Making Moon-day

By Len Wallick

Not to be rash but it seems like things are really breaking out all over. We concluded this last week by advancing the hypothesis that Saturn had broken out of the cardinal T-square. Today is Mercury’s turn, passing the point where its recent retrograde started on August 20. In astrological parlance that means it is out of the “echo” (or “shadow”) phase and moving into new territory.

Visualize a pendulum moving back and forth three times and you are seeing a planetary retrograde as portrayed on the zodiac. On the last day of July, the first swing forward started when Mercury passed the point of what would be its furthest retreat. That’s the shadow on the front end, about three weeks before the actual event. When the pendulum headed back that was the real deal part, the retrograde station on August 20. Finally, the forward arc began when Mercury stationed direct on September 12 and that’s the part we have just finished, bringing the cycle to completion.

In the meantime, the Moon is in Taurus for the second full day. Both Virgo and Taurus are Earth signs. Please recall that each of the 12 astrological signs is identified with one of the four elements of ancient western natural science and later, alchemy. Earth, air, fire and water and the qualities associated with each are part of what we take into account when analyzing the astrology of a given day.

Earth signs are interpreted as being engaged with the world as we know it through our senses. In addition to the sensual, these signs access the practical, the productive, the deliberate and the nourishing. It is where the tangible is manifested and appreciated.

Please also recall that the geometric relationships between signs of the same element lend themselves to an open and easy flow of support, understanding and communication.

It is worth noting that this geometric relationship, called a trine, can be too easy, lending support to predilections that may not be healthy or conducive to growth.

As a planet in astrology, Mercury is associated with how we think and communicate. In the ancient system of disposition it either rules or is exalted in Virgo. It is therefore well placed to express its qualities, especially as having to do with the type of thinking and communication that relationship involves.

Both Mercury and Virgo have a strong association with the 6th house which governs the basics of our everyday lives — health, staying healthy and our connection to work and working relationships. The conduct of your mundane daily routines, how they fit together and whether they support each other falls under consideration in this house.

The recent Mercury retrograde, going over the same ground three times, may have seen more rumination than expression. Such interior dialog may have been unusually deep and deliberative given that the pendulum swings repeatedly placed old Fleet Foot into tension with some of the powerfully spiritual, polarizing and confronting elements in Sagittarius. The extent to which this tension was dealt with depended upon our level of awareness and our willingness to act over the last couple months. The outcome may have been reflected in our routines and habits.

As a luminary in astrology, the Moon is connected with our emotional, intuitive, native selves. The child that lives on in each of us has a strong connection with the Moon. Being present to the mystery that persists in what we know best is an apt paradox for how Luna expresses itself. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, giving it an opportunity to express without burden or obligation. In addition to the second house connection with Taurus, the Moon really gets around. Ruling the sign of Cancer, there is the obvious fourth house connection to security and grounding. There is also strong affinity to the third and seventh houses which relate to communication and relationship, respectively.

Which brings us back to Mercury, which synchronously on the Moon’s day finds itself breaking free from the echo and shadow of a retrograde at the very moment it trines Luna. Mercury is now possessed with the wisdom of nearly two months of introspective experience, and primed to express that wisdom passionately and pragmatically. It is feeling the need to refresh and nourish the senses and compelled to integrate that need with the daily routine from which sustenance is derived.

For many of us, Monday is a call back to work. This is a call that we are prudent to heed but also wise to examine given what Mercury and the Moon are doing today. What is work anyway? Does it serve its purpose if it consumes us? Does our service remain worthy if that which is served is not worthy of us? Do our habits and routines sustain our relationships or cause them to deteriorate?

For many others, today is another day with no job and no prospect of getting one. For that growing number of people the challenge is framed differently. It can lead to a different form of confinement than experienced by those who have employment but spend all their time and energy just holding on to it. Either way, it’s a dilemma. Given the demands of either perspective, it would be understandable to dismiss the esoteric as a waste of time. For those of you tempted to feel that way, please reconsider. If there is a breaking out taking place metaphorically, it could just possibly indicate an opportunity accomplish one literally.

Mercury breaking new ground in Virgo, supported by the waning Moon, may very well be working out to invoke the iconic image associated with Taurus — a bull, or more succinctly, its horns. It seems probable that today may well function to make us aware of the symbolic dilemma represented by being caught between those pointed protuberances. Proverb provides a solution: to act, as in grabbing the horns and asserting control.

Of course, that is easier said than done. We cannot expect to resolve in one day that which has developed over many. We all have basic needs. For many of us food, shelter and clothing are difficult to come by and until those needs are met the rest does not matter much. For those of us who are fortunate enough to have food, a bed and clothing, there is already a lot to do. Perhaps lately it has seemed like too much, requiring us to juggle and triage. This does not leave a lot of time for theory.

If there is anything to astrology however, today can be a point of departure. Begin with two simple questions. Is there any sense that your creative aptitude is being engaged by what you are doing? Are you deriving something in proportion to your expenditure? If you can formulate an answer you will have identified the horns, your hands or both.

Offered In Service

6 thoughts on “Making Moon-day”

  1. susyc, wonderful writing, very strong and clean. thank you for it.

    Len, you too, beautifully expressed today as always and loaded with insight. Yes to (too?) much recent triage and yes also to the calling out of the names of the horns involved, yes, those very ones indeed. Thank you for the assistance in zeroing in on the needed focus. Very helpful indeed.

    Michele, I have not slept at all well the last two nights and cannot eat much either, but seem to have a fund of “get it done” energy from somewhere…. for which I am thankful. You be well.

    wandering, yes to your experience also, the utter necessity of claiming time for basic stillness is prominent here as well.

  2. Dear Daddy
    I remember the night
    You made yourself

    My eyes shining up at
    You in the moonlight
    At midnight

    My eyes the dividing line between
    You and our agreement
    The forgetting part
    Of forgiveness

    You made yourself stop
    Thinking I would
    Remember to

    And I did forget
    For decades
    Everything but that
    Last visit
    When you stopped yourself
    Before my shining eyes

    You thought that forgetting would
    Keep me safe
    From your betrayal

    Not knowing that
    Others would immediately
    Forge ahead

    On the path of our
    Already so solidly
    So firmly tamped down


    I learned it
    All too well
    Applying it
    In my four year old mind
    To all who came after
    The ones I didn’t forget
    To remember

    Only one careful enough
    To threaten me
    For it

    My silence
    For your life
    “Don’t tell your father

    He’ll kill me and then
    Go to prison for it.”

    I protected you
    You didn’t kill anyone
    But still I failed somehow

    To save you from prison
    The bars went up in your eyes
    The gates slammed shut
    On your heart

    And they stayed shut
    Even after I found my way
    Down the secret path
    Of forgiveness

    Until you came to my home
    In hospice and
    Dying’s kindness finally
    Opened your eyes

  3. thank you, len —
    it all feels apt today. and that too-easy Taurus Moon trine you describe seems to have played out in this little bull’s gross over-sleeping today!

  4. Len- my heart warms at your recognition of us struggling to find right livelihood and hopefully a paycheck. It’s felt mighty compressed around here. I get the 8 of swords over and over again. Yup, that’s about what it feels like.

    And thanks for the reminder- I’ve found in the last week that if I skip my still meditation practices of sitting and standing, even if I do the moving practices of taiji forms and bagua circle walking, I end up running around like a headless chicken in fear of the Man and accomplish much less than if I took the time to be silent, still, and receptive for an hour each day.

    Groove on, bro. Thanks for sharing your insight.

  5. Î cannot sleep. I have hiccups. Earlier today, I chose to take Monday off. Later today, I will think about the rest. If i get a wee bit of sleep. Intersting and apt post.

    @ Amanada… also.

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