Lunar Eclipse over the Mule Mountains

The end of the total lunar eclipse over the Mule Mountains in Cochise County, Arizona. Photo by Brendan.

7 thoughts on “Lunar Eclipse over the Mule Mountains”

  1. Thanks for this.
    I woke up early to catch the eclipse, but even at 7am, I couldn’t see the moon. I guess the buildings were too high on the horizon for me to catch it. At least I got your picture, and since we’re at least in the same state, it’s almost like seeing it… 😉

  2. Thanks, everyone!

    Fe – it was dead quiet here, with no noise, no activity, nothing except the moon sliding down the horizon. Only the cat and I were up, and she woke me in time to see it begin. A pause, certainly, and with dawn breaking when I took the last pictures – including this one – a peaceful point in time. Grendel watched me take the pictures too, and didn’t get in the way or otherwise try to steal the scene. She’s a sweetie!

    There were clouds at first too, which certainly made me a little peevish, as it seems that every time something big is going on in the heavens above, it’s cloudy here.

    Best wishes to all!

  3. Brendan:

    I had been up about two and half hours around the time you were taking this, watching the progress from dead of night to sunrise. As I was scurrying about the house doing some writing and visualizing, every step outside to look at the Moon felt like I was on a planet in pause. We had stopped spinning. Only the moon moved, or so it seemed.

  4. lovely!

    i was out photographing during the eclipse, but since it was 9:30-ish am here, there was definitely no moon. but watching it the afternoon dusk just after it rose yesterday was lovely through the thin cloud cover & reflecting off the sea.

    thank you for sharing the shot, brendan!

  5. Hi Jude!

    This was about 15 minutes before local sunrise, and some time before true totality. I’m at about 4100′, the hilltops at the horizon are as much as 6000-6400′ high (or less).

    Not easy to get up there either, but many border crossers go up and over the Mules to avoid the Border Patrol down on the lowlands.

    That being said, it was a special moment to have everything work and get this picture.

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