By Len Wallick
Yesterday’s conjunction of the Aries Sun with Eris reminds us that it was Venus that got there first, as part of a hero’s journey, on the day after the Vernal Equinox. Today Venus continues to be the theme setter, but first the big picture.
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Saturn is in the last degree of Virgo, in retrograde towards it penultimate opposition with Uranus in late Pisces. Pluto is also in retrograde back towards the first degrees of Capricorn heading for a concluding square with Saturn and the first of a long series of squares with Uranus. That will climax the long series of outer planet cardinal point aspects that will carry us up to and through the concurrent phenomenon known as 2012.
Mercury is slowing down as it cuts ever so deeply into the onion of of its echo phase. It will station retrograde in less than a week at 12+ degrees Taurus. Mars is slowly speeding up but has five weeks to go before emerging from the backside echo phase of its solstice retrograde. One into a dive, the other surfacing. Deep memory is implied, destiny is not.
Back to our hero. As the Sun started a new season with its ingress to Aries, Venus started a new season for Eris with a conjunction that advanced both with a theme of integration. That continued with Mercury and, yesterday, with the Sun setting Eris up on the tee of transition, representing the shifts we will need to make in our consciousness. That which was spurned at once adjusting and being adjusted to. Jupiter is on deck.
Today Venus, now in Taurus where it rules, continues on the wavefront. By forming a quincunx aspect (150 degrees of separation, also called an inconjunct) with the Great Attractor in Sagittarius. The planet of harmony in alienation to the most profound point of polarization. Two signs differing in both element and receptivity. Like the worst blind date ever. Perfect! What better place to start if adjustment and integration are our goal? Take a look at the long continuum of cardinal point activity. Take a look at the retrograde activity. Is adjustment not appropriate? Is integrity not necessary? And so to to the yods. There are two of them today, involving the same signs, one will be our focus.
Saturn is ingressing the last degree of a mutable earth sign. Chiron is egressing the last degree of a fixed air sign. Going in opposite directions and in quincunx. Sixty degrees away from Chiron, in the last degree of Aries is the main belt (between Mars and Jupiter) asteroid, Pandora. This formation of one sextile and two inconjuncts is called a yod. Let’s focus on that one and break it down a bit.
In a yod, the two planets in sextile are usually seen as working together, bringing out the best in each other. In myth Pandora was the storytelling tool of a patrilinear culture seeking to reconcile the existence of evil by blaming it on women. That’s not very nice. As a matter of fact, the story itself has been the source of a great deal of suffering. In astrology, there are two sides to most every story. Chiron invokes the theme of two sides with an emphasis on the positive. The positive role of this asteroid would seem to be revealing what is already there but which was overlooked, suppressed or denied.
Chiron is certainly up for some revelation. After getting strapped into and limited by the sound bite “wounded healer” it would seem high time to move beyond that. Especially given the impending, albeit temporary transit into Pisces. Let’s start by considering the fact that is was discovered only 33 years ago. Because of that it would make sense to
de-emphasize the myth and focus on two other things. The discovery chart and the category of object.
Using the most commonly accepted discovery chart (November 1, 1977 at 9:56 am in Pasadena, California) One finds Chiron in the fourth degree of Taurus, in loose opposition to the Sun. The ascendant is very nearly on the Galactic center in the 26th degree of Sagittarius. The moon is in the last degree of Cancer.
True to the ascendant, Chiron was unusual in its appeal. Unlike any other recently discovered planetary object, including Pluto, it was enthusiastically received and almost immediately incorporated by astrologers. Perhaps because the term “quality of life” was coming into common use at the time. Ironically because quality of life was slipping away from us. The timing was exquisite. No wonder
The loose opposition to the Sun in Chiron’s discovery chart is in synchrony to its classification as a centaur planet. Taken as a group, they imply the concept of shadow material. This is the memory of loss associated with the trauma of abuse. This is the imperative to recover that which was lost by integrating and owning the experience which precipitated it. With a discovery placement in Taurus opposing a Scorpio Sun, there is the challenge of integrating the entirety of life’s cycle and seeing it as a whole. The leaves of last year, fallen and decayed form the nourishment of this year’s foliage. Hence the sextile of Pandora to Chiron encourage us to look at each of them anew. With Saturn inconjunct to them both we are brought back to the long term, the big picture.
Among all the major planets, Saturn is associated most closely with the inertia of the established order. The idea of operating within limits. The lasting structure. The dominant paradigm. The immovable object. It is, has been and will for some time be in a continuous square aspect with the irresistible force of transformation and metamorphosis represented by Pluto. This has led to tension and fear as all of us, as befits a cardinal point square, are compelled to be a part of the process to the same degree that we are part of the established order. Saturn, as the focus of today’s yod, is invested with the idea that our future need not consist of catastrophic collapse. There is an alternative, adjustment. Adjustment born of awareness of how perspective can be consciously redirected. Adjustment nourished by consciousness that phases are part of a continuum known as cycles. Adjustment matured by the assurance that the fear of loss can be redirected towards a journey of new creation. A journey that we are all a part of.
Offered In Service
This made me laugh aloud:
“In myth Pandora was the storytelling tool of a patrilinear culture seeking to reconcile the existence of evil by blaming it on women. That’s not very nice.”
The rest made me think quietly to myself – all day.
hey Jere —
from what i can tell, little local independent banks and credit unions seem to be the way to go. fewer fees, friendlier, a little less big-time wall street muck… but i’m no banker.
good luck!
Len, thanks, I’m good with poverty. I’ve done it long enough. Rich (except for spirit) is not my bag. Others have theirs. Love all.
..but, I do have the capacity to interact in resource shifting.. whatever folks call it these days, It’s nothing, truly, other than the flow that is pretty damned human. I watch it shift.. and still I wonder?.. Weird, No?..
Love (There’s a space within which transcends this reality..)
..Still, anyone got some ideas where to transact cash? Who’s cool to support? Send the flow through?
Navigating the world of commerce? i’m the last person you should ask. One thing i have noticed, however. Don’t try to get rich. Apply yourself to making someone else wealthy. If you can be somebody else’s meal ticket there is nothing they will not do to take care of you.
Blessings to you, great poet.
thanks half & len!
always nice to feel a little less alone when things are seeming a bit irrational… 🙂
With some laughter for the end of the day. (And smiles, maybe..) I’m an idiot when it comes to interacting within the framework that is reality.. I have no idea what all the soundbytes are saying, let alone mean. It’s all too much for my little head, (I laugh unrepressedly..).
But, I still Laugh!
Odd question,.. but then again, we’re dealing with me. Ok, so I went to BofA today to get a prepaid credit card, these cats apparently don’t do that, or I just didn’t fit the image of Banking U.S.A.. I asked of other space, they said perhaps Wallmart. I’ve never been to a Wallmart in my life.. I’m not sure I can. (I’ll consult the oracles! Ha Ha!) ..but, the question is, “What do You think is the best way to navigate this world of commerce?”
The Institutions.. Where do we go?
I’ll get by, for sure, all ways,.. I’ve been here long enough.
..Just a question to anyone who has run across this b.s. in their own reality..
p.s.: So, I’ve got to get a resource/money transference card tomorrow.. Where? Who? Thanks!
True to form you always get me thinking and exploring Len…
Here is a link to the Pandora effect on Heather Mills Mcartney….conjunct Sun/Mercury in Capricorn….square the nodal axis….ah mean every time she opened her mouth…..!! The poor kid never stood a chance….but time as the say is the healer….!!
So I took a flier on Sarah Palin…using accepted 4.40pm time. Pandora sits snugly in her chart at 17.52 Pisces….8th house. Chiron is at 13 Pisces in an exact opposition to Pluto in the Virgo 2nd…with Uranus applying to the 2nd house cusp at 8 Virgo. Neptune in the Scorpio 4th ….separating from the IC trines Pandora to within 3 arc minutes.
The Pluto Neptune sextile also produces a yod to Jupiter at 16 Aries in the 9th.
She is here for the long term….women everywhere will love her endearing mouth as it opens up all of the nightmares and suppressed dreams that in time will transform the nation…particularly those 2nd house financial opportunities!
7th house Sun Mars Saturn….The Republican party will be on its knees begging her to heal their wounds before she has finished with them.
Like the above article says…the black sheep holds the mirror to the world…that they may see their wounds as they all fly out of the box!!
and you cant get the toothpaste back in the tube….. !!
This has been a real good day….unspoken….and holistic…..
Sweet…. Len…..real sweet!!
Thank you for feeling safe to vent. It could be that your comments resonate with more people more deeply than anything i’ve written today. If that were to be the case then your expression of exasperation would become (almost like magic) a service to others. All because you felt safe to post your comment in the first place. Woundn’t that be something? Thank you!
Hang in there, Amanda. I can relate. Ain’t feelings just the biggest mystery?
“The planet of harmony in alienation to the most profound point of polarization. Two signs differing in both element and receptivity. Like the worst blind date ever.”
ugh!!! so maybe that’s what i’m feeling today? i’m definitely in a harumphing/ “everything’s falling apart and i’m feeling lost and desperate and stuck” mode; feeling at odds with those i love most, as well as myself, and barely digging my nails in to keep hold of a more creative, forward-moving direction.
and then saturn pops in on all that: “Saturn, as the focus of today’s yod, is invested with the idea that our future need not consist of catastrophic collapse.”
well, i guess that’s reassuring! i wouldn’t mind feeling that a bit more tangibly.
just had to vent a little…
— amanda
be – Just to acknowledge publicly – you are the Master of the Yod. Without the education you have so generously shared with all of us, today’s blog could not have been written.
I see in this yod’s adjustment the Pandora’s box of the Catholic Church and all the abuse scandals, the people seeking healing and justice after living with the fallout of priestly abuse for most of their lives. In this picture the Church would be Saturn dragging his heels in Virgo, resisting waking up to present time.
I have to admit, I definitely feel a lot of adjustment happening right now. I am trying to make room for parts of me that were shut down but which I really have to open up in order to become whole. Sometimes that is brutal, especially in the dark of the night, when my soul yells out to be noticed and integrated once and for all.
Here’s something else I would like to add, which I started in response to Eric’s post on Eris at the w/e: In the essay “Calling Home the Castaway Woman”, Eric ends with some questions, one of which popped out at me: ” — how do you relate to others — your partner, your friends — when you’re changing and accepting things about yourself that they don’t accept about themselves?” This question intrigued me because I feel it’s my fundamental challenge right now. Holding my own when faced with resistance and denial. Giving room for that tension and holding it and creating something new instead of destroying the old. That’s what Eris feels like to me…..holding the tension between what was and what could be and redirecting that energy into a some kind of healing focus.
Len, I thank you for your wisdom and guidance today as you have hit the nail on the head yet again. Adjusting instead of heading toward a catastrophic collapse. I know where I must direct my consciousness — adjusting as you say (and tweaking and realigning and recreating) in order to feel tuned in and vibrate at the frequency I have long denied myself, yet so desired.
This marginalized woman is coming home.
You know Len, until you said it, I never realized how much Pandora has in common with Eris. . “revealing what was already there, but overlooked, suppressed or denied” might be considered a theme in itself these days. I want to thank you and the men at, and who come to, PlanetWaves for enriching the understanding of the feminine myths so as to see a positive side to the ladies of antiquity. Talk about identity crisis and ways to deal with it!
So this will be interesting to watch and be aware of today’s events. A very old tradition (Saturn I suppose) of celebrating the upcoming horserace on the 1st Saturday in May, for, now 2 weeks (and years back for just one week) preceding the actual running. In addition to that there is a race the day before the Kentucky Derby that is just for fillies which is almost as popular as the Derby itself. It’s called “the Oaks” and has become the event of choice for many locals. All this mayday partying starts this coming Saturday, but the excitement is already in the air.
A recent phenomenon of the tradition of the Oaks, along with the big hats and mint juleps, is the wearing of pink- men and women – in support of breast cancer research. With Chiron (awareness) and Pandora (revealing what’s suppressed) complimenting one another and the challenge to integrate through Saturn (tradition) there is this opportunity to adjust through redirected perspective. . .and a lot of booze.
Still, I will keep my eyes and ears open for some less pleasant event that could mar the festivities (for a good reason of course). I suppose there is a 2nd yod for reinforcement, just in case Pandora becomes too adorable.