Monday: Sun conjoins Pluto — The Will of Transformation

Dear Friend and Reader,

The Sun has arrived at a total conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn today, adding a surge of energy and light to an already crowded sign. Now that the planet of will stands face to face with the planet of transformation, it might be a good time to ask: what is stopping me?

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

There are so many planets that endow our solar system with things to contemplate and observe on this planet we call home that I realize it’s a strange indulgence to pick favorites. Nevertheless, I do have two archetypes that I enjoy a very personal relationship with, and one of them is Pluto.

Mythologically speaking, Pluto is the keeper of the domain where change takes place. Underground seeds go, bodies moulder, water flows, creatures borrow through their personal journeys. It all remains unseen, yet when it is revealed the power is so undeniable as to change the entire scope of perception. One very grim example of Pluto’s power unleashed is the atomic bomb. I’m not going to explain the science of the bomb itself adequately enough to teach it, but basically an atom is split. An atom, the basis of matter, is opened and its insides are exposed to the outside world for all to witness. The power that was unleashed was so potent and so undeniable that the trees still don’t grow there right and no one of that generation can look at the sky without suspicion.

If we can begin to understand Pluto’s power in a more balanced respect we may find ourselves on the path of some real empowerment. Luckily for us, this transit doesn’t last for more than a day, but it will be a day in which you may find yourself looking at your surroundings in a whole new way, engaging the basic day to day with brand new motivations.

I would suggest that Pluto conjoined with the Sun is a combination one can contemplate as a form of inner immortality. It creates an image of a body going through its physical, emotional, psychological, psychic changes with an orb of pure essence in its belly that does not change. Perhaps this is life essence, spirit, soul or any number of the identifications that can fit it. This conjunction could be the symbol of the phoenix, who rises again to a new triumph after the old form has been fed to the transformative pyre. It is the core of the entity coming through in a brief encounter with honesty and with a need to repair a faulty system.

There are many things in all of us that we would like to keep and things we would like to change. Usually, in my experience, the things we would like to change tend to be the things that we have learned from the outside world, or that we have adopted as fitting reactions to circumstances beyond our personal, physical control. It is a challenge to change some of these things. The Sun-Pluto conjunction is a strong one. It’s one that you can feel in your belly, or in the back of the head.

We cannot deny the fact that the Sun is interacting with Pluto at the edge of our solar system. Why should we deny the changes that can take place when we invite them? Today society’s protective coating may seem like a tarp lifting in the wind: we may just get a glance at what’s going on in a deeper sense.

I’m going to keep my eyes peeled today and my radar on high! Today is also an Aries Point day, so it’s not a bad idea to keep the news on low and running.

Merry Met,

Genevieve Sophia

2 thoughts on “Monday: Sun conjoins Pluto — The Will of Transformation”

  1. I am in this strange battle about an old boss and whether what he did amounted to an actionable offense (sexual harassment) many years ago … and if so, so what? what’s to be done. The whole mess feels super-murky for me, emotionally charged and confusing. I want to let it go and move on but I have to say that I’ve always wondered what that one planet (Pallas Athene) is doing in the 10th house opposite Vesta … maybe this is my deal … hell, nothing else is happening for me career wise, perhaps this is it?

    Thanks for stirrying up my thoughts.

  2. I’m glad you told me/us about how you see the Sun/Pluto interaction. This would explain my physical experiences which, before, had no explanation! I forced myself to go out and buy kitty supplies even though I didn’t feel good. In my head or in my belly. All I knew was that if I completed this chore, I would be through with shopping until a day or two after Christmas. Wondered if I was catching something, but am relieved that it will only last this day. Granted, my head and belly could be considered part of a faulty system, but will deal with that next year. Will check the news in a while to see how the rest of the world handled this aspect. THANK YOU!

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