New issue is on its way to our members

New issue is on its way to our website members.
New issue is on its way to our website members.

In addition to Eric’s take on how the governmental shutdown is more a spiritual problem than a political one, this week’s premium members’ issue of Planet Waves includes a special treat. For the horoscopes, Eric has tried something he’s always been curious about: he asked the Oracle for a reading for each sign. The Oracle is a divining tool that Planet Waves members have access to, and it responds eerily well to direct inquiries.

Today’s issue also includes astro-news briefs focused on topics as divers as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, California’s decision to allow nurse practitioners to perform a certain type of first-trimester abortion, and the latest in the GMO/pesticide battle in Hawaii.

Mercury is slowing down, and soon we’ll be in the sped-up, ‘out of time’ period between eclipses. Sign up for a free, one-month trial membership to Planet Waves’s twice-weekly mailings now, and get Eric’s expert guidance through what is sure to be a time of unexpected developments. You can also purchase today’s issue individually here.

9 thoughts on “New issue is on its way to our members”

  1. What happens if the US defaults on its obligations? The cost of borrowing increases, interest rates go up while the US dollar tends to depreciate, the ease with which the USA is able to borrow on its own currency decreases, the US dollar increasingly loses its role as reserve currency. Who benefits from that?

  2. Ou. Came here to say: I want to share the main article, very much.

    Happy to hear it will be available. I like that you occasionally do that.


  3. That lunar eclipse is at 25 deg Aries; it falls in my 8th house (other people’s money; inheritance) and it is conjunct my Sedna (the abandoned/betrayed daughter) at 26 deg Aries and opposing Ixion (the tyrant) which is at 25 deg Libra in 2nd house (my money). I am not sure how to read that.

    The eclipse sets off Sedna (abandoned daughter) which forms a yod with my north node which is at 24 deg Virgo in 1st house (my self); (do north nodes count for yods?) and Vesta (the hearth) 24 deg Sag in 4th house (home and family) and Jupiter (good fortune, expansion) 28 deg Sag in 4th house (home and family). The eclipse also forms a square (work and obstacles) with Mars ( energy and/or aggression) at 29 deg Cap in my 5th house (fun, children) and conjunct (easy flow) Ceres (grain goddess mother who wins back her daughter) and Venus (love and beauty); both in Aqu (knowledge and light sharer; friends) also in my 5th house. My head is spinning already; can anyone make sense out of all that? I am confused by now.

    Astrology is hard sometimes.

  4. Eric, I hope you feel moved to share this lead article with the public. You make some really good points and may offer the only viable solution that we can hope for. No wait. I have a better idea. Let the public subscribe en masse and read your proposal.

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