New edition, big Aquarius weekend

Dear Friend and Reader:

We’re now publishing the new edition of Planet Waves Astrology News — our premium subscriber edition that comes out each Tuesday and Friday morning. This week we take another dive into the mysteries of Aquarius, which sign will be seeing plenty of action through the whole year due to the presence of slow-moving planets.

Here is an excerpt:

When I get into a habit of staying in my photo studio, I’m isolated from television (and surrounded by art), and somehow my life is different. Besides not being blasted with advertising, I am relieved of the burden of a non-stop barrage of that which is supposed to scare me, for example, how many jobs were lost this week. I still hear about it; but I only read about it five times instead of being blasted with it the usual 275 times via television

I wonder what good this kind of “news” does for those who don’t think they have something meaningful and productive to occupy their mind and their hands, besides terrorize them. The thing about our particular economy is that so much of it is based on confidence. This includes banks lending to one another, and my tab at Dominick’s Cafe across the street.

What we get hurled at us so often seems to be fear for its own sake; a kind of substance that absorbs any remaining traces of creative energy, confidence and awareness, making sure we get as plastered into unreality as is possible. In our time, one question of Aquarius is, how stuck do you want to be? And do you recognize fear as the agent of that stuckness? Do we recognize that fear eats creativity, it distracts us from love and it derails erotic energy — the source of all abundance?

We have spent a lot of time looking at astrology websites and print magazines, and there is nothing quite like Planet Waves that we’ve ever seen. Our business model involves creating subscriber services that in turn support the free materials you get here several times a day. If you’re one of those people who is always thinking of subscribing, now is your chance to sign up, get a great publication and make a real difference.

Here is a page that gives you several different options using our secure order system. If you don’t want to sign up online, call Chelsea at (877) 453-8265.

We will be back with more later in the day, and check back all weekend for the Best of Planet Waves sex writing.

Eric Francis

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