Weather report from in our solar system

Hey now.

Short reminder today that Mercury is switching directions (called ‘stationing direct’) at the moment, and making its precise station overnight Saturday to Sunday (2:10 am EST Sunday). This can be a strange time; often enough experienced as annoying for those not accustomed to the energy and as interesting (or a relief) for those who are.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

I learned something recently from a friend who is an astrological programmer. When you plot the movement of Mercury on a table and watch second by second in a spreadsheet that goes out to several decimal places, Mercury turns directions on a dime. It’s not “standing still” relative to the Earth even for a second. When you look at something distant like Eris, the relative motion of the Earth and Eris produce an event where Eris “stands still” relative to the Earth for about 50 seconds.

During the station, if you look in the ephemeris, Mercury will occupy the same degree for about three days (currently 21+ Capricorn). But if you look closer than the ephemeris (which lists daily positions) can go, you see that it does not stay still at all. Remember — Mercury is not changing directions, but its apparent movement, relative to the Earth, is what changes. And this produces real effects on Earth. One of them is a sense of information coming out. Another is communication issues resolve, or are seen for the real issue that was lurking below the surface.

Without being too superstitious here, leave your computer alone. Wait till Mercury is moving at least a degree a day (by midweek) to do any important changes that cannot wait;В  longer for those that are not really necessary.

Saturday is the fifth night of the Moon, which is in Aries. the Moon will be exactly square Mercury when the station direct happens. Also, at around 11:11 pm tonight EST, the Moon will make aspects to Mercury, Mars, Eris, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. It’s actually making more aspects than that; I am using a short list at the moment.

Approximately every three days, the Moon is jumping into an existing aspect structure with numerous slow-moving planets at 20 degrees or so of their signs. Today is one of them.

The next time the Moon will reach the 20 degree mark will be Feb. 3 (which is also Imbolc or Midwinter holiday, by the way). Imbolc is when the Sun reaches the exact midpoint of Aquarius; which is the midpoint between winter solstice (summer in the Southern Hemisphere) and spring equinox (autumn in the southern hemisphere). These cross-quarter days as they are called mark 1/8th of the year having passed by. They are the mini-seasons; and related to the semi-square aspect of 45 degrees, because they cover 45 days of time. For those of us here in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the the tipping point of winter. We might feel that spring is beginning — but not quite yet. That’s in six weeks, at the equinox. For the moment you could say that winter is starting to lose its tight grip. I’ve been feeling this psychically for a few days now and the spring feels really amazing from my vantage point.

As Imbolc happens next week, Venus will ingress Aries (where it will stay for quite a while, due to the upcoming Venus retrograde), and we will revisit an exact Saturn/Uranus opposition — that would be the second of five, exact Feb 5. I’ll be watching all these developments for you as the week unfolds.

If you’re curious about something, pull down the “About” menu and drop me an email. If my desk is less than six inches thick with charts, tarot cards, asteroid glyph tables, scattered Compact Flash cards and the ephemeris, I will write back. I’m also taking short, sweet questions in this space as well. If you can keep it clear and simple, I may be able to get to it.

Eric Francis
Cold sunny day in Kingston, NY

17 thoughts on “Weather report from in our solar system”

  1. Be writes: “Also, those words. . (talk of giving, giving, giving). .are meant for a general and wide-spread audience and not meant for the likes of you Virgo/Pisces types who are programmed to be that way already. . .”


  2. victoria,

    “I think it is easy for us to get confused and giving turns into responsibility and that really doesn’t let others learn accountability.”

    Well said and I totally agree. Also, those words. . (talk of giving, giving, giving). .are meant for a general and wide-spread audience and not meant for the likes of you Virgo/Pisces types who are programmed to be that way already. I also know how guilt can take the joy out of caring for oneself and diminish the value of giving (to others) if it causes one to become bitter, resentful or ill. You were Virgo-wise to end it when you did. There is a lot of fight in that sign.

    I’m happy you are feeling good; I’m envious of your biting (but adorable?) pony, and I think what “that was all about” is called survival of the fittist.

    ps. re: Venus rx that Eric speaks of……the narcissism of Venus (rx) in Aries would be a negative manifestation. Maybe he will give us some positive ones tomorrow!

  3. be, I hate to be bold, but today was really good with the let go. Shook the law man’s hand, told him of my plight, he said yes, shook his hand and left.

    I cannot tell you how good this feels. I hope I am not being narcisstic (I don’t know about venus rx eric speaks of) but I feel like I am learning how to take care of myself again. It’s been a really really really long run for me. Why ever should I feel guilty about taking care of myself? Why ever should I feel I have to play myself down into non existence so others can be more? I am tired of taking the hits for everything. And I am tired of having to clean up after the annointed ones. As little sister says, let em fry. Them’s harsh words for me to swallow.

    The thing is, there is all this talk of giving, giving, giving, and I’m all gived out at this point, not unlike where I was at the 1990 eclipse point. I think it is easy for us to get confused and giving turns into responsibility and that really doesn’t let others learn accountability.

    The let go has happened. There ain’t no goin back. There’s only forward. Even guilt couldn’t drive me back. What was that about again?

    PS My pony’s name was Trigger. My sister’s pony’s name was Jolly Girl. They were nasty nasty shetland ponies that got fired from the pony-go-round because they were biting kids. But my father always liked a good deal.

  4. victoria,

    If I understand your words (and probably I don’t) “Was it ever really there in the first place?” to mean the happier memories of your mom and family, then I can really relate to your grief. I’m so sorry for all the wretchedness you and your loved ones are experiencing. There must be a reason it has to be but damned if I know what it is. I do know that the excessive grief doesn’t last forever. Neither does it go away completely or soon enough. I’m glad you have people you can turn to when you have had your fill of isolation. You don’t strike me as a woman who would withdraw completely and that’s heartening.

    The trickster went rx just about a degree ahead of where the eclipse that was conjunct Jupiter took place. He started his backup on Sunday the 11th. I didn’t notice any associated problems personally until the eclipse on Monday the 26th. By then Mercury was back in Cappy where he’d previously been in late December. The Wretching Royale we indulged in had to be influenced by Jupiter (too much is not enough) don’t you think?

    Anyway, the trickster will be back to that 6-7 degree of Aquarius around Feb 20-21, along with Mr. Opportunity, the north node. Let’s see how we all are faring by then. Jupiter will still be in the vicinity, along with Mars & Juno. Surely there is a pony in here somewhere!

  5. I keep getting moderated and have been struggling to post anything tonight!! Anyway, my reason for posting the link was triggered for me by the вЂ?what women want’ discussion, but it can go under this post – I don’t care as long as it goes up! It’s a total piss take on the kind of stuff that my mum had to endure when she was learning to be a young lady…enjoy! Women – know your limits!!

  6. What happened with the Rx of the trickster? Normally, during these 3-4 weeks, I hear from no one. I fly solo and wretch in my own self disgust. And do alot of journalling.

    This one has been like a mass movement of wretching. We wretched together. We wretched against and were wretched against. It was a Wretching Royale.

    I felt the isolation of differences and the sweetness of commonality. The honesty of the awareness was sometimes wretching in itself. I greived at a level I never knew existed. The letting go of what used to be. And the let go dissolved into the question ‘what was that about again?’. I can’t remember what it was. Was it ever really there in the first place?

  7. lorin, as my LA lounge lizard friends always used to say, hard economic times are great for musicians. In my locale, the weekend is back. The money is compacting to Fri-Sat nights. Speculation is that there is less money being spent out during the week. ???????????????????????

    It’s in your heart, it’s right. Screw fame, do it and you’ll have done it.

  8. lorin,

    It does sound like your ship is coming in and I’m so happy for you! I also bet that you as a Capricorn could very well run things better than the bureaucratic system. More power (Pluto power!) to you.

    And to Fe and Paletiger. . . .keep following your dreams too!

  9. Not sure where to post this, but I have been searching for it as it tickled me so much when I first saw it. A great sketch from a show in the UK called the Fast Show. This was triggered for me by �what women want’ discussion, but it can go under this post as any. It’s a total piss take on the kind of stuff that my mum had to endure when she was learning to be a young lady! Enjoy!!!

  10. thank you, everyone.

    in fact, the happenings this week on the dream front are what have pulled me out of the “treading water” feelings.

    i have been involved with this music (dance music, house music) for fifteen years, throwing events this whole time and deejaying them for eleven of those. yesterday, out of the blue, a colleague from the UK called to say that he and another Brit will be in the states in March (for the Winter Music Conference) and that they want to come to Memphis to play my monthly event. this is HUGE. these are folks who are plainly “living the dream,” who i have looked to for inspiration, and who have (much to my surprise) treated me like one of their own.

    as this happened, a long time friend and client offered me a frequent flyer miles ticket to WMC in miami this year, and five minutes later i found a place to stay, exactly where i would want – a place that i can walk to and from all week, spending no money on cabs, etc.

    so, in the course of a few hours, after a month of totally crappy news, i have true heads coming to Memphis, and a low-budget trip to an experience that was last year the time of my life. i figure i must need to be there because i am surely not going to not be on that dock if there is a smidgen of a possibility that my ship will be coming in.

    the simple fact is – i cannot NOT follow my bliss. imagining traveling the world and playing house music and singing and dancing and making records – that makes me happy. so it MUST be right. and so, somehow the rent will get paid.

  11. Trying again with this link as it was in for moderation last time…This was triggered for me by вЂ?what women want’ discussion, but it can go under this post as any. It’s a total piss take on the kind of stuff that my mum had to endure when she was learning to be a young lady! Enjoy!!!

  12. Not sure where to post this, but I have been searching for it as it tickled me so much when I first saw it. A great sketch from a show in the UK called the Fast Show. This was triggered for me by ‘what women want’ discussion, but it can go under this post as any. It’s a total piss take on the kind of stuff that my mum had to endure when she was learning to be a young lady! Enjoy!!!

  13. Lorin – I was just logging in to say that you and I are going through similar paths, and when I finally logged in, lovely Fe had already said same (happy birthday to you Fe!). However, it’s still worth saying.

    Everytime it gets to the point that I think I may have to rethink and come off this particular road (because surely I should just go back out there and get a proper full-time, slave to the salary job that my heart and soul won’t be in, like I used to have), something powerful within me gives my a fairly insistent nudge in the ‘keep going’ direction. There is no going back.

    The other thing I remind myself of on a daily basis is that I am living it now. And despite all the uncertainty around money, which I would love to be rid of, I am loving my life. It is worth it. So keep on keepin’ on.

    With love.

  14. lorin:

    You might say that you and I are going through similar paths, though I do have a 9 to 5 gig that pays the rent, I am caught abit short this week, which came as no surprise given the retrograde.

    But mine did not start in early January. Mine actually started when my computer went down a month before the actual retro, which eric had told me once is likely to happen before a retrograde as well. That’s also when my money situation went south and I’ve been coming in from behind paycheck to paycheck.

    Putting out creative calls to earn extra income and will seriously hang out the shingle next week. You and I are both chasing our dreams, as alot of energy invested the last month or two has gone into totally vital creative work that will ultimately lead to bigger dividends.

    This feels like the proofing period, before the bread is pulled into its final shape to be baked. I will never let up that what I want to happen will happen. Now is the time to keep antennae up and not back down.

  15. well, my financial near misses are still close to being a direct hit. still working to live my dreams as a deejay and singer and have had some very positive developments on that level this past week. however, still short on rent and unsure of where that is coming from, and i have an emotional investment in being on time and in full with my landlord, who is a wonderful person. trying to pick up cleaning gigs since the coffee bar job is not paying the bills despite the vigor and good energy i put into it, and working on resume to try and find a better monday through friday gig to support the dreams. i am sure it will work out, but i do feel like i am treading water on the money tip. i try to remember that it is all an illusion, but when the man comes calling it becomes difficult. i do know (from growing up with little to no money and still feeling loved and protected) that everything is going to be ok. i can thank mom for that.

    the biggest thing that helps me is to let myself be angry or frustrated in the moment, and get it all out. i am so thankful for a mother who told us it was ok to feel anger and express it, and that having those feelings had no bearing on how much she loved us, and that she is still around to be here in those moments. once i get that out, then i feel calm and clear and able to take action. and from realizing that i must let go of my Capricornian frustration at feeling like i could get things done way faster and more practically than the bureaucratic system, if they would just let me take over and design/handle it all. must. let. go. – and trust.

  16. It’s been rough here too Lorin. . . . .200,000 homes & businesses in my city have been without electricity, some without phone service too, due to snow, then ice, then snow storm that started early morning on the 27th. Luckily, I was spared that, but was holed up for 4 days taking video and stills of the incredible scenery. Then my still camera quit working, as did it’s charging stations. Then my bad-boy neighbor, (in the condo beneath me) who had been gone for 4 months returned with a puppy that cries and cries when the bad boy leaves. Another neighbor told me he could not get an email to me but don’t know if that was his problem or mine.

    I figure for me it is drill time for disaster preparedness (food, batteries, communication devices) and plan to buy one of those portable fireplaces that burns fuel in cans. I hear they put out the heat without much danger of fire. Interesting that losing your contact list turned out to be a positive after all. Also, that “trusting your gut” thing; way to go.

    My one financial wake-up call wasn’t a near miss, but a direct hit. But it was a good thing in the end and I feel sadder but wiser. I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my cherry tree due to the ice, but brother thinks probably only the parts (limbs) that needed to go anyway. Hope so. I think my situation is as much the eclipse 3 degrees from my Moon as it is Mercury rx; a powerful combination in any case!

  17. this Retrograde cycle has been a tough one for me on a nuts and bolts level. car broke down twice, last my entire address book (three years of contacts) in my phone yesterday (which was initially traumatic but now i have the feeling of a clean slate), and a host of financial near misses. on an emotional level, some information from the past came to me, allowing me to know the truth about my relationship situation and thus setting me free from it.

    interestingly, the nuts and bolts stuff was far more disturbing to me than what by most people’s perception would have been the disturbing thing – finding out about dishonesty from someone i trusted. unlike in my past, when i did not trust my gut and follow it, this time i did, and took the appropriate action, releasing myself from the situation. it felt good. it was easy, i would even say. so despite the traumatic nature of that, i felt as if i had made progress with my own process.

    been very intense, and on the back end of it i can see that i have been treading water on the faith level, so i feel relieved that we are moving on.

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