Moon ingresses Virgo, Mercury sextiles Mars, Sun trines Saturn, Venus ingresses Sagittarius, trines Aries Point and quincunxes Mars

Exactly a year ago as Pluto made his first conjunction to the Galactic Core in 248 years, we saw the execution of Saddam Hussein. Yesterday, saw the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. No matter how intense the astrology, news like this is always a shock. The highly charged Aries Point is beginning to send out it’s shock waves, and will continue to do so until we get the message. What the implications of this situation and its effects will be on our currently extremely fragile world only time will tell.

But for now, if there is anything we can be sure of at this moment politically or personally — change is certain. As Mars approaches Pluto, we will soon see this story is far from over.

Overnight, the Moon entered Virgo and over the next two days will make a series of powerful aspects to major and minor planets. On a personal level, Luna in this mental earthy sign will hopefully be a welcome respite from any intense yearning and turmoil we’ve been through. I keep saying this because I look around me and I see people are really not having an easy time. We are still coming down from the energy of an extremely potent Full Moon that brought many emotions to a boil.

Over the next few days as the Moon passes through Virgo it trines the Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun in Capricorn. Trines can be easy aspects but the danger is in letting them slip by. To really make use of this energy we need to put in a little effort. There is potential now for a deep strengthening of bonds, if we can swallow our pride and decide to work together.

Saturday, as the Moon trines Mercury, she is also approaching an opposition to Uranus in Pisces; Mercury sextiles Uranus later that night. Letting go of critical tendencies — in ourselves and others, is the only way to happiness at the moment. The alignment is awakening an explosion of feelings, inspiration and creativity from a source deep within. Creative pursuits can actually begin to take concrete shape now if we focus our energies right; and is this involves matters of the heart, its time to put down our defenses and talk it out. If we allow it, passion will find it’s tongue and this time around it can actually be coherent and effective.

On Sunday, the Sun trines a retrograde Saturn in Virgo giving us much needed solidity in this time of upheaval. This is a chance to resolve some buried issues in an effort to move forward successfully. We can look forward to some much needed grounding, from a familiar source as long as we are willing to listen with compassion and work with ingenuity.

Also on Sunday, Venus ingresses Sagittarius trining the Aries Point and forming a quincunx to Mars. In Scorpio, Venus has taken us on a slow tour into the depths of our hearts, drenching us with sexually charged energy. Hopefully this trial by fire has shown us the purity of real love and compassion that transcends all adversity and darkness. It may have felt like drowning at times but hopefully we have gathered some pearls from our journey to the bottom.

Like the phoenix rising, Venus now enters Sagittarius allowing our hearts to soar once again. As she trines Aries Point, we are likely to see an outpouring of grief over Bhutto’s assassination. But the alignment to Mars is likely to cause a bit of friction.

Venus desires freedom, while Mars is churning up our need for security and bringing to the surface all our insecurities. We need to be careful of saying something we don’t mean just to get a reaction. Sensitivities are heightened, and in our defensiveness we can be just as hurtful to another. We automatically assume the worst case scenario sometimes, without really listening to what another is trying to say.

As someone recently said to me “If only we men and women wouldn’t by default assume the worst of each other, or of the situation. Why can’t we assume or hope for the best?” We need to tread gently in our intimate relationships right now. Don’t allow past resentments to interfere with your current opportunities for freedom. With all the other supportive alignments between the Moon and other planets, we can actually reach a break through if we try.

Our past is our past and does not dictate the future, it is time we opened up our horizons. Venus in Sagittarius is re-birthing the fire in our spirit opening us up to a more evolved state of being. In spite of all the tension and reasons to worry at the moment, we should soon start feeling undeniably more optimistic about everything that seems to be currently looming as a dark shadow.

— Priya Kale, NYC


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==Full Aspects

Moon enters Virgo (direct)
Mercury (12+ Capricorn) sextile Psyche (12+ Scorpio)
Vesta (3+ Aquarius) sextile Hylonome (3+ Sagittarius)
Venus (27+ Scorpio) quintile Nessus (9+ Aquarius)
Pandora (9+ Scorpio) opposite Ceres (9+ Taurus Rx)
Pallas (8+ Pisces) quintile Galactic Center (26+ Sagittarius)
Sun (6+ Capricorn) septile Hidalgo (15+ Scorpio)
Mars (1+ Cancer Rx) septile Ceres (9+ Taurus Rx)
Mars (1+ Cancer Rx) square M87 (1+ Libra)
Ceres stations direct (9+ Taurus)

== Archive Quote

“The Sun is now in your opposite sign Aquarius which is emphasizing the most important relationships in your life. Yet many planets are about to arrive in Aquarius which means new people new circumstances and new opportunities. There are challenging busy days ahead. It’s a good thing you’re so talented at holding your center and remembering who you are; these are skills that will come in handy over the next few weeks. Yet I reckon from all this activity that you’re about to learn something truly extraordinary about yourself; a major discovery is on the horizon. It’s most likely to come through someone you meet and respect greatly.”
— Eric Francis, Planet Waves Oracle, Jan 26, 2005, Leo – Daily

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