Mars New Year

By Len Wallick

Big Day. Long time coming. Mars finally gains release from its long retrograde cycle. When the red planet transits nineteen degrees, forty-two arc minutes Leo today it will be in new territory for the first time this year. Taking a hint from the Moon, which conjoins its South Node hours later, it would do us well to pause and look back before plunging headfirst into the future.

It all started on October 16 of 2009 when Mars made its transit into Leo. One day later it was in the first echo phase, the furthest point at which it would roll back. The retrograde station was December 20th, just before the Capricorn solstice, at the same degree Mars finds itself today. It stationed forward, in the first degree of Leo March 10th of this year, all leading up to today. That’s a long process. Seven months. Think back to mid-October, to late December, even to early March and think how much has changed. Mars retrograde in Leo was a through line, a part of the whole shebang. Now that part is moving on.

Like all planetary retrogrades this was an illusion created by the orbital motion of Earth relative to that of Mars. Over the millennium astrologers have noticed that the period of this illusory phenomena is synchronized with events. Unusual and/or seemingly consequential events. Events that relate to the characteristics of the planet and the sign or signs in which the retrograde takes place.

Mars is the ruler of Aries and the traditional ruler of Scorpio. Among other things, it represents our physical presence and our intentional, energetic relationship with the physical world. Leo is ruled by the Sun. Among other things it is associated with the presence of our conscious ego in the world seeking to express itself. Mars in Leo is a chummy relationship. The element of fire being associated with both, the imperatives of the planet and the sign are compatible.

Introduce retrograde movement to this chummy relationship and things become a little strange. It is as though the energy of Mars and the expression of Leo are still there, but driven underground. Extroversion gives way to introspection. Outward radiance turns inward to prolonged contemplation. Confidence yields to anxiety, muting enthusiasm. Forthright action seems more risky than subterfuge. Inspiration does not come, it must be sought.

With hindsight it seems that the most constructive thing to do during the Leo retrograde of Mars was not do, rather prepare. Any attempts to assert our will were often suppressed. Trying to subvert those forces of inhibition would seem to result in setback. By taking the time to get clear on our desires and needs, however, we were afforded the possibility to sort things out. During the forward echo phase we could shift ourselves to considering how to make possible what we had prioritized since the Capricorn solstice.

Now, that’s all behind us. Even if we have not done our homework. Even if we have spent the last seven months willfully trying to force things. Even if we have lost our temper too often and over too little. Even if we have been exposed, set back or frustrated, what’s done is done. It’s on to new ground. Mars will segue with the rest of the planets in an entirely new way during its remaining month in Leo. Avail yourself of the feeling. Feel the release, it’s a good thing. It’s fresh. All done for another couple years. Let it go.

And how to engage, how to mesh on this new ground? As is often efficacious, resort to the hints afforded by synchronous aspects, especially the luminaries. Besides the Moon’s admonition to pause and consider the Karma of it all, the Sun has something to say as well. As does Jupiter. As does Venus.

Today the Sun forms an encouraging sextile with Jupiter. This is sixty degrees of separation. This is an aspect of encouragement. Like a scholarship or a grant, it is an opportunity, a beginning upon which we can build. The Taurus Sun representing the imperative to grow in expression. Jupiter in Pisces representing the potential for expansion and possibility. Both open the way for Mars to unlimber and join in with newly enabled expression in the physical.

By contrast, Sol’s semi-sextile with Venus in Gemini (thirty degrees of separation) reminds us that we may not want to rush things too awful much. Seven months pacing back and forth over seventeen degrees can do things to your Mars self. It takes a while to adjust to being outside those boundaries. It’s not hopeless, mind you, just problematic. A benefic appreciates and responds to reciprocation.

Which leads finally to today’s square aspect, ninety degrees of separation, between the two greater benefics, Venus and Jupiter. Pulled inside and stretched outside. Both on the edge of a transit. Both in need of a vacation with none in the offing. There’s some tension that has built up. Good will has worn a little thin. With its talent for action, Mars can lend itself towards resolution and even re-creation. It must be informed action, however, and this is where the lessons learned come in. If we can settle upon a desired result to our action, apply our energy in a responsive rather than reactive manner, create space where creation is allowed take place — we can restore faith in ourselves as the true source of abundance.

Offered In Service

9 thoughts on “Mars New Year”

  1. Len,
    thanks for the new report, still felling very stuck with no prompt to get going as yet unable to move forward , maybe the energy has not as yet hit Australia, I have heard it said we are the last place on earth but to me the best place.

  2. Hazel,
    Thank you for your feedback. It fits. As regards to “full steam ahead” Mars stationed direct in the first degree of Leo on March 10, 2010 (if that’s what you mean).

  3. It just occurred to me that Mars retrograde is about the time I stopped working out every day. I just stopped one day and never went back to it, for no real reason. Now my arms and body feel “old” and yesterday for the first time I got back to working out a little, it felt weird but today I feel a lot better. I didn’t know that today was the day Mars is full steam ahead either, but maybe that’s what’s helping.

  4. plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is. . . . . .

    My teeth-jaw nightmare is releasing me; on condition.

    I’ve had to learn a new way to eat (slower and less) and chew, but I seem to have survived. My friend says it’s all about digesting things.

    Heading off to the headquarters of my democratic senatorial choice, Jack Conway, and hoping a day of phone chat will not be painful, at least where my jaw is concerned. Talk about an impossible dream; A democrat Senator from Kentucky? Why not. . it’s been done before!

    Thanks so much for your offering today Len, seven months IS a long time. It’s like a mini-Mandela-moment, you know? Like when that prison cell door swings open and you aren’t sure what awaits you outside? One step at a time I suppose, but I’m really counting on that Sun-Jupiter sextile.

  5. After an application process that has taken just over two months, I finally found out today that I have been accepted on to a psychotherapy degree course. I’m feeling rather battered about, so I am happy, but reservedly so. 🙂

  6. I thought I’d post the opening lyrics from the song Road to Nowhere by Talking Heads.
    It came on the radio just now, as I was finishing up reading this very fine post from Mr. Len!

    we know where we’re goin’
    but we don’t know where we’ve been.
    And we know what we’re knowing’
    but we can’t say what we’ve seen.
    And we’re not little children
    and we know what we want.
    And the future is certain
    give us time to work it out.

    We’re on a road to nowhere
    come on inside.
    Takin’ that ride to nowhere
    we’ll take that ride.
    I’m feelin’ okay this mornin’
    and you know.
    We’re on the road to paradise
    here we go
    here we go.”

    Like the previous posters I am feeling more than okay this morning and I don’t know where I’m heading in my life at this particular juncture, after one helluva wild ride for seven months Mars retro, but I know I am up for the journey.

    “Big Day. Long time coming.”
    SO true Len, so true.

  7. Whereas I, with my natal Sun at 19 degrees 29 minutes Leo and sitting right up there on my midheaven (in a not-so-cozy Uranus conjunction), am feeling today like I’ve been SHOT OUT OF A CANON! Bouncing off the walls, I can’t handle my own fire. By noon I’d already realized I’m better off retreating for the rest of the day – far too much energy for me to channel diplomatically. Precisely at a time that calls for extreme diplomacy (huge sigh!).

  8. Thank you. Really beneficial words. And, I didn’t know that today was the day Mars was out of the retrograde zone. This morning I woke up with a sense of “I can progress. I can do laundry. I can go on AGAIN.” It felt lighter and somehow ‘back to normal’. I had forgot how ‘normal’ felt.

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