Next World Stories: Research Team Wanted

Dear Friend and Reader:

Good morning, this is your captain speaking. It’s a spectacular day for flying here in Kingston, New York, and as I am writing the Scorpio birthday report on this last day of Scorpio, I have an idea. For Next World Stories (the 2009 annual edition of Planet Waves) we need a chronology of the Pluto in Saggitarius era. We love these chronologies at Planet Waves; they put things into perspective. The chronology would cover from the beginning of Clinton’s first term through the current time. Highlights include the impeachment of Clinton, the “Battle in Seattle” anti-globalization protests, Y2K, Sept. 11, the F-14 antiwar protests, and all that stuff.

I suggest we work with a team of three people on this. Ideal people are good at doing research and also at writing short, punchy little blurbs that sum up something in clear terms. You will have well under one month to do this, so you need to be relatively free and ready to start soon. You don’t need to be an astrologer, but it would be fun to have one on the team to fill in the big aspects that were taking place at the time. Some are very interesting. For example, the Battle in Seattle coincided with the Chiron-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius, making it one of the peak moments from another perspective as well.

If you’re interested and ready to start, please drop a note to editorial – at – Librarians welcome. Also, if you are a history freak and would like to do a chronology of the last pass of Pluto through Capricorn, or if you are already working on one, please drop a note.

We are working to make this our most fabulous annual edition ever — for those who want to subscribe, look for an announcement in this space Monday.

love and lovingly


3 thoughts on “Next World Stories: Research Team Wanted”

  1. Hi there. I would absolutely love to do research on the 2009 annual edition of Planet Wave.
    Look forward to hearing from you .


  2. I’ve been keeping a journal for the last 30 years, but it is all personal stuff. It is always fun when astrologers name past dates in relationship to upcoming aspects. I go back through my logs and always find something interesting. Not necessarily relational but informative nonetheless.

    The Pluto in Sag years have been brutal which is how I found astrology. Being knocked out cold by every facet of the system I adhered to, during this transit, I look forward to the team’s findings. I do believe I fell victim to the larger trends. But after what I have experienced, why would I believe anything. Prove me wrong. I can’t wait.

  3. As you know, I’m a great big research junkie, but I’m also facing the end of the semester in December, so I couldn’t possibly commit to heading this thing up, tempted though I am. But if you need support people, feel free to drop me a line.

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