Monday: Jupiter Squares Eris: “Should I Stay Or Should I Go?”

Dear Friend and Reader,

Jupiter squares Eris today and Mars conjoins Hylonome. These aspects combine a sense of the outcast with the courage and desire to work through private grief for the purpose of healing.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Dwarf planet Eris was first spotted in 2003 by Mike Brown. When she was first introduced to the public she went under the name Xena, as in the bisexual warrior princess from television Xena. Her arrival on the seen of our consciousness shook up our whole perception of the Universe. Because of her, Pluto got demoted from planetary status, and Ceres got promoted from asteroid to dwarf planet.

One of the most well known myths starring Eris recounts the wedding she crashed when she was left uninvited. Feeding upon the egos of the three most powerful Goddesses in attendance, Eris rolled a golden apple into the crowd upon which was inscribed: To The Fairest. A pageant was held between Hera, Aphrodite and Athena (even the goddess of wisdom was not exempt from such folly). To make a long story short, because of this, the Trojan War ravaged the city of Troy and killed a countless number of souls.

However, myths are metaphors about the human psyche, and the delineations of planets don’t always follow them closely; the more important a planet is, the more it will tend to depart from the mythology of the name. Pluto is a good example. We understand that the ‘death’ aspect of the underworld god is almost entirely a metaphor for transformation, progress, sexuality and growth.

With Eris, the notion of discord is a factor imposed on the human psyche and its condition now. True, the world appears to be in strife, but this is not true most places on an overt level. What we do have is psychic and psychological strife; deep inner divisions within nearly all people (over our roles versus our reality, competition between the many aspects of who we are, and so on. We have problems in our homes that can result from the desire for freedom, and the fact of our own jealousy preventing us from allowing others to be free.

It is, however, worth checking in with classical mythology when an archetype appears on the radar. A description of Eris written by Hesiod tells of two different kinds of Strife (the word ‘Eris’ translated): “So, after all, there was not one kind of Strife alone, but all over the earth there are two. As for the one, a man would praise her when he came to understand her; but the other is blameworthy: and they are wholly different in nature.

For one fosters evil war and battle, being cruel: her no man loves; but perforce, through the will of the deathless gods, men pay harsh Strife her honour due. But the other is the elder daughter of dark Night, and the son of Cronus who sits above and dwells in the aether, set her in the roots of the earth: and she is far kinder to men. She stirs up even the shiftless to toil; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbor, a rich man who hastens to plough and plant and put his house in good order; and neighbor vies with his neighbor as he hurries after wealth. This Strife is wholesome for men. And potter is angry with potter, and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar is jealous of beggar, and minstrel of minstrel.”

In other words, Eris can also be looked at as competition, which puts her in very close relation to Mars. In ancient tradition, Eris is sometimes the twin of Ares.

Eric has written extensively on Eris since her discovery. He gives Eris one astrological dominion of the outcast feminine, or the roles of femininity that are very rarely tapped into in the name of polite discourse. In other words, Eris represents the women we don’t talk about, and all the ways we feel about ourselves that we prefer not to talk about: prostitutes, witches, lesbians, spinsters, widows and others who make us uncomfortable. For a deeper interpretation of Eris, click here to be taken to Eric’s article.

With Jupiter engaged in a square with Eris, I would suggest this as a situation of tension between fitting in with the greater world, and honoring a part of the self which refuses to fit in. Think of it as a question of whether to feed the wolf or the lamb today. It is a question that comes up frequently as we move forward into the uncertain future.

Now, we also have Mars conjoined with Hylonome. When you’re thinking of Hylomone, remember the keywords self-inflicted.

Mars and Eris both making major aspects today give today a surge of growth-oriented energy which lends a nice undertone to personal progress. According to our PlanetWiki project, Hylonome is associated with grief and the healing process, but it most often involves the grief we bring on ourselves; and public outcry. I found this intersting article by Liz Heddon relating to Hylonome, which suggests she is the force of longing associated with a need to be reunited with Source. Click here to check out Liz Heddon’s essay about Hylonome.

So, Mars conjoined the hunger for unification, and the grief of separation today suggests a kind of psychic capitulation towards the source of a personal wound. Pursuing the origins of a problem can bring up feelings of anguish and old sores which need airing out to heal. Combined with Jupiter square Eris today, the question of whether or not to join in the fray or to stay isolated arises.

The Moon enters Scoprio today at 11:54 am EST.

Merry Met,

Genevieve (with additions by Eric Francis)

2 thoughts on “Monday: Jupiter Squares Eris: “Should I Stay Or Should I Go?””

  1. Well, case in point, I decided this weekend, to just sit back and not participate in PW response mode, it is not working so well, is it?

    I also discovered I have some kind of pressure to perform thing going on. And found myself conversing via phone with a friend last night laughing hysterically at myself. She thought I was drunk.

    The cool thing is that I also let go of my fear of my Mother’s anhilation by the annointed powers of attorney. Magically, I no sooner relinquished myself of that role, when one of the annointed snapped to and is getting assistance to more effectively perform her role in this chaotic situation. The wingnut is tightening up her act. Ah blesssed relief. Do your friggin job already. If this Leo south node sister gets her act together, this family has a chance. And my Mother can rest in peace. I can now fall back on my cheerleader skills. Go team go. Who’d have thunk. What a karmic bunch we are. But that’s another story.

    Sorry to go nodal, but there is a party going on around a thing called my north node this new moon.

    What a driving force the need to belong is. That we would trade our souls to be one of something else. I imagine that has to do with other things in the chart, other lessons to learn or whatever.

    Thanks for the insight into the Mars Eris party going on today.

  2. I woke this morning with unaccustomed grief. I had a sense that the grief was the past calling for release and forgiveness. Your words offered me comfort and direction. Thank you!

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