Not So Strange

Note from Eric to subscribers of Light Bridge: Here is a short audio message for you, about the project. Now, back to Len.

By Len Wallick

Nobody told me there’s be days like these / strange days indeed”
— John Lennon

Tomorrow, Chiron enters Pisces direct just before 3 pm ET. It will remain in that sign until 2018. If history and synchronicity have anything to say about it, it will be a big deal. That does not mean you should hide under the bed. To paraphrase the late astrologer Al H. Morrison, the events associated with this Centaur planet may be inconvenient, but ultimately they are beneficial. The purpose of today’s blog is to make Chiron less of a stranger.

Daily Astrology & Adventure by Eric Francis

Chiron was controversial and compelling from the very beginning. The photographic plate on which it was discovered was exposed on October 18, 1977. The astronomer Charles T. Kowal identified it on November 1, 1977. The public announcement came three days later. For the latter two dates, there is no commonly agreed time. To this day there is some controversy over what data to use in constructing the natal chart. There is some inconvenience for you.

It was Mr. Kowal who referred to Chiron as a maverick. It was difficult to identify, especially back in the 1970s when there were fewer known objects to which it could be compared. It is of indeterminate composition, bearing resemblance to both comet and asteroid. It has a highly elliptical orbit which translates into a widely varying apparent speed of motion around the zodiac. When it is in Virgo and Libra it moves through in about a year and a half, faster than Saturn. In Pisces and Aries it moves through in eight and nine years, respectively, slower than Uranus.

We do know that Chiron completes one orbit around the Sun in just under 51 years. In the process of doing so, it crosses the orbit of Saturn into the area between the Ringed One and Uranus. The astrological identity of Chiron thus fluctuates between that of the trans- personal (Jupiter and Saturn) and the historical (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Temporally this centaur is leaning decidedly towards the latter three planets, although its spatial placement in a sign ruled by Jupiter retains a link to the former two.

In spite of the fact that Chiron takes over half a century to go around the Sun, and hence, the zodiac, it was last in Pisces less than a year ago thanks to a retrograde that took it forth and back over the cusp with Aquarius. This toe-in-the-water phenomenon has been common with the outer planets in recent years. It started in 2008 with Pluto testing Capricorn before returning to Sagittarius to pack its bags for a much longer stay in the cardinal earth sign. The same thing happened with Saturn going back and forth between Virgo and Libra during the course of last year’s cardinal T-square. Jupiter has just completed its circuit between late Pisces and Aries and Uranus will do the same next month. Neptune’s initial ingress to Pisces this coming March will be followed by a retrograde of its own, returning to Aquarius for unfinished business before making a long term commitment in 2012.

Having Chiron as part of this cusp-hopping is another reason to closely identify its current placement with the epoch-forming implications of cardinal point Uranus-Pluto squares that resume next year. Because of this fact, one should not jump to the conclusion that the second entry of Chiron into Pisces in less than a year will be a repeat performance of the first. That was then, this is now. All indications are that we should be looking forward and not back in anticipation of how it will be this time.

Of course, one cannot blame us if we are twice shy. Chiron’s first return to Pisces in a long generation took place last April. It was closely co-incident with the Sun’s movement into Taurus. It was almost immediately followed by the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. That, and an inconvenient volcano in Iceland had many of us wondering whether earthly life as we know it was on a slippery slope. While the votes are still out on that, the fact is that most of you are still here to read this and start comparing notes.

So, what can we say is different this time? Posterity will probably have the final word on that. We can, however, start by going back to the beginning of this blog and note that Chiron is not only controversial but compelling. Astrologers took to it almost immediately upon its discovery, using it more widely and more quickly than Pluto was utilized. It was in the right place at the right time. The symbolism of wounding and healing was part of what people were thinking about in the 1970s. Unfortunately, that led to a bit of sound-bite hype.

Saying “wounded healer” and leaving it at that does not, in retrospect, do justice to the Chiron of either the mythology or the astrology. The most constructive and useful approach would appear to be something a little more complex and substantially more sophisticated. Please allow us to break that down and build it back up. First, the word exceptional comes to mind. In the mythology, centaurs were not ordinary creatures and apparently there were not a lot of them. In addition, among these rare and compelling beings, Chiron was a notable exception himself. Giving favor to intellect over instinct, brains over brawn, he proved the potential of his kind to express both physical and mental prowess. His immortality, also unique among his kind, made him not only a fitting intermediary between animal and human but also a living bridge to the gods. All of that resonates with Chiron as a bridge between the trans-personal and historical planets.

Also, the circumstances and nature of Chiron’s famous wound suffered at the inadvertent hand of Hercules, is not a simple paradox of the greatest physician unable to heal himself, although that is a part of it. On a grander scale it has to do with a holistic approach to any problematic phenomenon. The wounding of Chiron and its ultimate resolution were part of bigger scenarios. He and his example were symptomatic of something more widespread, indicating something about the vary nature of his epoch, his reality and those who were a part of it. Chiron’s predicament of being an immortal with a mortal wound served to focus attention first on his example and then expand that awareness beyond the specific to the whole.

Astrologer and Chiron scholar Melanie Reinhart also brings the word “transition” to the table as expressing the effect of awareness expanding from the particular to the whole. We have repeatedly referred to 2011 as a transitional year from the cardinal T-square of 2010 to the new, longer cardinal squares starting in 2012 between Uranus and Pluto. The return of Chiron to Pisces at this time might have something to do with that, with a consciousness that will assist us on a personal level with the historical transition taking place. This transition requires both the individual and the collective to acquire our consciousness and apply awareness to the changes we have in common.

Taking up from where we left off last Thursday, there is one other thing that is notable about this second return of Chiron to Pisces. It is taking place in the midst of two notable cases of mutual reception, one of long standing and the other of recent development. That, dear friends, is where we will begin tomorrow.

Offered In Service

18 thoughts on “Not So Strange”

  1. Len, I am over the moon, absolutely. We had a long relationship, but with Chyron coming on strong, I had to let that one go hey-diddle-diddle. And yes, I did see the cow, but I was so busy playing my fiddle, that I could only laugh (I’m a Chinese dog). I weathered it fine, thank you – at least until the dish and spoon ran away.

  2. OK – so I was 2ish when Chyron went into Pisces the last time – prior to it’s discovery and naming. The next 17 years unnamed he spent visiting my sun in Pisces 8th house then my moon in Aries 9th. I hope he was comfortable. Clean sheets and all. How many of us had these childhood visitations? Raise your hand. Or your wounded heel.

    So; like many of us, I’ve just had a Chyron return (18 aquarius 7th house) Whee?!

    I see too that when I was 19 – just after those long visits to Pisces and Aries during my mis-spent-youth – that Chyron was discovered and named while conjuct my midheaven (mid-wide orb to Pallas and Hades — what a great party crowd, eh?).

    Heracles was conj natal Pholus in Aquarius at the time of Chyron’s discovery as well.

    Since Chiron and Pholus were both injured by Heracles arrows it seems non-coincidental to feel them all together, then and now. (This party is getting better and better! Best open a keg of wine.)

    And with my natal Heracles is in Pisces, he’s there to welcome his old friend Chyron too.

    And of course, Heracles is in Pisces now too, (where they both spends much of their time) but he’s miles ahead of Chyron. Probably for the best, Chyron can get settled in before Heracles whips around and back again.

    Well – fascinating — hm, many of us PWers will be 100 ish when we enjoy Chyron returns and long visits to Pisces/Aries again… Well, I know I’ll be an old-hand at Chron transits by then…..or old anyway.


  3. aword – did you just say you were over the Moon? What’s the weather like up there? Did you see the cow? Thank you – here all week.

  4. toddy,
    Once again, please look at last April. Just for hoot’s sake say Pisces equals the ocean and Chiron functions to make us aware of the weakest link. Bada bing, bada boink. Timing, awareness, transition. Also, please listen to that John Lennon song.

  5. “…on a grander scale it has to do with a holistic approach to any problematic phenomenon. The wounding of Chiron and its ultimate resolution were part of bigger scenarios. He and his example were symptomatic of something more widespread, indicating something about the vary nature of his epoch, his reality and those who were a part of it. Chiron’s predicament of being an immortal with a mortal wound served to focus attention first on his example and then expand that awareness beyond the specific to the whole.”

    can you give some more detail, len? i’m not sure i understand what this means… or point me in the right direction to find out more about chiron… thanks! xox, t

  6. My natal Sun was conjunct with Chiron, only a few minutes and seconds off in the sky. Last year was my Chironic return (not sure, but certainly closer than this year), and the last seven years have been both wonderful and tumultuous. It has not always been easy or painless, but generally each year has gotten somewhat easier, and fuller in spirit.

    I tend to feel nowadays that I’m only just arriving to the party; as if I am now ready to see life as it really is, as I need to experience it. I have felt like celebrating every day this week, not just the Friday to come, and do so in little ways each day.

    Thanks, Len!

  7. Hey, nobody mentioned the Aries Moon today, the Monday Moons of 2001 have an unbroken record in cardinal signs.

  8. Hazel,
    Yes, you did give it a go. Vesta would be proud of you. Also, look at the timing, what has been revealed. No need to apologize, you have done well and preserved your honor. Feel sorry for those who do not comprehend the term, much less possess the quality.

  9. Well, for me last April was the time that all of this kerfluffle at the Animal Shelter started up, where I got to see what the management REALLY is like and it ain’t pretty. That’s when I started to disagree with them, to be more on the radar, and more the target of their “stuff”. I was determined to stay, to keep helping the animals and I gave it a good go too. But tomorrow, or possibly the next day, I’m accepting their offer to terminate my employment. One by one, all of the people I’ve worked with have been fired, this past week alone, three were fired. No reason given, and then, when I ask about it, I get an “invitation to leave the shelter” as they put it. I’ve been thinking about it for a few days now, I keep walking around the house saying, to nobody, because it’s just me here, “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry”. I feel like I’ve failed even though I’ve done a lot of good, I still feel like I failed and the shelter, which was a dinky little sad thing when I started working there seven plus years ago, is still a dinky sad little thing, NOTHING’S changed! All the money we made for it is just “gone” and even the shelter veterinarian, who used to have these cool ideas and tried to innovate has just stopped talking about new things, she just keeps her head down and works and tries to not be fired along with the rest. Anyway, sorry to be a downer, the rest of life is great and this weekend we had an emergency at the shelter and the public responded with wonderful compassion, donating blankets, heaters (the natural gas was shut off for a week) for the kennels, foster homes for the animals so they can be warm, etc. It was so wonderful to see the public (the REAL power at the shelter) rise up to help us so much, that made it a good ending for me, such as endings go.

  10. cmassy,
    Sincere compassion extended to you. My heart goes out to you. My Chiron return came before the conjunction with my natal Sun. Not sure if the order makes a difference. Neither was a picnic but, in my case, at least the word inconvenient was more appropriate than hammered. The realization of the blessing came in retrospect, that much must be admitted.

    Jere: great to see your poetry again. Saturn and Venus are in mutual reception right now. Although that’s the subject of tomorrow’s blog, the main thing that distinguishes this cardinal sign case is short duration combined with acute angle. There’s more, tune in tomorrow.

    My hero.

  11. cmassy, have you ever beholden a traditional Chinese hammer crafted wok? It’s Mona Lisa and Beethoven!

    Fe, have you heard the comedian Bill Hicks? (I wouldn’t mention him if he wasn’t a Soul).

    Len, Venus and Saturn! ….! ..? ..! …

    Pam, Yes! Clean, in a Chironic methodology. Penetrate that focus into/unto yourself, See the space open up as the clutter is cleared.

  12. I had Chiron conjunct all 5 of my planets in AQ and opposite my Asc. and Uranus in LEO.

    I have been hammered by an variety of unpleasant events from ’06 so not much in the way of “blessings” for me. In a strange twist of fate, when Chiron leaves my sun, I then go into my Chiron return (my natal Chiron is at 4 PIS).

  13. (edited by Fe 10:03 PT)


    Tomorrow Chiron will conjunct exact on my natal Ascendant.

    SR chart has it with Neptune in the 5th house, conjunct to my natal Merc at 29-30 Aqua. is this fun or what?

    So far an overabundance of friends and family and lots of laughter. And I hope great for art.

    Been thinking alot of my writing using my comic skills. Need to give them a brush and polish. Looking forward to the year.

  14. Pam,
    Thank you. Were i a Pisces, i would feel blessed by the timing as well as the length of time Chiron will spend in the vicinity of my natal Sun.

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