What does June have in store for you? The Planet Waves monthly horoscope by Eric Francis will be on its way to subscribers by around 9 am Tuesday. This edition includes an introduction focusing on the events of the next four weeks (Jupiter entering Taurus, two solar eclipses and a lunar eclipse), as well as extended forecasts — as only Eric can write them — for each of the astrological signs. For instant access, visit our subscription store.
hmm, wow. lunar eclipse conjunct natal sun in the 6th opposing ascendant?? Not sure I’m prepared for that.
Not “seems to” it does work very well. Thanks for answering that.
Carrie, the answer is, I model my work after artists and musicians — not (for the most part) other astrologers. I look at the chart, and I tell the story; not literally, but with a sense of narrative and harmony. I write in language designed for humans. It seems to work pretty good!
Oh and one last thing….no alcohol needed here to write. I never have needed anything for that. People who know me have often accused me of too much wordiness. ::::grin:::
Wow, Eric. Thank you so much. These are so what Dave (my husband) and I are dealing with now. His are the Scorpio one (his Sun) and Capricorn (his rising) and mine are the Pisces (my Sun) and Virgo (my rising).
He and I are talking about things…daring, sexual things….like inviting someone we both can trust to share our sexual lives for a time. That someone would be male because that’s what both Dave and I feel most comfortable with (that part about needing the same gender in the mirror in Dave’s horoscope was amazing; it’s what he seems to need). Right now it is only talking for him but I am seriously considering it because I think it would be healing for both of us. This person would have to be deeply connected to both of us before it would happen and would have to be willing to be a side person because ours is the primary relationship (because of the kids and our deep love for each other) so the extra person would have to be someone who doesn’t mind our union and who doesn’t want a long-term relationship per se; someone who has his own life and doesn’t particularly want a committed relationship and who has worked through issues like jealousy and possessiveness. Someone who is a highly evolved, sensitive, open, honest, bisexual; a caring male firmly in touch with both his feminine and masculine sides. That’s not to say there wouldn’t be a long term relationship if he wished it; just that the third person would not need to commit to anything. Oh and he would have to be “fixed” because I can still get pregnant and at 51, that’s not what I want right now. And I would not want the other person to get hurt.
:::laughing:::: Finding such a person may be the hardest part. He would have to connect very well with Dave for me to feel comfortable with the whole thing; I don’t want David hurt in any way. This isn’t for the sex per se, it is about connecting deeply with another.
My rational self says it won’t happen because where would we find this third person? Do we even have the time to devote to this? I don’t want anyone hurt in any way. Am I crazy to be thinking of this? Both Dave and I are perfectly happy in our marriage and sex life. I don’t know why we both are thinking this way; only a few months ago I would never have even thought we would be going in this direction. Why now? That’s the part I don’t understand. I mean it seems to have crossed our minds at the same time unbeknownst to both of us until I spoke of my attachment to another. Amazing; Dave and I are so in tune with one another.
Does this really mean our marriage isn’t as wonderful as I thought it was? Does it mean we are just wanting an excuse to have sex outside it? Are we both fooling ourselves? It doesn’t seem so; it feels like we are moving into a deeper, even more open and honest relationship and getting closer. We have always tried to be honest with one another; is this just a natural advancement in our emotional progress as human beings?
:::pinching self:::: I can hardly believe we are even talking about this. Is this really me? Is this really Dave? Is this change in us going to mess up what we have? What we have together is precious to both of us. It is scary and I worry how something like this would affect our kids; do we hide it? Letting them know may make them feel threatened. I cannot harm them. So many things to think about. ::::deep sigh::::
How do you do it, Eric? How do you hit it so accurately every time? Thank you so much! And thanks for creating this safe place at PW for me to explore these intense and sometimes overwhelming and scary feelings I am having. This is truly the best and most healing place to be. I wish my husband came here; I have been suggesting PW to him because I think he would love the support and safety PW offers for the feelings he is having right now. It has been way easier for me to explore my sexuality; I am a lot less repressed than he has been. He says he wants to be more free to explore his.
Sorry to write such books here but as this edition said, I am feeling like writing, I am good at articulating my feelings and and I love it anyway. If anyone here prefers I not do it I can stop.
:::back to your regularly scheduled comments::::
Well, of course, I mean that in the most “how do you do it?!?!” sort of way. Every single time … you totally get Aquarius and, as you must know, not many people do. Knock me over with a feather kind of stuff here:
Wow. This is my mom and I verbatim:
covetous, possessive, narrow, proud and stuck
“Am I wrong for existing?”
Very well done, Eric. How you manage to go deep into the astrology and emerge from the murk bearing cut diamonds is beyond me.
partial solar eclipse in II!
that must be the harbinger of me packing my bags for LA and going
to work as a nanny !
(but I can’t read the whole thing…)