Next World Stories Update

Hey there.

We are in the last stretch of finishing Next World Stories, the 2009 annual edition of Planet Waves. I have just filed the 11th horoscope, Sagittarius and have just one final edit to go, Aries.

Next World Stories
Next World Stories

I’ve had my head wrapped around this project since August, and nearly around the clock for the past five weeks or so. As I said in a letter this week to Next World Stories subscribers, I’ve poured nearly all of my writing energy into the horoscopes. At nearly 4,000 words per sign, they add up to a full interprtation of the zodiac and also of the extraordinary transits that are now influencing us. Here is the introduction to the horoscopes, by Christine Farber.

There are five additional sections, indicated by those pretty-colored icons that adorn the product description. They are all gorgeous. A section called This World’s Stories features the writing of some of your favorite contemporary writers in our field: Nancy Sommers, Christine Delory, Philip Sedgwick and others. This is the section with the full year-head overview, numerology, an excellent article on Pluto, Capricorn and Dionysys, and more. Another section called The Next World’s Stories has a collection of outrageous visions of the future by our Sci-Fi writing team out west, consisting of my friend Carol van Strum and her two sons. And there is a resource area with dozens of charts, a short book I’ve written about Eris, a key to the astrological houses, and much more. Even if you order just one sign, you get access to all of these extra areas. Check this link for the latest prices.

We know these are difficult economic times for many people. It has always been our tradition at Planet Waves to put our products within reach of as many people as possible. If you are someone who needs a special discount, please write to with the subject header, in caps, SPECIAL DISCOUNT REQUEST. We will reply with three different options for how you may get access to Next World Stories for a price you can afford. The option you choose will be on the honor system.

To all who have pre-oredered — thank you. You will be hearing from us, the great god Mercury permitting, by this time tomorrow.

Please stay tuned.

Eric Francis
Still in his kitchen…

1 thought on “Next World Stories Update”

  1. P H E N O M E N O L O G Y – A new word for me to fall in love with. Christine Farber’s intro to Next World Horoscopes is a delicious description of what you (Eric) do and have done for 10 years +, along with the team of dedicated writers and experts that make up Planet Waves.

    Now, if you don’t mind, I will go back and re-read (at least once!) Ms. Farber’s words and await your finishing touches on the highly anticipated Next World Stories. (then you can sit down and rest a bit!)

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