn/mars conjunction in my natal cancer ascendant may have just slipped together into some of that heart lube…

  4. I want to thank you all for the supprt a few days ago… a day/mood/feeling like a giant cramp can lead to amazing insights, and breathing was the right thing.

    I’m happy to be a part of this ‘virtual’ space.

  5. Ah, Len, thank you! When I read the Talking Heads quote, I immediately thought “water flowing over rocks”. The words “Us, finally up against the wall” brought to mind this….


    My internal/eternal ancestors thank you!

    Oh Mystes, SLOW is an understatement! For me, it’s not so much things slowing down, more like time is expanding to hold more experience. And turgid? Gooood word. One I have occasion to use in my work.

    Turgid = full of water. The dictionary definition: being in a state of distension, exhibiting turgor. Turgor is defined as: the normal state of turgidity and tension in living cells; esp: the distension of the protoplasmic layer and wall of a plant cell by the fluid contents.

    It’s normal for plants to be turgid; it means the plant is maintaining proper hydration. A lack of turgidity is what causes cut flowers to wilt; when put in water, they “perk up” because the water has rebalanced their cell structure. In its liquid state, water is literally “holding up” the cells of the plant. Let the Heart Lube flow!

    shebear13, I want to thank you for posting the letter from Arvol Lookinghorse earlier this month. Good luck with your move, and enjoy the newness of your endeavors!

    amanda, breathe deep and imagine a future safety device that doesn’t involve crude restraint of the body, for a form or mode of transportation yet to be designed/found/invented. *smile* One question I ask myself if I’m unsure about what’s motivating my potential behavior/wants/needs/desire is: what’s the worst thing that could happen if I DON’T do x, y, or z? It might not work for everyone, but I find defining what you don’t want can lead you to discover what you do actually need.


  6. Yes, Amanda, me too. I am in the confusion of family patterns myself – also to do with my mother primarily – and swinging wildly back and forth between the two sides of the equation. Is there a middle way, perhaps? I can’t see one right now …

  7. ah len —
    thanks for the graceful explanation! i’ve been wondering why lately i feel like i’m in a headlock with an emotional pattern that is not only one of my old ones but also my mother’s, and goddess knows how many others’ in past generations.

    the troubling thing is, every time i think i can see it, i seem to loop right back into it. that’s actually what feels a bit like frozen mud to me, even more than the passage of time; like every time i think to try and pull one foot free, the other sinks further in until all i can seem to do is look down at the mud instead of where i want to go (or think i want to go, or was headed however slowly).

    there’s a certain self-righteous stubbornness along with it, which doesn’t seen to help. and my “lazy tarus” side doesn’t always feel like working past it. on top of that, sometimes i second guess whether my “self expression” of my needs is valid, or whether it will only serve to upset someone unnecessarily; or whether what i’m perceiving as “needs” are really even that.

    mystes: you say we’re in for even more? okay… *deep breaths*

    so, do we fasten our seat belts as per bette davis, or do we let the bumps toss us out of the car windows and see if we land someplace interesting

    with love,

  8. Mystes,

    Ditto on that thought. Saturn conjunct these last months at 29 degrees has been getting to me, but has served a much higher purpose than I could have ever dreamed, rooting out truth and justice within my circle of influence.

    Last week I was saying, think i’ll take 10 oxycontin and call it a day – but now I think i’ll hang out to see what’s next.

    Len – great work as always.

    Love to you both.

  9. “Last week was quite a workout.”

    Ah, but nothing like where we’re headed this week, muchachas. My sister’s Taurus husband died late last week, and everyone in my family tacitly realizes that Pat got out while the gettin’ was good. (I realize how cavalier this sounds, but mine is a tribe that knows how to enjoy/mourn a good death).

    *This* week… aaaaaahhhhhh… has anyone else on PW noticed how very very very slow time has become in the last 4 weeks? As in positively *turgid*, moving like frozen mud? Think back to April 24… how long ago was that? One century or two? My sister opined last night that the spatiotemporal grid might be expanding to give us a chance to get ready for the Aries Point action. Seems plausible.

    Len, I can see your concern about the Venus/Pluto opposition, yet as the official safety valve (Cancer) of the upcoming Cardinal T, I am experiencing this as an opportunity to practice pouring Heart Lube –by the barrel (ahem)– on to that opposition.

    Off I go into an entirely-too-interesting week. Will check back in just before Uranus rings the Aries bell.

  10. Beautifully inspiring as always Len — our celestial tour guide.

    “Now, finally, ours to gain closure. Now, finally, ours to try something new. Now, finally ours to break a pattern that did not work and find one that does.”


    Goosebumps on goosebumps as I inhale the potential of this moment, surrounded by my ancestral cheerleaders. Yes I am taking a wholly new turn in my life, (moving house this Wednesday, closing up June 7th) and really, really ready to begin composing a host of brand new and authentic scenarios for me and my family.

  11. Thanks Len. Totally brilliant stuff. Spent the weekend fighting fear -old bogeymen inside and out are back to haunt me these days. Your blog says it all, and is so very helpful.
    Len x

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