Monthly horoscope for Aries, April 2009

At a certain point we all learn to stop judging ourselves. It could be sooner; it could be later; but in terms of saving time, emotional energy and conserving opportunities that only come once, the sooner the better. One thing you might have to get over is the notion that the kind of self-critique you’re accustomed to makes you a better person. I don’t think it does. I would say that the only possibility we have of being better people is awareness, and the gradual, repeated choice to surround ourselves with aware people. In the trapeze act of life, we need to work together and the main thing we need support in is consciousness. What you seem destined to learn over the next few weeks is that having a fixed concept of who you are, or who you’re supposed to be, is the basis of your overly critical opinion of yourself. Judgment requires criteria, and when those are unconscious, unreasonable or unrealistic, then the assessment is more of a mental or emotional trip than it is a g rowth process. You’re working toward an extraordinarily rare moment of being able to let go of the self-concept that is at the heart of this crisis. With it, you may find yourself letting go of certain ideas of why exactly you deserve so much attention. You do, but it’s for reasons other than you think.

2 thoughts on “Monthly horoscope for Aries, April 2009”

  1. overly critical opinion of myself?? me? oh my. I know I must be beaten about the horns to
    get this concept. I’ve read this horoscope last week, but this morning it has a new resonance for after all this is the first day of the the rest of this life!

  2. Hmmm…

    This could apply to me right now … looking at my chart – the sun has just gone over my DC …

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