New Years Day

Editor’s Note: We accidentally ran Len’s Thursday article on Wednesday (today). Now that it’s been up for a few hours we’re going to leave it here rather than recall it and run it again; and I will be back with the regularly scheduled audio blog in a few hours; and I plan to fill in for Len tomorrow. -efc

Editor’s Note Addendum: We originally posted this piece without fixing the references to when the Full Moon and other transits occur (since it’s being read a day earlier than planned), which is late Thursday into Friday. Please note those changes have been made. -Amanda

and we can break through,
though torn in two,
we can be one.

–Bono / U2

Long ago, at the age of five, I was allowed to stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve for the first time. When the hour came, while dad was leaning over to kiss mom, I rushed from my seat in front of the television to look out the window. My father was watching. He knew what I was thinking. He gently and sadly informed me that nothing had changed.

Every New Year’s since, providing I’m awake at midnight, I have gone to the nearest window to look again. One such time an awareness came upon me that nothing was the same. It’s a strange paradox. Change is both gradual and all at once. Tomorrow’s aspects and transits are an opportunity bridge that chasm. To bring our consciousness into concurrence with events, above and below, in the spatial and the temporal, that are increasingly in synchrony with each other. A co-incidence that took a long time to achieve. A peek at what it means to be one with.

Late tomorrow or early Friday (depending on where you are) is a New Year’s of sorts. For the first time since my father was five, Uranus makes a transit into Aries. Just minutes before, at 23:07 UTC (7:07 pm on the east coast of the United States) the Sagittarius Full Moon exacts its opposition to the Gemini Sun. Just hours later, Mercury passes the degree where it stationed retrograde back on April 18th and breaks a little new ground of its own in Taurus.

For now, it’s the Uranus transit that dominates the scene, but it is not taking place in a vacuum. The planet associated with sudden, unexpected, quantum leaps returns to a sign that is not at all uncomfortable with that prospect. Soon it will be conjoined by Jupiter, in itself an event that occurs only six times during the 84 years it takes for Uranus to orbit the Sun. All this in the midst of multiple, functionally continuous oppositions to Saturn and squares to Pluto (once in a generation aspects). All of this in turn, on or about the early degrees of the signs that herald a change of season for everybody, anywhere in the world. A specific orientation that takes centuries to accrue.

And that’s not all. The Galactic Center, classified as a fixed object on your ephemeris, recently moved into twenty-eighth degree of Sagittarius after about 60 years in the twenty-seventh. Weeks later, Eris, with a current apparent motion of eight one-thousandth of a degree per day transited from the twenty-second to the twenty third degree of Aries.

All the hardly ever’s are coming together. All the big circles are coming around to the same point at the same time that the small ones are. That point where they are merging literally corresponding to turning points in cycles that all human beings experience. Those experiences literally representing phases of our individual lives. Our individual lives increasingly informed by a common awareness. Our common awareness rapidly becoming our identity. Our common identity gradually becoming…… one…… Bada bing. Bada boom. Got a glimpse of it through the glazing, didn’t ya? Come onnnn, yeah you did. Then it went away, didn’t it?

It went away because we are not there yet. There are still some who would rather start a war than cop to getting caught being naughty. There are those would would rather end life than lose profit. There are those who would rather that you starve than surrender their dominance over you. Then finally, there’s you and me who can hear the other person’s stomach grumble but not yet experience the same feeling as when our own does.

And that’s the next step. Assuming we have not already stepped off the edge and don’t know it yet. And what if we did? Wouldn’t you want to go down going up? That’s where a little thing called faith comes in. Might want to give it a try. See you at the window.

Offered In Service

20 thoughts on “New Years Day”

  1. Patz,

    Your ability to weave the information here into a very understandable pattern is not so unlike the weaving of the brilliant Pallas-Athena, or even tiny Arachne, who on a good day could out-weave the Goddess! Thank you for expressing your thoughts.

    As many astrologers have been saying, Uranus in Aries will force us to shuck our pseudo-selves and, as you say, become in harmony with our hearts and intuition. One of those astrologers, Ella Moss puts it this way: “It is going to be up to us as individuals to uphold the Light, and Neptune (esp. when in Pisces) and Uranus (in Aries) are going to give us a little hand there during the next decade. After all, all the disasters that befall the human kind are there to forge the kindness of the heart, so God may enter it.” (my parenthesis)

  2. Thank you BKoehler for the symbolism of Libra 2. As I read through everyone’s comments each one is so appropriate for the times and your reference. Hazel with her lock of the safe showing perfect timing for things to be revealed. Moonrose being so aware of people being oblivious to their effect on another. Victoria recognizing the symbol of the owl. Those with inner turmoil. GaryB with the transformation of consciousness. And, all others whose comments contribute the the greater whole.

    In my perspective if we follow the premise of “As above, so below”, we can see the energy of the oppositions of the planets as we see the oppositions within ourselves. We have been oblivious as to how we have automatically embraced our identity through our associations of the past as they had no realization of how their behavior affected us even though inside ourselves there was an awareness that we are different than the identity that was imposed upon us. Our sadness says that if I am not my past then who am I ? If the very people who were to support who we are did not love, support and approve of the self that we feel inside, then we must be wrong and we accommodated them so they could be right by becoming what they wanted us to become. But at a certain point in life (the click of the lock), one must look at the oppositions and see if the past identity was correct? The chaos that ensues is what we see as the betrayal, rebellion or conflict with our past perceptions and what we see of our present and our future selves. Or, as we see the owl in our lives which represents a maturation of abilities, skills, knowledge and awareness we must then transform our consciousness with a redefined or redesigned identity that represents the more appropriate present self now through a state of wisdom (again the owl).

    When we get out of our head (conflict, frustration, upset) and become in harmony with our hearts and intuition,we then are in our wholeness and then and only then can we be at peace and bring forth our true authentic creative nature. As with Hazel’s safe, the door is now unlocked and as with Uranus we can now unearth and discover all of the hidden treasures that have up until now been hidden.

    So with the process of centralization of Libra 2 I sense that it is not so much to balance the scales or change the opposites, but it is to remember that we must not be swayed by the extremes, but must be centered by being the fulcrum. Only when we are centered and use the whole of who we are can we be our most creative. And, when we do…we are transformed.

    Thank you for indulging me in my thoughts.


  3. Gary, Gary! How excited I am for you! Your creativity is alive and well and in a remarkable time too. There are 4 oppositions in the chart for the moment Uranus touched the Aries point on Thursday evening. Four oppositions including 9 of the major planets and 10 if you count Chiron. Don’t believe me?

    Sun opposite Moon
    Venus (conj the south node) opposite Pluto
    Mars opposite Neptune (and Chiron)
    Saturn opposite Jupiter (and Uranus)

    This leaves Mercury in Taurus the only planet free from any opposition (from a major planet) and he/she is trine the north node in Capricorn. In my home town, Mercury is in the chart’s 5th house of creativity. What a great starting place to do something creative! Plenty of challenge and yet a clear path to making a difference in the material world (Taurus). I remember finger painting too. Thanks for reminding me of that joy of freedom and innocence we had in childhood!

  4. bkoehler,

    Best wishes on your quest to be a new person come March 2011! As of late, I have looked into my eyes in the mirror and if the eyes are the window to the soul I am starting to see that new person coming into place for a full launch come spring of 2011.

    I have in the past had my hopes and dreams but it feels much different and exponentially more than that. I can’t put my finger on it but it seems like a wonderful place I have never been but more than capable. Kind of like that time when I was in kindergarten, finger painting, when I felt the most creative!


    Gary B

  5. Amen Gary B,

    However, I must of not projected all my personal chaos, ’cause I sure got a lot of it underfoot right here at home. Will do my best to transform it, safely and creatively and hope to be a new person with a new sense of order come the NEXT Uranus into Aries in March 2011.

  6. bkoehler,

    Thanks for the reference to the symbolism for 2 Libra.

    The 2 Libra point does indeed seem to be tied to the times. With all that is going on in the world it would be the solution for the chaos we are all projecting. What better time, than now, with all of the aspects to this early Cardinal point to release all of our personal and collective baggage in the present moment and transform the energy into new creative outlets. Uranus opposing the point for awhile should trigger that new creativity.

    Gary B

  7. Okay Gary, it is the right “http” but that didn’t work for me and rather than send you on a wild goose chase, here is how you can get to it if your are interested.

    Google the following:

    Astrology, super galactic center, meaning, Libra 1, black hole

    At the bottom of the page there is a selection that reads:

    Sidereal Astrology-Next Moon Cycle-Great Goddess Circle. . .click on it and go down to A Total Lunar Eclipse.
    (it was posted March 6 2008 by Milena) GOOD LUCK!

  8. Here you go Gary….Libra 2
    Keynote: A repolarization of inner energies leading to a creative centralization of consciousness.

    Dane Rudhyar says “this symbol for Libra 2 refers to the process of centralization in the Self (the creative Reality) after the experience of fulfillment in the perfect Form of manifestation.

    There’s a paragraph or 2 about the SGC at the site below, or at least I think it’s at this site. I found it last night and wrote it down. Trouble is, it took me a while to find where I’d written it and there’s no id with it so not sure it’s the right place! Sorry if it is the wrong site and I will check it myself and if it’s wrong, will re-post the correct place.

    vicvega, awesome story about the owl and I absolutely loved it. Thanks for posting.

    Patz, you’ve really been thinking and you have given us a lot to think about. I’m glad you were able to follow your thoughts and get them on paper. Wish I could do that! Does this sabian symbol resonate at all with you?

    under heading: A Total Lunal Eclipse (just found the right piece of paper!)

  9. Very interesting perspective from Gary B re: the Super Galactic Center. Here’s another perspective I’d like to throw out there.
    If we start with just a moment prior to the Big Bang theory, we had ONE or Order. The Big Bang was the start of Expansion or Change toward limitlessness. If we look at polarity then we see Separateness and Chaos at the other end and everything else in between.
    In our world in a microcosmic level we experience that same polarity and everything else in between with duality reigning supreme. What if in our consciousness we experience the same thing? Feeling whole, then chaos, then expansion, change, then calm, integration then introspection, perhaps back to being whole.
    What if…
    – the “hardly evers” that we are seeing such as everything being pulled toward the black hole or the Super G is the very beginnings of the contraction of our separateness back to Original One.
    – we are so connected to the greater whole that we are experiencing the same changes from expansion to contraction?
    – Bono said it simply…and is right?
    – Gary B, is correct and we are raising our consciousness from our microcosmic selves and instead sensing and seeing the macrocosmic interconnectedness in one another?
    – we see our limitlessness and give expression to our interconnectedness with the Universe and bring Heaven to Earth?
    WHAT IF…
    -Order reigns supreme and we again become ONE?


  10. Well, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate this perspective Len.

    In mid-April I really started feeling myself hanging on barely on a lot of levels, challenging me more than any Merc. Rx I can remember. F$%^! Intense purging of painful “old wounds” that didn’t even feel like mine-more ancestral, but also tangible in my own life. It was a doozy……my Intuitive counselor told me it would be late May before a shift would come and that the “next 4/5 weeks would be a lot of treading water for dear life.” Kinda felt like some of those birds in the Gulf…..

    During this time, I’ve been graced with a Hawaiian Owl, the sacred “Pueo” visiting me out in the country on the property where I dwell in Maui. These are VERY special and highly regarded animal spirits in Hawaii and are highly recognized as a “kinolau” (physical manifestation) of “‘aumakua” (ancestral guardians).

    Since that date I’ve been graced with about 10 visits from the same Pueo. Outside my window at 2 AM while I was crying myself to sleep, hooting/singing on my porch while I played guitar, and it even left me a feather on my doorstep-an incredible gift that I am so grateful for.

    Today, I saw it flying around the property and then it flew away……2500 ft. down the mountain, towards the ocean. Feels like a shift to me…..

    Mahalo (Hawaiian for Thank you),

  11. Len,

    To start the discussion about the astrological significance of the Super Galactic Center:

    There are several sources for both the massive size and the mythos of Super Galactic Center. Michael Erlewine, Nick Anthony Fiorenza and Phillip Sedgwick. The SGC far eclipses any of the known cosmos we regularly discuss. My understanding is that there is a super cluster of about 200 known Galaxies at the center of which is the SGC, a point that is very near or at the point of the Galaxy M87, which is a black hole thought to be about five billion times as massive as our Sun. I think this gives this point at 1:46 Libra a great deal of importance, especially since everything we know is being drawn toward it .

    Jupiter and Uranus are in conjunction very close to the opposition to the SGC in early June. Saturn,Mars and Venus will conjunct this point in early August in opposition to transiting Jupiter and Uranus. Jupiter and Uranus will then retrograde and come back to this opposition point in early 2011.

    I do not know what the Sabian symbol for 2 degrees Libra is but I would be curious if anyone knows.

    My gut feeling is that as we have so often heard that no problem is solved at the same level at which it was created. The SGC is not pulling all we know just towards it but toward higher consciousness, as this is the place of our spiritual origin. In the sign of Libra, with Uranus opposed, we are being asked to come into a true relationship with ourselves so that we can become whole and become of service to the collective. How better to make the shift in this time of major transformation, (Pluto in square to both points). How the open leg of Cancer plays out in the Cardinal Grand Cross square this point, may be a point of discussion as well.

    Gary B

  12. Hazel1 wrote: I get a mental image of the door lock of a big safe, as you turn the little dial on the outside, there are concentric circles that move round and the knobs on each circle click into their own special place and when they all are where they’re supposed to be, the door opens.

    I got goosebumps reading that.

  13. Gary B.
    Good Question!

    Since the Super G is pretty much a fixed point, it’s no excuse that it’s not in an ephemeris (so far as this bumpkin astrologer knows). As you noted, it does have that cardinal point location, location, location going for it and as result would seem to resonate with the tropical time coordinates used in western astrology. It’s within spitting distance of the ecliptic. Lots going for it.

    Do you know of any astrologer who has developed a mythos for the Super G?

    It would be fun to start a Planet Waves consensus on thie astrological interpretation of the Super G. Would you like to start? This could be the beginning of a beautiful achievement.

  14. I found this humorous as I’ve been seeing dates all wrong today! Saw May 23 but looked twice and it was May 31, for example…

    I plan to be in prayer and fire tending about that time tomorrow. Should be a pleasant New Years of sorts.

    I like what you say, Len, but what gets me is when I walk through the city and I see others “apparently” oblivious to all of this good stuff going on. For instance, the man who was bellowing at two teenagers for walking through a raised bed between the sidewalk and the street instead of going around it… and this section is public property even. It made me really sad that he would find something so petty to raise such a fuss over and in such the manner that he did. And the woman I was walking near said, “And it ain’t even hot outside yet.” I found that somewhat of a premonition as today it’s been quite hot out, and it makes me wonder how that man is faring under his collar.

    I get discouraged sometimes, sometimes often, about the state of the world but then, I think, if it can happen to me then perhaps others, too, will make their way on a wing and a prayer.

    Patricia MoonRose

  15. Len,

    Both Eric and yourself always mention the Galactic Center in late Sag. I have not experienced anything overwhelmingly significant from contacts/aspects in my chart or others that I know from that degree. I would like to hear of your thoughts about the Super Galactic Center at 1:46 Libra, very near my Libra Sun, that would be of significance with these early Aries point aspects over the next year.

    Gary B

  16. I always feel planetary stuff the day before. At home with a migraine today–common phenomenon with me during Uranus shifts that seem to exacerbate already fluctuating hormonal and adrenal levels.

    Nice image of the safe Hazel.

  17. Len,

    I get a mental image of the door lock of a big safe, as you turn the little dial on the outside, there are concentric circles that move round and the knobs on each circle click into their own special place and when they all are where they’re supposed to be, the door opens. (thinking of the safe at Gringotts in the first Harry Potter movie, but my image is circular and I think the one in the movie was up and down).

  18. I love a day early….I love holing the possibility longer.

    I feel like crying and I don’t know why, except that I am very touched by the tone that is set here, By Len, by everyone. Love!

    Thanks All!


  19. Len,

    I would have sworn that was your tummy I felt growl. . .did you try some of that damn bear?

    Shebear, you got bubbly on ice? What a great idea. It does feel like a New Years Eve, or maybe even a Memorial Day. I agree with you too that Len’s story a day early is a nice “coming attractions” preview and gives me a little more time to find that opportunity bridge. So many cycles, so little time.

    Thanks Len! Happy New World everybody!

  20. Hey I’ll take it, even if it’s a day early!

    Knee deep into moving here and taking a break from it all, to dive in and cool off at PlanetWaves — it’s getting up to 32o celcius here today in Toronto. Yeah, of course, Urs is moving and Murphy lays down her law again to make it the hottest May 26th in nearly 70 years!

    So Len your post gave me another set of goosebumps for the second time this week and I’m just going to have to put my bubbly on ice for one more day, and re-read it again under my Sagg moon — the one which I was born under! Feels like an incredible re-birthing at this end without a doubt.

    Thank you for all good wishes y’all!

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